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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "no big groups gathering," I would bet that would be the first priority for this soldiers government. As soon as the country opens up and the crowds can gather, there will be thousands of protesters converging on Bangkok.
  2. This unelected DPM should also be concerned about the morons who throw water at traveling vehicles and motorbikes. Drunk drivers should have their vehicles confiscated for a start. What is so hard about that?
  3. Can anyone tell me if the Check Inn near to Phrompong BTS and round the corner from the Tops supermarket is open?
  4. Because Thailand is run mainly by poorly educated, unelected soldiers, and are probably living in fear of the protesters.
  5. Yes! Because once that gouging stops, the unelected generals are going to have thousands of protesters to contend with.
  6. This clown is a politician in name only, a health minister?? His only degree is in engineering. But you have an unelected (well elected by other generals) PM whose only "degree's" came from a Military Academy, and yet he is running the country! No wonder Thailand is known as a Banana Republic.
  7. I just knew this Favipuravir would be another get rich quick scheme for doctors and hospitals.
  8. "This is twice I have more or less agreed with you P." That's very unusual, my likes easily outnumber the saddo's.
  9. Yes doctors and hospitals now seem to be the biggest crooks in Thailand, all getting rich from a pandemic. Shame on them. Just another reason for sensible retirees and people married to Thais, to keep the bulk of their money in their own country.
  10. and are you going to pay it? Just one of the many reasons I only keep enough money in Thailand for living expenses.
  11. I have lived in Thailand for 15 years and have never heard of a Shabu joint.
  12. If that was me I would just have paid the half price. It's not as if you have to pay upfront. It would not be the first time I went into a restaurant then noticed the small print on the menu which said said something like plus taxes. I just refused to pay these taxes, and when the waiter pointed to the small print, I put on a pair of reading glasses and said "sorry I don't have any more money with me, so it serves the restaurant right for making the print so small I did not notice it".
  13. What exactly is a private matter? I assume it is something between two people which is nothing to do with a business.
  14. Wifie took me round the back and there were very small drips coming from the pipe leading from the big AC box. Now waiting for the guy to come and see it.
  15. Sometimes the visiting IO's will ask for money for fuel which they then pocket for themselves, the average farang is too scared to refuse, but not being a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade, I certainly would not give them any money.
  16. If a PCR test is taken pre flight to Thailand from the UK and is negative, the virus then takes at least 3 days to get you, which means that you cannot be tested positive when you arrive in BKK, of course the test could be faulty and register positive. This is Thailand. The danger is going to be when you report after five days.
  17. It is a Mitsubishi unit I have, and it has caused me a few problems over the years, it is now about 8 years old.
  18. I will just have to wait and see what the engineer says when he comes. Thanks.
  19. Yes, it is due it's 6month service right now.
  20. No, there are no pipes in the wall, certainly not about 3ft away from the AC unit.
  21. Yes, about every six months. I just cannot understand why the water gathers in a pool a full 3ft away.
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