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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. That is being very selfish, with a mentality similar to the poorly educated (where running a country is concerned) unelected PM. Have you no thought for the many Thai people who depend on tourism for a living and are now out of work? Personally, I don't need tourists coming to Thailand, but there is a lot more than just yourself to consider here.
  2. I don't know, but my wife has just informed me that the tank has filled up again.
  3. I have just discovered that the big water tank (I'm not sure of the right name for it) is empty, it has been replaced once, this one has been up for about ten years. Is it possible it can be fixed easily, or is it more likely to need replaced?
  4. As I was used to clean politicians. Is there really such a thing Rob? You lived in the Netherlands so you should know. I have only lived in two countries, here and in the UK, and I would doubt very much if any of their politicians from the major parties are clean, in saying clean, I assume you mean honest and decent. I have never read in forums or any other social media at any time in my life of anyone saying that their countries politicians are honest and decent. I am talking here of politicians in general. May I just point out that in no way am I saying that the politicians in the Netherlands are not honest and decent.
  5. Prayut just announced no quarantine required from Nov 1st. So if that is true and there still is quarantine after 1st Nov, can we then say he is a liar? and anyone booking a flight after 1st Nov, can be sure they won't be quarantined on arrival in Thailand?
  6. "I wish not be charged an additional 500b per entry, because I am not a tourist" That's some wish. ????????
  7. If Emirates do pay for the PCR tests, it will probably be added to the cost of the fare, and good on them, why can't other airlines do the same? In fact, why do the airlines not just add everything to the cost of the fares and save people a lot of hassle. In saying that, it still does not excuse certain greedy people for using the pandemic for getting rich.
  8. That is very helpful right now today 12/10/2021, but what about tomorrow, next week, or next month?
  9. 6.300 Bt???? That is ridiculous, this pandemic is sure making some people very rich.
  10. Use an agent and save yourself what could be lots of immigration hassles depending upon which office you use.
  11. Does that not describe the present PM? Only he wasn't elected, and knows nothing about politics, he tells lies to get out of awkward situations, real politicians tell lies, but they always remember them and give interviewees the answers that suit them.
  12. I never listened to anything my mum or dad said unless I agreed with it, I have spent all my adult life breaking peoples rules, and only doing what suited me, but I can say in all honesty, no ordinary person has been put out in any way by the way I've lived my life.
  13. Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam on Saturday made a visit to flood-hit Uthai Thani province to hand out relief packages to affected communities. I thought that Anutin was the other Chuckle Brother, or should I say the unelected Deputy PM as well as the unelected Minister for Health or whatever. Who is this Wissanu Krea-ngam?
  14. I was going to give you a Saddo emoj, but then you come from Australia, your last paragraph says a lot about that country.
  15. True, but Thailand is not a normal country, a normal country has a government voted in by it's people, not a Banana Republic run by jumped up soldiers.
  16. The Chuckle Brothers are in the lead all by themselves. ????
  17. I agree with most of your post, and you did the right thing giving the IO girl these desserts, but you don't have to be grumpy to be treated unfairly by IOs or any other authority. I know from experience. I'm certainly not grumpy, but I will always stand my ground, IOs or not, as long as I know I am 100% in the right.
  18. "Anyway, from reading posts I thought that doing an extension based on marriage was going to be difficult. It was not, same as you 400k in the bank,". Some IO offices will treat you well and some will not. I know personally of people, one just recently, who had a dreadful time with the IOs who did his marriage extensions, he even ended up arguing with them. But on the other hand, I know of one person. though not personally, who has been on marriage extensions for years and has never had a problem with his local IO. Just letting you to know that things work both ways, though IMO, I believe the bad ones are in a minority.
  19. I hate these morons who walk around shirtless in public, did you not notice these two on the back of the baht bus? Or maybe you should see an optician.
  20. That's just one instance, even the best educated people can be stupid at times. If I lived anywhere there was an election getting held between the two of them for PM, much as I dislike him, Boris would be my choice for PM over Thailands unelected PM any day.
  21. Disgusting people, hope the baht bus back wheel hits a pothole and both these shirtless guys go flying off.
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