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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Politicians??????????????????????????????? Tinpot soldiers more like.
  2. Did Biden not used to play young Mr Grace in the TV sit com Are You Being Served? Both him and Thailands unelected PM together? Oh! Wait!!!!!!!!!!
  3. So would I. I would bet that a Thai soldier would not have learned much geography at a Military Academy to be able to talk about other countries especially ones from outside Asia. A discussion with Mr Biden would be nothing but an embarrassment.
  4. I wonder if the US President actually knows how Thailands unelected PM who is really only posing as a PM, actually became PM.
  5. One of these shops wanted 2000Bt for a Cialis packet of 4, while a sidewalk vendor on the sidewalk of the Sois from 7-11 wanted 200Bt. Both packets were exactly the same. Wonder which one was the fake.
  6. Anyone know if the Nana Hotel still has the buffet breakfasts as before the pandemic?
  7. I am flying to Glasgow with Emirates early next month via Dubai. I know nothing is guaranteed. But can I be reasonably confident that there will no cancelations? Has anyone done this flight recently? Anything I should beware of?
  8. My Forza has first class insurance. It will be off the road for a few months, can I cancel the insurance while the bike is off the road, then continue with it after the bike is back on the road and get my use of the full 12 months? Also the annual tax will finish, so when the bike goes back on the road, and it gets re taxed, does this tax continue for the following 12 months? Thanks.
  9. If you use agoda watch for the small print they hope you will not notice. + 17% taxes.
  10. Robblok does not hate Brits, I know him personally, and he has never gave any impression that he hates Brits.
  11. One of my biggest gripes are drunks, I just have no time for them, but I have never known any of Robblok's posts to have any gripes against people from the UK.
  12. I bet it was a Liverpool accent. ????
  13. That's very true. But real politicians probably in any country are full of corruption and have the brains and intelligence to hide it where this unelected soldier and his generals do not.
  14. Since when did this clown become a politician? He should stick to engineering.
  15. Especially if one's anus looks like his face.????
  16. Are you sure about that? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here, but don't these Elite Visa holders still not have to do the prisoner on parole impersonations and report every 90 days?
  17. "but retirement in a foreign country should never be cheap.)". Why should it not be? In Thailands case, many retirees have came and retired here, contributing well to the Thai economy and taking families out of poverty. These retirees should be encouraged, and not put through all the nonsense like being treated with having to report every 90 days like a prisoner on parole. The country should be going out of their way to attract foreign retirees to come and live here without all this year to year rubbish. They should be given permanent residency after so long, but the soldiers in office here are not interested in doing anything to help the country, or the ordinary Thai people. They have had 8 years now, but things have just got worse and worse, and even without the pandemic, retirees have left in droves, and tourists have found better countries to go to.
  18. Your post just sums up everything I have been saying, there is very little to help long stayers under 50, it is these soldier clowns who illegally took over the country in 2014 who are responsible for this.
  19. Thanks, but what about other traveling gear? Big C used to have a place on the lower ground floor a few years back. As for Lazada, they are only a last resort.
  20. Anyone tell me of a shop in Nakhon Sawan for buying traveling gear? ie Neck pillow etc. Thanks.
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