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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. You mention running red lights. I am not condoning this, but the reason so many Thai drivers run red lights is the settings of the lights means a very long wait. ie I was sitting on a red light at a very busy crossroads, the road approaching from my right was on a green light, but there were no traffic on it while the other three roads approaching the crossroads had a long line of traffic waiting for the green light.
  2. This is where the common sense bit comes in, he obviously does not have any.
  3. "The 5 pillars of road safety are", There is a 6th one, probably the most important. Common Sense. Very little of that among most Thai's with their average IQ of 80% plus.
  4. When Thai roads are repaired with patches of tar it is always left uneven and that when you ride your motorbike over it you can feel the bumps, I just accepted that as "TiT". Recently I rode the 12 Highway from Phitsanulok to Petchabun, there are many patches, but the job is done properly and when you ride over them you cannot feel the difference. The road markings and signs are all perfect unlike on my trip to Kanchanaburi last week.
  5. So Britain has as many sh!t drivers as Thailand?? Did I read your post properly.
  6. Check the road accident fatalities of the UK against Thailand taking into account they both have similar populations. I rest my case.
  7. I will say this again despite of being ridiculed by a certain deluded poster. There is a reason why the average Somchai and Ms Somchai have only an 80% odd IQ. The nice honest Thai person who runs after you when you walk away from a counter after forgetting to pick up your change, could very easily be the same person who jumps on their motorbike and rides up the wrong side of the road then turning into a main road without checking if it is safe to do so.
  8. What you are saying is absolutely right, but I still like to see posters opinions on things, hospitals, or Mom and Pop shops, as for Keyboard Warriors, there is always cowards hiding behind them who would say insults, or call you things that they would not dare say to your face. They know who they are, and so do I. I can see a keyboard warriors brigade forming soon.
  9. Yes I agree with you, but if I had an illness I would also want to hear the opinions of some who also has that illness, there are things you can learn from that.
  10. I do see your point but getting posters own personal experiences can be a big help, even for medical situations.
  11. A rat destroyed my seat on my last motorbike, not my present one, I set a trap and caught it, I did not have the heart to kill it so I took it on my bike for about 5 Ks and set it free. Regards. NoshowJones.
  12. Excellent post, but may I say that there are no bigger fraudsters than insurance companies themselves. Imagine if you could pick out one top Thai insurance company (not life insurance) go through all their claims for the past year and see what percentage of claims were actually paid out.
  13. And I have a word for you if you would stop hiding behind your keyboard. In fact here it is Coward.
  14. Thanks all for your help, much appreciated. Jonesy.
  15. If that is the case, all one would have to do is take a photo of any bike same colour and model and get a number plate with the same number as the original bike.
  16. It was mainly for the accident insurance as I do a few road trips, it only has 55000K on the clock.
  17. The insurance company valued it at 49.000Bt. It is an eight year old Forza.
  18. I have just taken out a new motorbike policy, after filling in the forms and the payment taken from my bank account. I was asked to take photo's of my bike from 6 different angles. What is the reason for these photo's? I have taken out insurance for motorbikes both here and in the UK before and never been asked for these photo's. I told the insurance company that I was not sending them any photo's, and to put the fee back into my bank. Almost immediately they asked me to give them a date and time and they would come to my address and inspect my bike. Anyone know why these photo's are really necessary?
  19. This is Thailand, all the Somchai's and Mrs Somchai's don't have an average of 80 odd IQ's for nothing.
  20. Are you not referring to the multiple entry based on marriage which you can, or used to get at Savakannet which lasted up to 15 months, Also, where does the Martial Arts connection come in to this.
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