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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. I felt something crawling in my pants last year. I dropped my drawers and was horrified to see a Dakhab scurry out. Lucky escape for the both of us.

    I did go to battle with one of these in my garden once. They are as tough as a fanbelt. Your best bet is some kind of blade to chop em down. Smacking them just seems to make them angry.

    Smacking them makes them angry. That sounds like something out of a horror movie. Being chased around the house with it's jaws snapping at you clap2.gif

    A very lucky escape for you to have it escape from your trouser leg with no attack, especially if it had reached a warm snug place to nestle in - as I understand they like warm, snug places w00t.gif

    • Like 1
  2. sorry, I understand very well what is being said.....

    Me too and it isnt even my first language. Though the guy could have used some more text spacing ect.

    I understood the post too. As you say it could have been presented better, especially with long posts. Another scammer avoided. Some think we came off the banana boat ;)

  3. I personally am not wanting to start a rice farm but have a friend who is being asked to help pay for the new planting season. He has no computer so cannot access the internet like we can for information. Also he is a pensioner and likes to take care of his limited funds so I said I can at least ask for a general idea on the cost per Rai, hence the question on here.

    I doubt if they have their own machine but from what I understand the family do not have much money (as ever here) or so they say.

    tingtong's post is helpful and I can calculate that and pass the information on and leave the rest up to him.

  4. since we are near that general area, here is what i have as costs (this year)

    plowing x2....250 baht/rai...(last year it went for 280, maybe more competition).

    spraying weedkiller, around 100thb/rai for the chemical, we do our own spraying so no cost for work, else they charge 250thb/200liter sprayed here (exclude the chemical cost)...1 rai needs around 60-80liter...

    we broadcast the rice, the same time the 2nd plowing (or whatever then they doing ) is done.

    the seed you can buy from farmers i guess, probably not that much more expensive than selling goes...

    today's price at rice buyers in my location was 13.20thb/kg for sticky rice, 15thb/kg for hom mali/jasmine rice.

    as i see, the rice seed is the cheapest imput in the whole process.

    so much for planting costs and getting it started.

    ...then comes fertiliser, and comes more weed spraying, more fertiliser, and harvest....

    hope helped a bit, as i mentioned, all the prices above are very current, we are right in the middle of planting...

    Thanks for that. Helpful information too. I appreciate you taking the time to post the details.

  5. I had no idea the bite is that painful or I would have dispatched the beast to Buddha.

    When I looked on the internet to find out what it was and a little more about it, what I read said they bite but gave me the impression the bite is not painful. From the replies above I now know better. That one in the house was a good 8 or 9 inches long and quite broad. It was motoring along at a good speed too.

    I always shake clothes before wearing them and tap my shoes on the floor to see if anything is hiding in them too. Better safe than sorry with so many things here that can bite.

  6. Had a few beers, came home, sat down for a quick coffee before bed and found this wriggling across the floor. Not a pleasant sight at first glance and not knowing where it was heading except further into the house.


    I had no idea what it was until now. But it did not look pleasant. Also no idea if it could bite, be poisonous or what as I'd never seen one before.

    Thankfully I swept it outside into the street and did not kill it. Giant Centipede. Can Bite. Harmful if allergic. Glad I did not find out if I am allergic or not :P

  7. Up 2nd road, 2nd turning @ dolphin roundabout up Pattaya-Na Kluea, maybe 2 kilometers up on the right hand side you will see a place with lots of what look like 2nd hand washing machines and fridges outside. (Sorry cannot be more specific).

    When I had a problem with my washing machine he sent 2 of his lads out to the house. They fixed it there and then for a few hundred baht. (edit to add) --> That was a year ago and the problem remains fixed.

    The boss does seem very competent and they repair washers and fridges etc all the time.

