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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Especially soldiers, when having so much power over a whole country seems to make them even worse.
  2. Any normal farangs out there who does not like looking at attractive young females? What are normal guys any age supposed to do when a young attractive female comes into sight, look away??
  3. "when everyone else in Thailand is looking to rip off/cheat/gouge visitors to the maximum extent possible." Exactly, starting with the unelected PM and his soldiers. PCR and insurance scams, hotel scams etc.
  4. I have been with my wife for a very happy 15 years, and certainly do not chase females, but I still love looking at them. I think there would be something wrong with me if I didn't. ????
  5. But is it not your idol who is responsible for all this nonsense Steven? Looks like the booze is affecting you more these days.
  6. I will need to check one of my old diaries to see if I was ever with girl called Molly
  7. Well in my case, we waited 5 years after setting up house together before we married, and that was ten years ago, which proves she is not after my money as I wasn't that rich then. Both her and me have our separate bank accounts, and it has worked well for both of us.
  8. Just don't go until this money grabbing unelected PM and his soldiers stop this nonsense. I had a "temperature" of 38 when I entered my local Tesco mini mart. Then after consulting with a friend on the phone I went back to the same shop again only about 30 mins later, tried again, and this time the temperature was 36, I have done it many times since, and I am always between 34 and 36. Imagine a Thai person was behind me, it would have caused a panic and I may have ended up in hospital.
  9. "I used to put a large pair of socks down my pants but the women ran the other way." Next time try a banana.????
  10. I was never the life and soul of the party, probably being due to me being a non drinker. I wish I had the ability to make people laugh alll the time.
  11. What is your problem with that saddo, don't tell me, I think it is quite obvious.
  12. It could be your looks, personality, wealth, job etc. In my case it would be a toss up between my looks and my job, though in Thailand, I think your wealth would be the strongest factor. Being a professional musician with looks to match made it very easy for me to attract women and I sure took full advantage. I came to Thailand because I was getting older and so were my looks. I played in bands right up till I came to Thailand to stay, I did not attract younger women any more, so I had to do something. What about you?
  13. I dated about six before I met my wife, among these dates I lived with a girl in Korat for three weeks, when I met my wife, I was still living back in Scotland, and made two more trips to see her in Thailand before I decided for sure that she was the one, though I was almost certain that she was as I had stayed with her for about two weeks before I flew back to Scotland. The first words I said to her were "your beautiful," and things started from there.
  14. He also said there will be no coup and no floods, his lies are as near to being a politician as he will ever get.
  15. I had to pay 31.000 Bt for exact same thing, but it was not for 15 months, it was for twelve months. The agent is also in Pattaya, his office is across the road from the South Pattaya Big C.
  16. I think you are referring to an instance many years back where some agent used fake stamps and was found out. All the guys with the fake stamps were let off by the then Thai Authority. No one was deported. I'm sure older members of this forum will remember this.
  17. asean Are what things illegal? Please explain. Asean Now sponsor an agency, and they certainly would not be doing that if it was illegal. Another member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade. ????
  18. Because some IOs have a hostile attitude, although it is in a minority, and can you imagine the upset and anxiety that could cause these members of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade.
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