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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I still cannot get my Newsletter to stop going to "This site can't be reached" when I click on a story. It is fine on my laptop, but not my desktop which tells me that the fault is not with AN/TV, so it must be with my desk top. Anyone got any ideas?
  2. The former unelected PM Prayut is supposed to be 6 ft tall, 183mts. He sure doesn't look tall in his photo's. Of course he could have been doing a Tom Jones and had a few ins on his heels. ????
  3. I was brought up in the UK to vote labour, I never voted for them in my life, and to stand for the national anthem. On one occasion I was leaving the cinema at the end when the doorman tried to stop me, I just swept him out of the road and walked straight past. In other countries I always respect their culture and fall in line, but back in the UK, I decide what I do or don't do.
  4. What a load of nonsense, use a bit of common sense, if some big words have been used previously in the same thread then OK. Got it? Too many posters just make up their own acronyms.
  5. The last PM, "is he still there?" The unelected Prayut only had a Military Academy education and he "led" the country.
  6. I'm not going to learn all that nonsense posting on a forum, may some posters should not be so lazy.
  7. IMO anyone who has to drink every day definitely has a problem although not necessary an alcoholic.
  8. That seems to be everything fixed, I took my phone to the Samsung shop in Nakhon Sawan. They fixed it in 5 mins where the "Advice" shop could not fix it in almost an hour. Thank you all for your input.
  9. What is OTOH? Another poster who thinks he is texting on his smartphone.
  10. Does drinking alcohol every day not mean a problem, would it be possible for you to have two no beer drinking days a week?
  11. I bought a Samsung microwave years ago and it conked out just a few weeks after the warranty was up, to get it fixed would have cost me more than the price of a new one. Never bought a Samsung product ever again though I have been happy with their phones.
  12. The "Advice" shop through the lady on the phone speaking English, also said I should start again with a new account, I was going to, but she said I could not keep the same email address. That would have been far too much trouble.
  13. Not so. Think about it. Some people are luckier than others. If everyone who had the problems I've had with the Redmi, they would have been out of business years ago.
  14. But what if you don't know what the current password is?
  15. I know you have and it is much appreciated but I am not the most literate on a smartphone, I took it to an Advice shop and two assistants could not change my google password. So what chance do I have?
  16. I went to the nearest "Advice" shop to my home and asked them to change my google account password on my smartphone. I used the translation on my phone to make sure they understood what I was asking as they cannot speak English. Two assistants spent over half an hour with my phone. To cut a long story short they gave me a phone to speak to someone. I spoke to a lady whose English was very good. It ended with her telling me they blocked my account, after the assistant confirmed this I just picked up my phone and walked out. I went home and tried to sign on to my account on my desk top and it was not blanked at all. so why was I told it was? Two assistants and they were uncapable of changing my google account password. Can you please tell me what you mean by "is in memory of chrome"? I do not have Firefox.
  17. I did not know he was actually in politics, it seemed he was just an unelected soldier playing at being a politician.
  18. It does not usually take long to download, though downloading "The Virginian" for three series took about 5 days.
  19. I just hope that Cha-Cha and the rest of his soldier cohorts end up in prison in the not too distant future. Surely he is much more deserving of prison than Thaksin, also is mentioning execution not a bit off? At least Thaksin was democratically elected.
  20. Very true, too many soldiers with poor IQ's involved instead of well educated proper politicians.
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