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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "Thai Rath quoted PM Prayuth Chan-ocha who is attending the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow as saying that he was delighted with Thailand's reopening on Monday". What is this unelected Military Academy educated general doing mixing with properly educated politicians, they must all be laughing at him as soon as he opens his mouth.
  2. I wasn't really referring to you, but your post just set me thinking.
  3. What is the chance of a UK national with UK passport getting turned away by UK immigration staff for any reason? Where would they go? Back to Thailand? Then turned away there which would be certain because you are not going to pay for their insurance scams etc, etc? Back and forward? I don't think so. Surely when you are on a plane to the UK you are not going to have to worry about getting in.
  4. Neither, a cross between a young Elvis and Brad Pitt without the facial hair.
  5. I would certainly find it very hard to hit a woman, I would tell her to lead the way to the school directors office, but a guy, yes, if he assaulted my kid I would most certainly let him have it if there were no witnesses, and it does not make me as bad as he is as I would not assault anyone who was incapable of hitting back.
  6. If I had kids at school the first time they started I would tell the school director if I ever found out any of their teachers assaulted them they would answer to me.
  7. If you thought Thatcher was bad then you are very lucky to have escaped Blair and Brown, they were much worse and make Boris look like the most popular guy on earth whoever that is.
  8. Yes, I understand everything you are saying, and you are right, I have always said that the good outweighs the bad here in Thailand, and even allowing for all the unnecessary hoop jumping and dreadful immigration issues that have got much worse since Thailand was stolen at the point of a gun, and the dreadful road statistics, Thailand is a much better place to live than the UK.
  9. She was standing with two other female friends in the hotel in Pattaya where I was staying, she was down from up country with two of her friends. Her beautiful face caught my attention right away, also her height, she was very much taller than her two friends, the three of them started looking at me and I just looked at her and said your beautiful. It all started from there and she ended up taking me home with her.
  10. Steven, how can you say that this time of the morning, or are you still badly hungover from last night?
  11. and who is in charge of everything including the TAT? The one and only unelected PM Prayut Cha Cha and his dancers, sorry, chancers.
  12. You mean come to Thailand and get robbed at the airport, then hope there are no mistakes made for the PSR test, or it's bye bye to your spending money.
  13. "efforts being made by all parties". All parties?? So the news report is saying there are efforts made by the unelected PM and his soldiers to welcome tourists?? The only efforts I see are the continuing use of the expensive PSR tests, insurance scams, and collecting the brown envelopes from the hotels for the quarantine, yes! I said quarantine.
  14. Up until about 5pm Steven is on the opposite side, after 5pm when he arrives home, he gets stuck into the booze, then be is on the unelected PMs side.
  15. "so which is it? $50K or $90K? (tree million baht), the more I read about this the more confused I get." But that's the whole idea, is it not?
  16. I agree, but the insurance rip offs must stop. If they charge a fair price for fair cover, and stop all the unnecessary legal jargon, make it so the average person can understand it, and stop this small print nonsense.
  17. "three million baht" insurance cover?? Disgraceful, pure robbery. Does that also apply to someone over here for a two or three week holiday?
  18. The unelected PM and his soldiers don't give a damn about ordinary people and their livelihoods, not having a drink with their meals?? What a load of rubbish, no wonder the government don't care, the Cvirus has made them richer through their insurance and PSR scams etc, while the majority of the Thai people have either lost their jobs or their income has been badly affected. Shame on these Thai generals.
  19. True, but as I have only lived in two countries, I can only refer to Thailand and the UK, I know that no politician in the UK in my adult lifetime who have done a good job, all dishonest hypocrites, especially the so called party of the working class Labour. there has not been any politicians that I know of in power in Thailand since 2014. I am referring to mainly the top people, maybe not so much the ordinary MPs.
  20. My! She's a beauty isn't she? At least it will be someone worth looking at, we haven't had that since Yingluck went, surely it would be a lot better than looking at The Chuckle Brothers. ????
  21. Maybe it's Prayut himself who needs the facelift to stop him looking like a demented circus midget.
  22. But they do take a simple route, surely it is the most simple route in the world to fill up some brown envelopes then send or take them off in certain directions.
  23. So you have got till next month, that means from now till then you are going to be worried the plane will not fill up and the fight will be cancelled.
  24. Common sense and Thailand, especially from The Chuckle Brothers, that's the unelected PM and the unelected DPM is very incompatible.
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