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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. I'm there right now. Wanna see me pee an icicle? ????
  2. More or less - I transferred to what was known as a "Cooperative Learning Center" where you weren't restricted by the teachers and could study at your own pace. Finished high school at 14. School was boring but the world revolved around "Peace, Love, Dope" at the time. ????
  3. So, can you give up what others deem inappropriate or unhealthy? I stopped doing what others told me to do when I was around 10. Mostly because the people telling me were miserable, unhappy SOBs and I didn't want to turn out like any of them.
  4. Water has no color, only the things in it do. There were no environmental studies "10s of thousands of years ago" so it's all best guess. Alien mind control affects people differently much like "the force" has more influence on the weak-minded. "You don't want to post your opinion here. You want to go home and rethink your life"
  5. In that case... Have the gf get a few poloroids standing over your decapitated body with a smoking gun and large knife. Make sure your passport is visible. ????
  6. Since the question was asked twice w/o response, allow me: Manafort was charged with various financial crimes including tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering. There were 18 criminal charges including 5 falsifications of income tax returns, 4 failures to file foreign bank account reports, 4 counts of bank fraud, and 5 counts of bank fraud conspiracy. He was also put in prison for 9 months before being convicted - even Bernie Madoff walked around free before and during his trial but he had a different boss.
  7. Does this sound a little pervy to anyone else? ????
  8. IF you're going to do it, do it right. Build it like a dune buggy (fast, fun and comfortable) and decorate it like a PI Jeepny (<-sp) then add sponsor banners from the top Muey Thai and MMA training gyms. (it'll give the "competition" pause) ???? post pics when you start
  9. Original question: How often does it happen? Take the total numbers of females in Thailand, divide by 2 then multiply by 6 (because some are still beginners) equals A LOT. ????
  10. Would this thinking also apply to Jolly Old England if they hadn't/haven't been kicked out of every other country in the world already? By your thinking, Ben & Jerry's ice-cream founders are correct and the US should be handed back over to the Indians? ????
  11. smell your finger after you get the "wet" feeling. If it stinks then it may be what they call "Swimmers Ear". Had this a few weeks ago and drops from a doctor held in by cotton balls (cut to size) cleared it up in a few days. As said above, see a doctor. PS I haven't been swimming in 30+ years so the name sounded strange to me too.
  12. Typical advice here - paying someone to do what you say isn't a relationship, it's employment. Threatening people into submission also isn't a relationship, it's a dictatorship. OP - You're sweating the load over a very temporary issue. Your kid, if truly gifted, will soon be smarter than both the mother and the teachers. (especially in a government school) IF your kid is truly gifted then you should start looking into better, private schools where he/she can excel. Introduce him/her to games like Sudoku. See if he/she displays any interest in something like robotics or mechanical design or even computer programing that put mathematical calculations into real life use. How's his/her English skills? Introduce him/her to books like "The Phantom Tollbooth". Reading together and doing fun educational activities together would give you both some great quality time and relieve a lot of the stress.
  13. The future was already depicted in the past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=HpxS80J5S2M
  14. sort of moot now but begs the question: Why didn't you get a Non-O retirement in the 1st place and just attend the classes you wanted? Would have been much easier. Ah, se-lä-vē
  15. an agent can't take your eye test nor sit for your photo. as you already have the car license, just take the papers down and have a bike permit added.
  16. OP - Since NONE of the advice or discussions about what the UK does/doesn't do is of any use to you, have a look here and see if an agency can help before your departure: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/how-apply/processing-times.html
  17. This is 1 of the bungalows we stayed in. Sorry but not the same guy. This guy was the uni van driver. He died of cancer about 5 years ago. Sad as he was a really nice guy too.
  18. My wife's university took a "Working" trip down there around 2008 and we stayed here. There were live turkeys running around. It was a great time. Is this place still there?
  19. Take her on a trip to "Little Thailand" in Queens (New York).
  20. My wife's mom loves Swesen's ice-cream and grilled river prawns. See if your wife has any insights in grandmas' "favorites" dept. When you "drop by" don't appear rushed to leave or bored. When grandma sees your genuine interest in getting to know her I suspect life will start to ease up somewhat and neither you nor your your wife will need to "shush" the family critics, grandma will. It's also a good way to practice your conversation skills. Chock Dee
  21. OP - Do you live near "grandma" and/or visit often? Do you speak Thai? Keep in mind that she's of the "War Baby" generation where many foreigners came through, made babies and just left the family hanging. Try taking her out for lunch and just chatting. Don't let on that you know anything about her comments and just get to know her, let her get to know you. (assuming you spend 99% of your time with the wife and 1% with the family) Winning grandma over will influence the rest of the family a LOT more than you realize. Separating the wife from the family should be a very last resort. Keep your wits about you and your emotions in check. I'm closer to my Thai family now than the 1 I was born into by a huge margin but it didn't happen overnight. We're about to celebrate our 20th anniversary but there were some bumps in the road in the early years.
  22. we DID find a 500 baht note on the dresser and they haven't been back. ????
  23. Never minded the visits, the pictures, the forms or the questions but the live sex show to prove we were married was a bit uncomfortable. ????
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