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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. You could always wait a few more months and buy a Rolex direct from a vendor in Pattaya.
  2. They should all work naked w/o a/c as it's now shown that cloth doesn't prevent the newest variant but heat kills it.
  3. How did you get a 7 day test on day 5? Boggles the mind. ????
  4. Just an observation but, they might be thinking "Why does he need a visa to visit his wife IF his wife is NOT in Thailand". ???? My thinking is, why do you want a 60 day visit visa if you're married? Why wouldn't you be trying to extend for a year based on being married? If you have enough money to throw away on an agent for 60 days, do you have enough to just get a 1 year retirement visa? (if old enough) You can always change back to married extensions in another year. You can do this alone (no wife required) iirc, for a very 1st retirement option the money in the bank only needs to be there on the day of application so, no seasoning. A VERY remote possibility is asking immigration if you may use a proxy wife with witnesses and video conference your wife during the meeting. I did this 1 year but my wife was stuck in the north at meetings and not out of the country. Her mother and father were there and 1 of our dear friends stood in for her. Extra questions were asked and extra forms filled out and signed. (this was pre-covid) (this was also in the boonies and not in BKK)
  5. There's a "Dip-Ed" course offered at the Philippine college in BKK that's recognized by TCT. If you're asking how to certify your existing credentials, that too is covered by the TCT website. คุรุสภา (ksp.or.th)
  6. So, the hospital phones and asks you to help them protect the nation and it's people from an, as yet, still developing virus that has caused death and destruction by simply relaxing in your own home for a week or 2 out of your life and you're asking how to go about violating that trust? Does that about sum up your post? ????
  7. Jethro Tull "Aqualung" reference name and avatar quoting Carly Simon. Nice contradiction. ????
  8. As an American, British sports are out of my "league" ???? and the only music reference that leaps to mind is Gordon Lightfoot's 1974 release of "Sundown".
  9. Shaken or Stirred? Best and easiest vodka to get here is the 1 the bartender pours into my orange juice. ????
  10. There's no requirement that the income is from overseas. I did 17 yrs of extensions w/o any overseas income. All of my income came from working here in Thailand. Also, as stated above, it's 40,000, not 45,000. Several offices (there is NO 100% rule in Thailand) will accept "averaging" (i.e. 55,000 1 month, 38,000 another, etc.) and "combination income-bank balance" (i.e. 200,000 maintained bank balance + 20,000 minimum monthly income) to meet this requirement. IF any of your group wants to/can still work, then there are a whole series of items needed such as valid work permit, valid contract, letter from employer verifying contract in real, tax receipt from previous year... A Non-O based on Marriage/Legal Guardianship and subsequent extensions have no age requirement. (obviously there's a minimum age) Obviously the "money in the bank" method for maintaining a Non-O is the least amount of paperwork.
  11. Yes. Basically it is for you to take the stage and start your puzzle with "The year I was born...". Now, not having been an angel, your mom nor your dad, your fact is a bit vague. ????
  12. So, and I'm just guessing here, 1954? ????
  13. Ok, we've pinpointed me, so, what about others? Lot's of interesting things that were are no more. ????
  14. I thought the legal currency in the UK was set to change to match the national language of Farsi.
  15. Locate yourself near where you're going to study, then pop into an expat bar and ask people directly. 80% of the best deals aren't listed on a website.
  16. NO fees and NO cut in exchange rate - the code used is AUTO when it goes in. (at least that's what the sms says)
  17. W/O going into personal details (yours or mine), I sent an email to Manila in Sept. 2021 electing to retire on my birthday in Oct. 2021. Had a phone call in Oct. 2021. Was told my benefits "earliest start date" was Nov. 2021. Gave them my BB account and the US based (NYC) routing number for direct deposit. 1st deposit arrived Dec. 3rd 2021. Doesn't get any easier than that.
  18. Buy 2 Bitcoins in the mid $40,000s and sell in the mid $50,000s. Rinse and repeat.
  19. Just a shot at some lighthearted fun and interesting items. Lay out a few interesting facts from the year you were born and see how close others can be in pinpointing your year. (try w/o Googling) The year I was born the U.S.S.R. existed but the E.U. didn't. The year I was born the Korean War was over and nobody knew about Vietnam. The year I was born Princess Diana wasn't alive yet. The year I was born Germany was the only country divided East and West while others were divided North and South. The year I was born America went from 48 states to 49. Pretty broad spectrum of hints so see how close you can be to pinpointing the year w/o Google. Next
  20. It's spent AND it's not 'upwards of" anything. It was 3k THB and no one else is doing it, she is.
  21. Nope, sorry but it doesn't gain world fame because YOU know what it is.
  22. Is "Pickle" the name of the guy who invented (stole) the idea for this as pickles and balls coexist but are quite dissimilar. ????
  23. Then to them I say: "Google is your friend". Reminds me of a question on an O-NET test: "John was besotted for not listening to his father before jumping into the water." Circle the best meaning of the bolded word. A. Made to feel ashamed B. Made to feel hurt C. Made to feel foolish D. Made to feel ignorant ????
  24. Unless you've been living under a rock since 2018 you REALLY should be aware of travel risks during this pandemic. ????
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