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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. So things are never at the discretion of an immigration officer???? They all go by the same rules????
  2. Are these employees not given a commission when they get someone to take on the banks insurance? Only asking. When anyone tries to force insurance on to you, always look out for some sort of a scam.
  3. What a silly answer. If any employee of any company in any country tries anything on of course they should be reported.
  4. You have missed out greed. That has to be part of it too.
  5. Just pure greed, pharmacies and hospitals, mainly private. Most of them are at it IMO.
  6. Yes it would be about 20 years ago, I first came to Thailand about three weeks after the Twin Towers got blown up.
  7. I thought it was 500B. In fact I know it was, I paid it often enough.
  8. This would be a good avatar for steven100, he also likes the booze. but he is more open about it
  9. If you don't agree with anyone's rules, and you can find a way round them, then that is the way to go, as long as it is not to the detriment of ordinary people. The way I see it, rules are made to be broken, unless of course you are a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade.
  10. I got through immigration in about 3 mins last week, everything straight forward. No queue.
  11. I use the client qBittorrent. I use with Pirate Bay. Can anyone recommend another site similar to Pirate Bay I can use in the same way? Thanks.
  12. Most RTP are in one long holiday, except perhaps when it's tea money time.
  13. Villa Market is easily the most expensive western supermarket by a long way, much better using Foodland.
  14. Elected by who???? Definitely not the Thai people, and these are the ones who matter. I have told you before, I will not get involved in a debate with any of the very small TV/AN posters who think it is OK for some soldier to topple an elected government against the wishes of the Thai people. If you come on here and answer me with more of your nonsense, you will be ignored except for the occasional time to let give vast majority of TV/AN posters a good laugh at your comments.
  15. I have been here in Thailand for about 15 years, and bad as this country is to tourists and expats with an unelected PM and his soldiers, the UK is much, much worse. I am just back in Thailand after spending 3 months in the UK.
  16. I am not just referring to vaccinations, I mean in general. As I am always saying, there are people in the medical profession and also in other professions who have become very rich both through this pandemic and also through the Russian invasion. This is not just in Thailand, but all over the world.
  17. That would seem the most obvious, my personal opinion is that there are too many people in the medical profession that are just scaremongering, most likely for some sort of financial reason.
  18. There are lots of people in the medical profession with different opinions, some say wearing mask protects you, some say they don't, some say you should wear a mask to protect others, some say that you wearing a mask does not protect others. Just what are we supposed to believe??
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