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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. I am a Thai lady and proud of it, I am married with a western man who loves thailand, culture, and family, he oftern say's to me that many western NOT ALL people have lost thier culture and do not care or show respect for others and only thier opinions are worth anything, but my husband is a clever man as he is not interested in B/G's, prostitues, or ever go into a bar, that is his choice.

    Congratulations for your clever husband!

    Me too, I prefer a Mia Noi over BGs or prostitutes!


  2. It becomes more apparent as I see this thread progress posters have opened up from the slightly couched comments earlier in the thread

    There is obviously an element who find the idea of the old farang and young Thai girl distasteful, the hand holding and kissing in public just aggravates their sense of indignation to the point where they seek to deride and stereotype all people in such a relationship, to rationalise their thoughts.....it is not about hand holding for them

    This thread has contained so much tosh that I have to admit I couldn’t help myself in having a little fun with it….

    Saying that – if someone has paid to parade around with a female resembling a pug chewing a wasp I really can’t blame onlookers for passing some form of negative judgment as to a: their level of desperation and b: their more than obvious lack of choice…

    As Big J mentioned – at 95 he hopes he has sufficient funds to net a stunner... Good luck to him.

    In restaurants I have been fed food in a rather provocative way too. Also given food mouth to mouth - very sexy as your lips touch as each takes a bite!! w00t.gif

    Ah, wait ..... maybe that is far too pornographic for some of you prudes out there.

    Tough cheesy.gif

    This level of flagrant disregard for others is distasteful to the extreme.

    How do you expect those around you to enjoy a relaxing meal when instead they are rolling around the floor laughing at you?

    And I have at least one photo of Thai on Thai doing that too. laugh.png

  3. Yes usually new couples do hold hands; In my country anyway

    it's called RO-MANCE

    does not last unfortunately sad.png

    I never see real, respectable Thai women holding hands with their Thai boyfriends/husbands... Only Falangs. Are Falangs the only ones making new relationships?

    Ok i will give you the correct answer, you only see falang and B/G hold hands in public but not "respectable thai woman" WHY? :A respectable thai woman can not hold hands, hug, or kiss, in public or even in the family home when other family members or visiters can see them, it is not polite, not correct culture, But B/G's can do anything in public and wear anything ,very short skirt, low cut top, very short shorts, now ask yourself when you ever see a "normal, respectable thai woman do this???,never, But B/G's can as they do not care about polite or correct culture because they will do what ever it take to keep the falang happy and with her for a long time therefor more money!!! Also many 5 star hotels will not let B/G's in as security will block them, and often you can see govenment buildings and offices have a sign "please wear polite cloths" But you WILL see a respectable thai man/ falang man, thai woman, hold the elbow or forarm as this is far more polite and acceptable.

    also try asking any thai grandmother or grandfarther, they will give you the same answer.

    The part about only BG's hold hands in public is utter <deleted>. I have never dated a BG in thailand yet each and every Thai woman I have dated has held my hand in public.

    Kissing and cuddling in public is frowned upon. In many cases outside your house and in view of others it is frowned upon too. I do not disagree with that part.

    Ask any grandmother about etiquette? Naturally she will say it is not the done thing here in Thailand but many grandmothers are not 'with it' and have very different standards, so what would you expect a grandmother to say?

    Out and about in nightclubs in smaller provincial cities I have seen many Thai / Thai cuddling up together (not grannies though, they tend to be in bed) whistling.gif Many a time I have been kissed and cuddled in nightclubs too and no-one has ever batted an eyelid. The same with sexy dancing - yeah, I still do that too.

    I also see many women dressed in short skirts and skimpy shorts in restaurants and clubs and most of them are not BG's either. very beautiful to look at.

    In restaurants I have been fed food in a rather provocative way too. Also given food mouth to mouth - very sexy as your lips touch as each takes a bite!! w00t.gif

    Ah, wait ..... maybe that is far too pornographic for some of you prudes out there.

    Tough cheesy.gif

    edit to add and I have not dated one woman under 30 here.

  4. I never send flowers back to the UK as there is no-one to send them to.


    I have had occasion to give flowers to certain ladies on special occasions.

    With regards to funerals and weddings, floral tributes are a big thing. yet many of the floral tributes I have been involved with are hired and not real flowers. Real flower tributes are expensive for many Thai people. In saying that they do also use real flowers too.

  5. Some bars will be though not many. The larger bars will not be open and the women will be having a well earned night off and a long lie in. Many seemed to be celebrating the fact last night where I was and downing bottles of beer with gay abandon :)

  6. Why do you think you are lucky to find a non BG lady? There are millions in this country.

    If one frequents brothel - bars, then the likelyhood of hooking up with a bar-prostitute is high.

    Surely her having 2 children already is very unlucky?

    How so unlucky? Nothing wrong with taking care of your SO's children from a previous marriage, most admirable that a guy's willing to treat them as his own. The way the Thais do it here as if genetics are the basis for love is despicable why would you go along with that?

    Nothing wrong with it but a big handicap IMO. Something I couldn't/wouldn't do. Sometimes it may be admirable but mostly from what I have experienced it's stupidity/ignorance. The farang doesn't know how unwanted the divorced woman with kids is in this culture. He is stupid enough to believe her ridiculous story that she prefers farang as they are faithful or they have a bigger penis. The reality is that she is desperate and has probably resorted to desperate means like joining a farang-finding-web site or moving to Pattaya. She is over 30 and will spend the rest of her life along bringing up her kids. Not one decent Thai man will hook up with her. There is ONE last chance of an easy life - find a gullible farang. Come on guys wake up to reality.

