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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Yes, free if you spend more than 599Bt I think.
  2. So if you buy say six of the same things they will all be from the same seller and the delivery charge will be much smaller. I wonder if there are figures for this. There are certain things like boxes of Cadbury's Smash that I buy individually as they begin to run out.
  3. Yes it was very handy, but when I renewed my Bangkok debit card they were not interested in transferring the money I had to my new card, it was only about 200Bt, but still.
  4. There will need to be some sort of financial advantages before the soldiers will take any interest. If all the transport in Bangkok, except of course taxis, got together with thick brown envelopes, that would probably do the trick.
  5. OK Mike, so how do I change it to Outlook, Delete it and reinstall?
  6. I did know I was only getting one tin Charlie. I already pointed that out, I got it wrong, but it did look to me like they wanted people to think that they were getting a special offer. Small print again maybe ????
  7. I tried an experiment with Lazada. I wanted one tin of spam 340gr at 188Bt. They had 4 tins packaged together in a picture at 188Bt. I decided to try and catch the seller out and clicked on the picture of 4. As I expected, only the one came. There are a few individual tins of spam for sale at different prices, one of which is priced at 188Bt. That is the one pictured in a pack of 4 which is also priced at 188Bt.
  8. Anyone else with a Hotmail account have the same problem as me? It used to be the case that if you deleted something by mistake, you clicked on "deleted" and got it straight back. Did it for years without a problem. Now if you try to recover one post, there are that many coming up, that it is hard to find that post again. I have noticed this for a very long time now. Anyone know what's happened?
  9. Thanks, and there was I shopping in the variety page and did not know that, I wonder what other things about Lazada I do not know.
  10. I did not know that Charlie, I have bought from food variety, but T did not know it was free. Thanks, that's a big help.
  11. I did not see the full road markings in the video, but should the guy on the motorbike not have left the inside lane clear for vehicles wanting to make a left hand turn when the road is clear?
  12. Most Thai's do not have the brains or common sense to realise this. I make no apologies for Thai bashing where driving and riding are concerned.
  13. I have often pumped my horn at traffic not moving when a light turned green, though not as quick as the vehicle in this case. Some lights take a very long time to change, so some drivers are still texting on their phone and need a reminder that the lights have changed to green. I have noticed, that since mobiles and smartphones have become the normal for people that this now happens a lot more often.
  14. How do the Lazada delivery charges work? If a buy say 4 items, ie food, then I buy 1 item later, will that item only cost me 25% of the previously bought 4 items. I am just trying to find the most economic way of buying items of food.
  15. So will a truck pulling out on to the road in front of a motorbike. Although I think that particularly in heavy rain, the motorbike rider should be riding very slowly especially with two young children as passengers on it, and be prepared for any vehicle coming out of an entrance on to a main road in front of him.
  16. The next general election?? When was the last one. Please remember that I am talking about a general election with the Thai people doing the voting, not just the generals and senators, but all the Thai people who are eligible to vote.
  17. and you can bet there will be one. The pandemic made a lot of people rich, too many to mention. It is only a matter of time before something else comes along that will make people rich again. Governments the world over will be ready to pounce. Remember, you read it here.
  18. If I don't agree with anyone's rules anywhere, I repeat anywhere, I will not obey them if I can find a way around them, which I usually do. But the most important thing is, I will never do anything to the detriment of ordinary people. If anyone cannot live like this then they should just stay in bed...
  19. Good post, though I do not think things are hard for the immigration officers, yes they are also police officers. They just make up their own rules to suit themselves, every IO is different, they won't lose out on anything. The normal police officers are different, they have lost a lot of their bungs from the bars, clubs and other businesses because they were closed during the pandemic, so as far as what I have been reading, they are trying to compensate for this now by putting the screw on if you know what I mean.
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