  8. You can try to prevent this by isolating her from her previous "friends" and family that you consider harmful and certainly don't live in the midst of them. Make sure her hands and brain are kept busy on positive improvements to her life so in future she is less dependent on you, and in the meantime try to be worthy of praise and positive envy, but in anticipation of future happiness rather than immediate ATM output.

    If she listens to them to the point that she crosses the line with you and the relationship slides downhill as a result, then she isn't worth holding on to, let her go and move on.

    I agree with that in principle, yet with lifelong friends from the village it is not so easy to keep a woman away from these friends, especially when they need to go to the village to see family, help with the farm and other reasons. That is when I feel a lot of this starts. Then there is the telephone and we know how they love to chat smile.png

    Yes, a lot is down to the woman herself but the peer pressure can be powerful. Often that is when the demands start. I get the impression that Thai people in general do not have that independence we were brought up with to think for ourselves.

    It is a great shame too. I know several friends whose relationships have ended due to peer pressure.

    Peer pressure is a serious issue, your comment that it has ended several relationships says it all.

    And I believe it will continue to do so for many. It is difficult to battle against such a culture even if we understood the language better.

    The last relationship of mine also ended this way while she was back home and as I have mentioned in other topics the demands for 20K Baht a month came after she went home amongst her friends. Prior to that we had a pretty good relationship. When she realised I was walking away from this relationship she wanted a face to face meting and came 600 kilometers to meet me. Face to face things went very well. The demand was dropped. Yet she had to go back home to tend to her sick mother - who is genuinely sick - and after that there were friends in the background on many calls. Women even speaking English at times, not knowing I could hear them over the phone. Needless to say the demands for 20K re-surfaced and the calls started to get nasty with others in the background I could hear speaking to her.

    End of any future communications from me because I refuse to give in to demands like those and life is too short to bicker like that and against unseen and unknown 'whisperers'.

    Yet who is the loser in all this? She is 37 now and rarely ventured beyond her village and into 'our world'. She understands nothing of the internet and has limited English vocabulary. I cannot see her doing well as a BG either.

    Whisperers 1 - 0 :)

  9. A lot of money for a Thai to lose. And I do feel for her. That is 10 months wage for some.

    I also do not agree with the 'too greedy' idea. She did not solicit money or goods, they were offered and that is very different. I also hope she is using the law to try and gt details of these people though it may well be they used fake ID's.

    I have seen some of those scam emails. Originated in Lagos/Nigeria, what you can see from the mail header.

    The story is always about a good looking, middle age business man from "England" who wants to marry a Thai woman. They find their victims in Facebook and other similar media.

    Then after some time. it ends with a package of presents where the girl has to pay "tax".

    Often the sums demanded are just around 5000 - 10000 Baht, which even poor girls can afford.

    But it is not only the money. They are tricking them, often over months, with a fake love story and the girl is in the 7th heaven. Then they are not only losing the money, but also a "lover" from recent months.

    And even then they are not aware, that their "handsome lover from London" was actually sitting in a run down internet cafe in Nigeria.

    cannot delete the post so deleted the text.

    my mistake in reading your reply incorrectly.

  10. A lot of money for a Thai to lose. And I do feel for her. That is 10 months wage for some.

    I also do not agree with the 'too greedy' idea. She did not solicit money or goods, they were offered and that is very different. I also hope she is using the law to try and gt details of these people though it may well be they used fake ID's.

    • Like 2
  11. Hopefully these are not totally idiotic questions :)

    Up in Nong Buah Lam Phu in the Khon Kaen area.

    When are they due or likely to start the new rice planting?

    Roughly how much Baht per Rai does it cost to buy the rice, clean the paddies and plant the rice? ( I realise this may be lacking in actual content about labour, machines etc., but am looking for a rough cost only).

    Thanks :)

  12. You can try to prevent this by isolating her from her previous "friends" and family that you consider harmful and certainly don't live in the midst of them. Make sure her hands and brain are kept busy on positive improvements to her life so in future she is less dependent on you, and in the meantime try to be worthy of praise and positive envy, but in anticipation of future happiness rather than immediate ATM output.