    In the West it wouldn't be such a devastating handicap but in Thailand with the cultural differences it's relationship suicide. Especially if the step-kid is a boy.

    Is it only in Thailand? Where I come from we are taught that blood is thicker than water, especially water from lands abroad.

    Yes, many Thai women here are single mothers and not through divorce because most of them are not even married in the legal sense. They are single mothers doing what mothers the world over do and that is doing their best to take of their children because the husband has run off to find a new plaything for his bed. And it is generally the family that bring these children up, not just the mother on her own.

    There are women all over Thailand who are single mothers and they would not dream of going to work in Pattaya or to work in places like Soi Cowboy / Nan Plaza and similar places. These women may be hard up financially but they do have their pride.

    Very many are also under 30.

    Being a single mother does not mean she is a loveless person. It does not mean she has no desire to cuddle and kiss and hold hands and be made love to. I agree that many Thai men will not have these women with their offspring unless the woman is financially well off so what options are left open to these women? The men would rather find another woman to impregnate and move on again and again. These men do not do it for love.

    So in your opinion all these women want a foreign man because of the size of his penis and you deride the fact foreign men are more faithful. That is a sad opinion as far as I am concerned. Especially as the size of your penis has nothing to do with how much love, faithfulness and security a man can offer. That comes from the heart.

    There are a lot of women out there who would love some security, to hold hands, be cuddled and be loved and not simply looking for a walking ATM. Where will they find this love and affection if not from a foreigner? That does not make us all gullible fools either, though too many men are fools in love - both here AND back in their own countries. Love can be and often is blind.

    • Like 1
  7. Once a year I bring back a years supply of my various meds in my checked baggage. Never been stopped and checked at customs but I imagine there would be problems if I was stopped because that is a lot of meds.

    My risk :)

    A lot of medication here is cheap but not all. Mine are not cheap here. That is why I bring mine over.

  8. You might also want to consider one of the big buses that run between the airport and Pattaya. Don't know the price, but have to be cheaper than any taxi or limo.

    As someone else stated, avoid the minivans.

    Bell's travel. Just a few hundred Baht and they also have a mini bus service to take you to the hotel. The bus service is quick and clean. Depends on what time you are arriving. You can always check their website.

    Also, yes, Mr.T. is reliable I have used his services a few times.

  9. I live in a pretty big apartment - 250 sqm.

    Big enough not to feel boxed up. Only one other apartment on our floor.

    Have done houses and don't like them. Mozzies get in.

    I hate mozzies.

    Mozzie screens on all the windows and a door screen on the front and back doors.

    At the front I had a sliding door screen put in. That was brilliant. Doors open all day to ventilate the house and not a mozzie could get through unless when opening and closing the door. Not expensive either.

  10. Go to an exchange booth with your passport and a bill to show your address ( or you can tell them the address ) and withdraw funds. No need for 150 Baht fee either. Generally better FX rates as well.

    This way you can see him swipe the card and make sure it is all in working order too.

    As an aside, are you sure your anti-fraud section of your bank is aware you are in Thailand? (I presume they do if they say there are no problems).

    I am pretty sure..either wrong pin or card damaged

    Yes, quite possibly.

  11. Three solutions...

    1) If on your push bike ring the bell (you do have one?) or on the m/c bip your horn (you have one of those too?)

    2) Mount some high powered water rifles on the bike and blast those mindless, insolent offenders out of your way - then pedal like f*** before they come after you rolleyes.gif

    3) Get an air horn. The type with a bubble on the end you can squeeze. cycle quietly up behind the offending people who dare to be in your way and blast like crazy, scaring the sh*t out of them. Then also pedal like......


  12. Slobbering over a woman and ramming your tongue down her throat in public, groping her arse and such?

    just come from walking street or nana I assume...laugh.png

    Soi 8 Beach road whistling.gif One man had his woman's leg almost round his neck. Thought he was going to perform oral sex on the bar stool. tongue.png

    I do see a lot of that stuff about.

    But I still think it is cool to hold the hand of one you love. I even held the hand of my (now ex) wife after 20 odd years of being together. Ahhh, Romance. I love it.

  13. Go to an exchange booth with your passport and a bill to show your address ( or you can tell them the address ) and withdraw funds. No need for 150 Baht fee either. Generally better FX rates as well.

    This way you can see him swipe the card and make sure it is all in working order too.

    As an aside, are you sure your anti-fraud section of your bank is aware you are in Thailand? (I presume they do if they say there are no problems).

  14. I too have been encouraged to learn Thai - though I fail miserably due to hearing difficulties.

    To be honest I also am of the belief that the Thai people who do not want you to learn or understand Thai are wont to be deceitful and to be able to discuss you even in front of you with others.

    In families and in the villages the Thai people used to delight in hearing me speak ( attempt to speak) Thai. That often raised a laugh or two but it was all in good fun :)

  15. If you look into some of the Thai dating sites you will often see a Thai woman who says she wants some love and romance in her life and to hold hands as we walk together.

    What is wrong with holding hands? It is a nice gesture. It is also the natural thing to do. Yet you seem to make it sound dirty and unnatural.

    Slobbering over a woman and ramming your tongue down her throat in public, groping her arse and such? That is not the done thing in most countries so I could imagine you complaining about that, not a simple holding of hands.

    All the Thai women I have had love to kiss, snuggle up and be loving but NOT outside. That is reserved for indoors or in private.

    Maybe you lack that romantic touch?

    As to the question of is it only foreigners who hold hands? No it isn't. I have seen many Thai couples being very tender towards each other in restaurants though I'll admit that was out in more provincial areas and not the big cities. They feed each other, touch and hold hands.

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