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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I was going to give you a Saddo emoj, but then you come from Australia, your last paragraph says a lot about that country.
  2. True, but Thailand is not a normal country, a normal country has a government voted in by it's people, not a Banana Republic run by jumped up soldiers.
  3. The Chuckle Brothers are in the lead all by themselves. ????
  4. I agree with most of your post, and you did the right thing giving the IO girl these desserts, but you don't have to be grumpy to be treated unfairly by IOs or any other authority. I know from experience. I'm certainly not grumpy, but I will always stand my ground, IOs or not, as long as I know I am 100% in the right.
  5. "Anyway, from reading posts I thought that doing an extension based on marriage was going to be difficult. It was not, same as you 400k in the bank,". Some IO offices will treat you well and some will not. I know personally of people, one just recently, who had a dreadful time with the IOs who did his marriage extensions, he even ended up arguing with them. But on the other hand, I know of one person. though not personally, who has been on marriage extensions for years and has never had a problem with his local IO. Just letting you to know that things work both ways, though IMO, I believe the bad ones are in a minority.
  6. I hate these morons who walk around shirtless in public, did you not notice these two on the back of the baht bus? Or maybe you should see an optician.
  7. That's just one instance, even the best educated people can be stupid at times. If I lived anywhere there was an election getting held between the two of them for PM, much as I dislike him, Boris would be my choice for PM over Thailands unelected PM any day.
  8. Disgusting people, hope the baht bus back wheel hits a pothole and both these shirtless guys go flying off.
  9. "for masks to be worn when riding a motorbike". That is almost impossible if you are wearing a full face helmet, try it and see.
  10. You cannot compare the two except for the lies "....and a similar irratic PM....????" No! The UK PM is nothing like the unelected Thai PM, he has a decent university education and is a properly elected PM where the unelected Thai PM has only a Military Academy education and hasn't the brains or political knowhow of the UK PM. The only thing they have in common is they are both liars of the worst kind and look after their mega rich friends at the expense of the ordinary people.
  11. What you are saying is very true, but ie if the unelected PM is asked if he has any idea when the country will open up, and he says "the country will open on the 1st November" and it doesn't, then surely that makes him a liar. Again, if he says I would like, or I will try and open up the country on 1st November, then that is different.
  12. No, but at least the UK government were democratically elected.
  13. Surely it is well know all over Thailand by everyone except the very deluded few that you cannot trust a word that comes from the unelected PM's mouth.
  14. I don't know who he is except that he is obviously one of the clowns in the unelected government led by The Chuckle Brothers. Prayut and Anutin. ????
  15. No, they will just go to bed and make another one. The parents of underage children who allow them to ride motorbikes should be prosecuted. and as it was said, they just don't care.
  16. If you get the chance to catch someone on your property and just let him go, there is the chance that he will think you are an easy touch, and come back later. "But why do you think that if you hold a guy get him arrested he wont come back later for revenge." If I caught a stranger on my property and was able to put him down, I would make sure he stayed there, then he won't want to come back to get the same as he got before, but I understand he could send two or three Somchai's to get me instead.
  17. Who is that wee guy sitting at the front? He looks like a demented circus midget.
  18. Yes and then he will just come back when he finds out you are not there. if you are strong enough and can handle yourself, put him down by any means, and make sure he stays there till the police come, if he tries to get up, put him down again. The safety of yourself and family come before any laws.
  19. There was someone I knew personally who committed a crime against me, I reported it to the police, he was charged, went to court and pleaded guilty, he was then admonished. The detective sergeant in charge of the case told me that the police were fed up with the leniency of the courts, and said to me something along the lines of "get him yourself and sort him out, but make sure nobody sees you". I did.
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