    If she listens to them to the point that she crosses the line with you and the relationship slides downhill as a result, then she isn't worth holding on to, let her go and move on.

    I agree with that in principle, yet with lifelong friends from the village it is not so easy to keep a woman away from these friends, especially when they need to go to the village to see family, help with the farm and other reasons. That is when I feel a lot of this starts. Then there is the telephone and we know how they love to chat :)

    Yes, a lot is down to the woman herself but the peer pressure can be powerful. Often that is when the demands start. I get the impression that Thai people in general do not have that independence we were brought up with to think for ourselves.

    It is a great shame too. I know several friends whose relationships have ended due to peer pressure.

  13. I live in a remote part of Maha Sarakham and get up to KK a couple of times a month. I love the place. The local farangs are friendly and I have only ever heard one say he did not like the place. I have stayed in 11 hotels in KK and my favourite is Mai Thai, which is just off Soi Bangkok (take the left turning opposite Tescos). It is a great modern 12 room hotel with swimming pool (numer 1 for b&b on tripadvisor) "owned" by Ronnie from York. Several local farangs go there for a beer and his excellent bacon sandwiches. Oh . . and just 500 baht a night.

    If you want a good night out - Tawan Dang or you could try U Bar very popular with the young and beautiful Thais - good contemporary bands. I wandered into 99 last weekend . . similar to U Bar but with girls wearing bikinis pole dancing on tables.

    Have fun.

    Sent from my GT-P1000T using Thaivisa Connect App

    Thanks for that information. Sounds interesting too.

  14. Nothing said to me but my wife has had some bad things said. I'm younger than my wife by 11 years.

    #1. If we have children then they will be disabled. (by a so called thai friend of my wife's)

    #2. When he get's bored and runs of with a younger model, don't come crying to me. (Falang, ex-husband)

    #3. Your stupid for leaving your ex, he has more money than your husband now. (some prick in her village)

    Jealousy is a bad thing. Why have people got to be so full of poison.

    Edit - added a line.

    Yeah. So much damage can come from these people in the background who seem intent on destroying something good because it is not theirs and the jealousy really shows through.

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  15. The friends behind the phone calls. By that I mean that when I am on the phone to some women there so often seems to be a lady friend whispering advice in the background. Whatever is being said makes things worse.

    Those whisperers are the worst kind. Worse even than the jungle drums beating out their tidbits of info that says what bar / restaurant I am in, who with and at what time.

    • Like 1
  16. PM sent about Taxi service, well recommended.

    Thanks beano

    I will save the number but I am really after a reliable company, money is not a problem but I prefer not to use those rip off limousine types that hang around the airport.

    A nice comfortable minibus for 1500 to 2000bt booked and waiting for me at the airport would be perfect.

    Your nuts!! What is wrong with the airport mini van service at a fraction of the price you are talking about? The balance you can spend on the Pattaya tarts (sorry wives)

    Price is not that important.

    I just wanted to know what company everyone else in the know uses rather than one guy with a car and I got the answer which was MR T or thelimopattaya.com

    I dont come over to Thailand too often and I dont mind paying money for a good service and its wise to do your research before you arrive.

    and I do like a bit of luxury as well. Please dont take offence but I dont do buses even in England. Nothing wrong with them. I hope I havent come over as a snob please forgive me.

    Not snobbish at all as far as I am concerned.

    Sometimes after a long trip we do like to finish the trip in some comfort. The cars run by Mr. T. that I have used do take care of you and give a smooth ride unlike some of the mad min-bus drivers. That is why I have recommended them before and will do so again

    Bells bus ( that you do not want to use ) is a good alternative for many and was well worth a mention, especially at the price. Comfortable, quick and easy with their option of a ride from the bus station to your hotel. It is then in the topic so other people might also see it and then be aware of the facility.

    Enjoy your trip and your stay here in LOS.

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