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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Joe Hart's Joe Harts screw up had nothing to do with The Rangers coming more into the game. It was when Greg Taylor went off and was replaced by JJ. I cannot understand why GT was replaced by JJ instead of the Argentina guy, although there was something about JJ being unwell. IMO we would have won the game but for GT having to go off even allowing for us not getting that penalty.
  2. Thanks Lou, But I'll just give it a miss. I prefer doing things online than by using the phone.
  3. Thanks, but if I cannot register the same way I do with Lazada and other online sites, I will just give it a miss.
  4. Very interesting answers here. I will send you a PM later today. I will do things by the book, but up to a point, just because something is law does not always make it right.
  5. If you read the UK newspapers, I think you will find that Thailand, with a similar population is much worse with crime than Thailand. I can walk the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya in safety even after dark. Try that in any major UK city.
  6. I come from Scotland same as you, But my views on this are well known, I do respect you as a poster, but disagree with you on so many things. let's just say I have a very strong hatred of the illegal Thailand soldiers government, despite that, Thailand is still much better to live in than anywhere in the UK.
  7. There are two near me who won't even come near me, I battered both of them with a very large stone when they attacked me as I was riding my bike.
  8. I have 5 cats, one is 15 years old, the other 4 are between 8 months and 2 years old, every so often a cat will die after a short illness, I told Mrs Jones that the cats should get vaccinated. What vaccines should she ask the vet for?
  9. If you are not driving too fast approaching the crossing and stop gradually that would help, but you could say that anyone wanting to cross the road should try and wait for the traffic to stop, but then the problem is that in most cases the drivers don't notice the crossing until they are almost on it. There is no easy answer to this at all. But as I said flashing lights on a pole at each end of the crossing and zig zags leading up to it would help..
  10. If you are in a line of traffic, you will not notice a zebra crossing until you are almost on it. What is needed is to copy the way zebra crossings are in the UK with posts with flashing lights at each end and zig zag lines. I will even go as far as to say that there should not even be zebra crossings at all, they should be replaced by pedestrian lights with a button to press when anyone wants to cross the road.
  11. So it is not available in Thailand then.
  12. People driving or riding on the wrong side of the road, enter the road from side roads without looking, overtaking in the face of oncoming traffic, behaviour at right turns/U turns, speeding etc, etc, etc. Oh! and mostly DUI.
  13. I'm not a supporter of corruption, but if anyone has used corruption on me I will do so back if I think I will get away with it. ie I do not agree with motorbikes over about 250cc not being allowed on some carriageway, so I always have 400Bt in my pocket in case a policeman stops me, done it a good few times over the years and only been stopped once, and it ended with a handshake.
  14. I do not agree, if that happened, well just think about it. Imagine IO's having the freedom just to charge what they like for all the different services, visa's, 90 day reporting etc. Any agent I have used has always been honest and fair except one.
  15. It could have been worse, there used to be a regular poster with an avatar of an ugly shirtless guy with a very hairy chest. I used to bypass his posts very quickly.
  16. I really miss these gatherings, used to have them regularly when I first came to Thailand about 16 years ago, but everyone has either died or moved back home or elsewhere, now I am the only Farang for miles around.
  17. Yes you are dead right, any other brand is round about the 200Bt, especially on Lazada, that is what I have been buying. Regards. NoshowJones.
  18. I tried all that to try and register into Shopee and found it impossible, so I gave up, and it is not down to me as I have had no problems registering into Lazada, Expat Foods or anywhere else.
  19. Yes, but they are the biggest rip off supermarket of them all.
  20. They have not got everything, nowhere near it, and you are limited to at least 1000 Bt, unlike Lazada.
  21. I tried to take advantage of this but there is not much of a choice, they are taking it back in other ways ie about 50% added to a can of Princes corn beef. Scandalous.
  22. What is ICBW? Please stop texting and remember you are on a forum. Do you really think that all the posters know what these initials mean?
  23. Thanks but everything in the link to Shopee is in Thai, nothing there to chance it to English. Lazada for all their faults can at least have a button to press for English.
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