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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan ?? I thought the other Chuckle Brother Anutin was the unelected DPM? We all know about their ability to run a country, but you would think they would at least know who the unelected DPM was. Left hands and right hands spring to mind again.
  2. By saying "they" I presume you mean the unelected PM and his soldiers. "offer FREE insurance and FREE tests" Where do you think the brown envelopes are going to come from if they did that? ???? Oh! Wait! There's still the quarantine hotels, maybe they should make them free as well.
  3. Yes, as long as they are truthful about their opinions and not just trolling.
  4. How can anything driven by common sense be attributed to a bunch of unelected soldiers with an average Thailand IQ? ????
  5. Correct me if I am wrong, but the vast majority of these people had health issues, mostly due to being obese, being heavy smokers and heavy drinkers, took no or very little exercise, etc, and had very little immune systems. What would the Cvirus death statistics be if nobody had questionable life styles?
  6. Although we are not exactly living under Nazi rule with these unelected soldiers, things are getting worse, and there does not seem to be a way of stopping it. Over to you protesters.
  7. and you sat back and let them just because some solicitor says so. Going for my divorce back in Scotland, I got a letter from my solicitor saying he wanted to see me. He then told me my wife is going for half of everything including the sale of the house. It certainly did not end that way, nowhere near it, and it did not even reach the court.
  8. Yes, and they have the cheek to call themselves "Great" Britain.
  9. If you have lived in Thailand for any amount of time, then you will know.
  10. I fear you are right, if only Thailand was a normal country ruled by a democratically elected government instead of a general and his soldiers at the point of a gun. I remember when I first came to live in Thailand, I made good friends with a Farang who lived nearby. He told me that I should read a bit about Thai history although he never mentioned all the coups since 1932. I have no interest in the history of Scotland my home country, so why should I be interested in Thai history, although I do know a bit about American and Irish history. I honestly think that if I had known about all these coups before I came to Thailand, I would have probably ended up in the Philippines. I didn't know anything about bars and barfines, or even the Thai reputation of prostitution then either, so why should I know anything about all the coups?
  11. It did not work the first time, but when I went back and tried it again, it was fine. Thanks
  12. Thanks, I have got it fixed now. Can I turn this on when watching movies? It might be good for that, but it never came on when I was watching movies, probably something I have got to learn with this.
  13. I tried your link, got it fixed now. Thanks a lot.
  14. Oh1 your link has started working, I'm just going to try it out.
  15. Yes it is on chrome. Your link doesn't work.
  16. I think it only does it on Google. It did not do it on Brave.
  17. It is at the very bottom of the screen right in the middle, it measures about 4ins by 1 and a half ins.
  18. No, I just keep crossing it out, then after a while it comes back.
  19. It is everywhere where there is talking going on, though not in movies, it is a black square a few ins long and about 2ins down with white words. I'm sorry, I don't know how to do a screenshot, I have never learned as I never seem to need to do any.
  20. Everytime someone is talking on any subject a live caption appears near the bottom of the screen with the words coming up that are usually all wrong. This has recently just appeared and I cannot get rid of it, it is such a nuisance. Can anyone help?
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