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Everything posted by thainet

  1. Your statement is a bit over the top, but yes it is true that many NZ'ers are going to OZ for better wages, plus the probable law change that covers kiwis for health/social services while in Aussie. But on the flip side NZ is starting to get many Aussie tourists now that travel is easier.
  2. Yes had some small claims---no problems, but this my experience only..others maybe different. One VERY IMPORTANT thing is the need for a Thai Licence. Most insurance companies don't tell you this, but if reading the very small print it is usually a requirement to make a claim.
  3. I do the same, a friend rents one of my cars. I just cover 'other drivers' on my MSIG Insurance. They don't have to be named, but can if you want to. Have done this way for years... So to the OP...you don'have to do anything, other than make sure you are covered on your friends insurance policy (and he should have 1st Class Insurance, with the Compulsory Insurance coverage paid also--645 baht a year). Happy driving...
  4. Depends on the landlord. For me personally I include it in my apartment rentals, but usually do 50/50 on my house rentals. I have standard contracts (that I made myself) and just massage them a bit for each new tenant and circumstance.
  5. Haha to the first part, and the 300 baht tax has been delayed indefinitely (and nobody really knows what it is for, or what/or if it will cover health related issues).
  6. Dont be silly mate...it is nearly 2 rai, and enough for at least 6, maybe more homes. Many new devlopment, middle of the road, standalone houses are only 80-100 sqm of land. (if townhouses then double that figure).
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