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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. Would seem simpler if they would just offer the 90 days at the airport when you get here for 1,900 thb. Would only need to open a small office and counter like they do for reentry permits on the way out.
  2. Check with HomePro (it's all in the name)
  3. Take GF and copy of owner's passport down to the local Amphere's office, slip in an envelope and "marry" him with the date before he left. Then have the nurse arrested for car theft.
  4. I've been looking and can't find if ThaiPass and 30 day Covid insurance are still required either. Coming back the 8th of Aug from the states. Left with 2 months left on my married Non-O extension and no reentry permit as we planned on staying much longer.
  5. Then Theos 2 is obviously NOT their first and your defense of an error would say what about you exactly?
  6. If it's their first, why is it named #2? Did they try and launch #1 from their aircraft carrier is Sataheep?
  7. Do you need accommodations for your private jet and yacht as well? ????
  8. Aw Man, I thought this was going to be a golf thread. ????
  9. Avoid Blood Pudding as it sets off the cadaver dogs.
  10. Around 35k and healthier:
  11. Then this is a poll of the truly out of touch and/or stupid because before making it legal, children and youth made up 70-80% of the users. Those are the people that didn't think or care about jail for getting high. Are these same people concerned over the inappropriate/illegal use of tobacco and alcohol among children and youth?
  12. Agree - There should be NO 'premium' for something you've already paid for all your life.
  13. Agree, the Medicare should be treated exactly like Tricare and cover everything, everywhere. My earlier point about lower vs higher wage earners and check size is that only the higher wage earners can keep living as they were accustom to. People who are 100% necessary to keep the country moving but work at low paying jobs all their lives suddenly find themselves in poverty and then get penalized because they paid off their house making them ineligible for assistance due to assets. If it weren't for laws prohibiting taxation of inheritance, they'd die at their desk.
  14. Your Parable cheats the small business owner for being nice. Before the deduction he was receiving the full $100 for the drinks but after his generosity in giving the men a $20 discount he was actually only receiving $79. 1+3+7+12+18+59=100 2+5+9+14+49=79
  15. You want to cut some spending and shift some spending to those that deserve it and worked for it try starting here: The welfare budget of the federal government is comprised of 13 unique programs as shown below. Federal Spending in Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 in Billions: The federal budget increased from $4.4 trillion in 2019 to $6.8 trillion in 2021. Main benefit increases On 1 July 2021 All main benefits will increase by $20 per adult per week. Kind of dwarfs your "Elephant" to a mouse. A solution 'could' be to instate a "draft" and all people between 17-35 who are unemployed, not in school and physically able be required to enlist in the military for a minimum of 6 years followed by reenlistment or job placement. They'd learn a trade and still be getting all the services (medical, housing, food, etc.) that they get for doing nothing. On Topic: I hope they put a cap on who would get the extra $$ per month and limit it to people receiving less than $3,000 a month now. Wouldn't bother me if they just made that the minimum benefit amount. There are a LOT of people that worked faithfully all/most of their lives that didn't earn tons of money but WERE crucial to keeping the country running. My 1st job that paid into SS earned me a whopping $300 a month (and YES, at the end of the 60's that was taxable)
  16. This 1 is nice too - You can enter all countries, transit and end to see what you need for all: Travel Restrictions (joinsherpa.com)
  17. We're basing these moves off of this information: Eligibility As a U.S. citizen, you may file a petition for the following “immediate relatives”: Your spouse; Your unmarried child under 21 years of age; or Your parent (if you are 21 years of age or older). If your qualifying immediate relative currently resides in the United States and wants to apply for lawful permanent resident status, they may apply using Form I-485 at the same time or after you file Form I-130. See our Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status webpage for more information. If your qualifying immediate relative does not live in the United States, they must wait until we have approved your Form I-130 petition before they apply for an immigrant visa through the Department of State. See the Consular Processing webpage for information about how to apply for a Green Card as an immediate relative. It seems contradictory but I can understand how/why some people file from abroad and some after they are in the states. We can always ask and adjust our approach as things move forward.
  18. Nationality and Geography - 2 criteria I've not considered before when seeking professional help he did, see above - he's now taking the next obvious step, asking here
  19. and yet, if they sneak across from the south they get free housing, free medical, free job placement, free green card, free money, free food, etc. ????‍♂️ Yes, I've read the standard postings on the government websites also. According to those, if they followed the rule of the law, there would be no crisis at the border because most wouldn't qualify and all apprehended would be deported and banned. Instead, VP Harris just announced another $1.2B in funding to help them break the law. We're just feeling our way through the process legally, same as you guys. My wife has been on FB groups and Thai chatrooms where she gets a slightly different version then I get here. (I can't read them and her translation is "imperfect" shall we say ) We are maintaining our address here while I am reestablishing an address there. My mother, while cosponsoring her (my wife's) application, is also in need of assistance health wise and we don't want to neglect that obligation nor miss out on what could be her last year with us. With covid, my wife can still work remotely and if/when the need arises, travel back to Thailand for an interview here at the embassy or at the end of six months permission to stay which is why I wondered about an extension while in country. If they contact her and say "You have an interview in 8/9 months..." we could postpone the expense of airfare as well as limit separation (I will be staying for the duration).
  20. Yes Apologies for being alphabetically challenged but couldn't edit the OP - She has a B1/B2 - We've read that the interview after filing the I-130 can take a year or more to schedule but it can be shortened by waiting in the states.
  21. My wife currently holds a K1/K2 10 year visa for the states. We're heading over to help care for my mother in her waning years. We went once before and they stamped her in for 6 months although we only stayed for 2 weeks. Is it possible to extend this while in country at an immigration office? If not, does she need to do a 'border run' to stamp out and back in for another 6 months? If not, how long does she need to be out of the US between stays (visits)? We plan on staying for a year or more depending on mom. Looking for someone in the know through experience and/or personal knowledge. Thanks in advance
  22. Any near Nonthiburi Bang Son in Bangkok? (we're right on the MRT line) - Need to get the wife and I tests for our flight on the 28th.
  23. Keep in mind, by Thai Law, you're only entitled to 49% of any brown envelopes collected as 51% must be given to Thais only.
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