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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Thailand needs a government with democratically elected politicians, not poorly educated power tripping soldiers who are only there at the point of a gun.
  2. "they just opened the flood gates and u want more?" ???????????????????
  3. Anything that is filling a certain persons pocket at the expense of the ordinary people is bad, very bad.
  4. The insurance is still the $100.000 scam, isn't it? I cannot see the unelected PM stopping that as long as he can get away with it. It is sure one hell of a moneymaker.
  5. He really is a useless lump of lard. I did not say this at all, although I agree with it.
  6. Where is the other Chuckle Brother? Probably checking his financial situation to see if he is going to make any losses after the 1st Nov "opening".
  7. I went for the first one for two reasons. I want to return to Thailand as before the Cvirus with no hassles, quarantines, insurance scams, PCR tests etc, and because so many peoples livelihoods depend on the tourism. in the meantime I will just stay in Thailand.
  8. "can't afford the full "experience" and just come and squat in Thailand longtime on the dirt cheap," Can you define that a bit more? If they are not staying anywhere, sitting around looking for handouts, I would agree with you, otherwise I do not.
  9. If any tourist is here legally, his passport will say that, if that is the case, the IOs should come off their power trips, and just accept that they are tourists legally in Thailand, long stay or not.
  10. "rising Covid cases" Are you sure about that? Do you really want Thailand, or all the other countries to carry on the way they are now? According to statistics, the Cvirus cases are falling, though I do take a lot of posters points that these statistics may not be true for some reason or another, but the whole world needs to start opening up and accept that there will be collateral damage. If you look at statistics the world over, job losses, suicides, etc, etc, the so called cures have been worse than the disease.
  11. "I just cannot see Thailand over complicating this". How can you say that when you know, or I assume you know, that this unelected, poorly educated, military government are guilty of making changes all the time. Don't get me wrong, I sincerely hope everything goes well for you, and I think you are doing the right thing, but it is just that statement you made, this government over complicates things all the time, they are soldiers, not politicians.
  12. The unelected PM and his soldiers make the crazed SNP look like the Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz.
  13. and just what is this unelected PM going to contribute to the reopening of Thailand? All he doing is coming away with nonsense to extract as much money as they can from tourists, by their quarantines, which the other Chuckle Brother will not name, the $100.000 insurance scam, over expensive PCRs, and he is also talking about 500Bt, what's that charge supposed to be for again? ????
  14. Never put any amount of money anywhere in Thailand that you can't afford to lose. this unelected soldiers government could come up with anything. Why do you think they use offshore accounts for their own money.
  15. True, but not just Thailand. Though Thailand has to be about the top of the list having being run by an unelected military government.
  16. A big plate of porridge with oatbran added six days a week about 9.30 after my bike ride, and a small English breakfast every Sunday as a small treat. That does me until my evening meal at 4pm.
  17. They are certainly as serious about putting money in their own pockets with no thought at all for the people who depend on tourists for a living. Are there as many selfish people in the world as there are in this unelected Thai government?
  18. "plus all the false positives that will occur..." A few months ago for the very first time, entering a shop, I put my hand on that thing that gives you your temperature. It registered at 38, I mentioned this to a friend and he said I had better see a doctor as 38 was I may have the Cvirus, I went back to the shop immediately and did it again, this time it registered at 36. Every time I enter a shop or mall since then I have tested my temperature, and it has always been between 34 and 36 If a doctor seen that 38 I would have been whisked away to some hospital at my expense.
  19. The word tourist keeps getting mentioned, what about returning expats and guys with Thai families? Does it also apply to them? Silly question.
  20. Does Thailand have any circuses, have the Thai kids ever seen a circus? I have never known of any circuses in Thailand, though there are plenty of clowns, especially in this Thai government. This unelected DPM, the health minister with the engineering degree is surely one of them. Has anyone ever heard as much drivel from any politician, or in this case, acting politician as from this guy?
  21. None of them have, there is not a politician among them, most of them Military Academy graduates.
  22. That's two unqualified generals in charge of a pandemic which is making good money for certain connected people. If this General Nattaphon and the unelected PM, another general, had any sort of decent education, then why did they join the army?
  23. Is this topic going to end up like one a few months ago where a bank employee allegedly took millions from many farang customers accounts. We saw a report on it, but I don't remember reading of the outcome. Anyone know if these customers got their money re embursted ?
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