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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. Maybe it's solar powered. ????
  2. Then Theos 2 is obviously NOT their first and your defense of an error would say what about you exactly?
  3. If it's their first, why is it named #2? Did they try and launch #1 from their aircraft carrier is Sataheep?
  4. Do you need accommodations for your private jet and yacht as well? ????
  5. Aw Man, I thought this was going to be a golf thread. ????
  6. Avoid Blood Pudding as it sets off the cadaver dogs.
  7. Around 35k and healthier:
  8. Then this is a poll of the truly out of touch and/or stupid because before making it legal, children and youth made up 70-80% of the users. Those are the people that didn't think or care about jail for getting high. Are these same people concerned over the inappropriate/illegal use of tobacco and alcohol among children and youth?
  9. Agree - There should be NO 'premium' for something you've already paid for all your life.
  10. Agree, the Medicare should be treated exactly like Tricare and cover everything, everywhere. My earlier point about lower vs higher wage earners and check size is that only the higher wage earners can keep living as they were accustom to. People who are 100% necessary to keep the country moving but work at low paying jobs all their lives suddenly find themselves in poverty and then get penalized because they paid off their house making them ineligible for assistance due to assets. If it weren't for laws prohibiting taxation of inheritance, they'd die at their desk.
  11. No but you and/or your mom could/should have been able to.
  12. Your Parable cheats the small business owner for being nice. Before the deduction he was receiving the full $100 for the drinks but after his generosity in giving the men a $20 discount he was actually only receiving $79. 1+3+7+12+18+59=100 2+5+9+14+49=79
  13. You want to cut some spending and shift some spending to those that deserve it and worked for it try starting here: The welfare budget of the federal government is comprised of 13 unique programs as shown below. Federal Spending in Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 in Billions: The federal budget increased from $4.4 trillion in 2019 to $6.8 trillion in 2021. Main benefit increases On 1 July 2021 All main benefits will increase by $20 per adult per week. Kind of dwarfs your "Elephant" to a mouse. A solution 'could' be to instate a "draft" and all people between 17-35 who are unemployed, not in school and physically able be required to enlist in the military for a minimum of 6 years followed by reenlistment or job placement. They'd learn a trade and still be getting all the services (medical, housing, food, etc.) that they get for doing nothing. On Topic: I hope they put a cap on who would get the extra $$ per month and limit it to people receiving less than $3,000 a month now. Wouldn't bother me if they just made that the minimum benefit amount. There are a LOT of people that worked faithfully all/most of their lives that didn't earn tons of money but WERE crucial to keeping the country running. My 1st job that paid into SS earned me a whopping $300 a month (and YES, at the end of the 60's that was taxable)
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