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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. They need to get the RTP traffic police to do something about the dreadful road behaviour of most Thais, not points deductions. OH Wait!
  2. Bangkok bank now use Mastercard and they are useless to use online but OK to use at Lotus or Big C. Bangkok bank have got worse in the last two years and if it wasn't for me using Wise to transfer money to them I would have found another bank a while go.
  3. I have already done that. I will just have to wait and see what happens.
  4. Thanks Ryan. That emotican was very helpful. I thought you were better than that.
  5. Anyone know a Mister Prakan of Big Bikes Insurance? In trying to insure my Forza, after giving my payment particulars to this Mister Prakan, I was given a message which said "fraud cheque failed". In getting in touch with my bank about my debit card, I found the amount for my insurance had been taken from my bank account. Fair enough, but why this thing about my card being a fraud? Any ideas?
  6. There are certain people, not just in Thailand, but all over the world, who do not want this pandemic, that's if there even is a pandemic, to end for reasons which are mainly financial, and not just people in the medical profession.
  7. May I also point out that not even for one day could I leave my residence without wearing my hoodie, and this was in, May, June and July. My hoodie was up about 80% of the time.
  8. Being in Scotland for 3 months recently, I could count in one hand the number of days when there was little wind. Even walking down the street where I was staying there are two points where there is a gap right through the buildings, and every time I walked past them I was hit in the face with the wind.
  9. People who are responsible for the Thai immigration system must be among the most heartless people on this earth. I have read of many instances here on TV/AN and know people personally who have suffered because of them.
  10. Mine only lasted about two days, there is absolutely no sign of now.
  11. Are you saying that if he stays in the UK for 180 days in a year he will still get his annual increases? I don't think so.
  12. Let's just say most of them don't have the brains to be computer literate. That's why there is so much paperwork needed at the IO's, government offices etc.
  13. If I go to a specialist and there is nothing there, and there isn't, he will send me away with directions to the pay counter. The time to see a specialist or anyone is if it comes back.
  14. When you have a bruise and you press on it you feel a pain, but no matter how hard I pressed on it there was no pain at all. I don't ever remembering hurting it in any way.
  15. When I was in the UK recently, I discovered this purple reddish mark on the back of my hand, it was about an inch in diameter but wasn't exactly a circle, after about 2 days it completely disappeared. Anyone know what could have caused it?
  16. "It is starting to get out of hand and yet everything could be simply dealt with online." Don't you need a bit of a brain to do things online?
  17. Oh Dear!! That could mean the other Chuckle Brother then. Could that be any worse?
  18. Bangkok Bank is not the good bank it used to be. I have experience a few minor things over the past two years, the latest being stopping me from using my latest debit card for topping up when using the BTS skytrain.
  19. You have a point, I was thinking about all the times I keep reading about IO's in different offices and even IO's in the same office making up their own rules. In the 20 years since I first came to Thailand, I have never had a problem with any IO at immigration when entering the country, but I cannot say the same about officers at my local immigration office over the years.
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