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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Back in Scotland before I came to the UK it was a great feeling to have a girl on your arm going on a date because she wanted to be with you, and not because she was getting paid at the end. This also applied when I first came to Thailand before I met my wife. What is the point of having a girl with you who is only there for the money and is probably only looking forward to a meal and then the end of the evening to get paid?
  2. True. If I wanted a short term rental in my town/village here upcountry, I would not have a clue how or where to start.
  3. Yes, as I have said before, all the greed during this pandemic is happening all over the world. Just how long does a PCR test take, say 5 mins and another 5 mins in the computer. By that reasoning, that £79 charge by Boots is sure mighty extortionate.
  4. "Hopefully all these nonsensical PCR tests will end soon." They won't, they are too big a moneymaker for the main influential people. I also believe that some sort of PCR test or insurance scam will continue even after the country opens up while the present unelected PM is in control.
  5. I would say about 70% money and 30% control. When this unelected PM and his soldiers make up laws, you can bet money will always be the main motivation.
  6. Just wait until this virus eases up a bit more, there will be lots of protesters. Oh! Wait a minute, how long can the unelected PM and his soldiers keep making it against the law to gather in crowds for their own convenience?
  7. I have always had Hondas apart from once, I had a Fino, very reliable, but dreadful fuel consumption compared with any Honda.
  8. Could you imagine what would happen if ivermectin really did keep people free from the Cvirus? If they could produce lots of it quickly. The people selling it, the hospitals etc, particularly in Thailand, would be making massive profits, and the unelected PM and his generals would be the first with their hands out. If there is one thing that sticks out during this pandemic, and should never be forgotten, it's the greed of the top people in the medical profession, and their shameful treatment of the ordinary people. But back on topic, how do I pass the time? Here on TV/AN, watching movies and old TV shows, out riding my bike for exercise, the occasional trips to the city for western food, that's about it.
  9. The Thai government are mostly Military Academy educated soldiers who would not have the brains to know what is best involving a kid in this situation. If any of them was asked, they would just toss a coin to give an answer.
  10. As long as all the restrictions apply there are lots of rich people and companies making lots of money that they would not make if their was no pandemic, and if the unelected PM and his generals opened the country up. Think hospitals, insurance companies etc. I also suspect governments all over the world are of the same mind. The rich people all over the world are not affected by this pandemic, only the ordinary people in ordinary jobs. (that's those who still have them as well as the many who have not). There is little motivation for them to open things up and try to get as near normal as possible, That is why restrictions will go on for a while yet.
  11. I wonder why that is? The Chuckle Brothers, the unelected PM and his sidekick Anutin spring to mind.
  12. Have you just come to that conclusion? I realised that years ago, probably since not long after the unelected PM and his soldiers bullied their way into power.
  13. Suppose the unelected PM was in Chaing Mai for a meeting and it was common knowledge, do you not think that there would be any protesters there? I think there would be protesters in any city in Thailand if this unelected PM was there.
  14. I don't think you can get any statistics for the average time it takes world wide for a complete recovery from this virus, so let's just make it an opinion. How long would you say, either in general or for certain age groups. If it was a normal flu in a western country, then I think probably about two weeks. You could also see it another way, just say the average person with no health issues. Remember I am talking about world wide, not just one country.
  15. The "there will be no coup" unelected PMs promise?????????????????????????????????
  16. Your post does not bother me at all, in fact I'm more inclined to agree with it just the same as I blasted the unelected PM and his soldiers for allowing migrants from crossing the border into Thailand and also bringing the virus in.
  17. If you think you are being treated unfairly, why shouldn't you protest, foreigner or not?
  18. "All Foreigners are guests here." I don't consider myself as a "guest" here, I would say the way I am treated here by the Thai government is in line with being a criminal. And before any members of the "if you don't like it go home" brigade start, there was no compulsary 90 day reporting nonsense, just a nice pleasant trip to the border every 90 days.
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