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Posts posted by laobali

  1. To keep you updated on the situation, I passed the Scottish link to her, and I wrote a letter for her to attach.

    Also wrote a letter in English, for her to send to the dating website.

    My wife gave her both, on Monday, and she is refusing to do anything.

    Can't understand why she asked my wife's help in the first place.

    Anyway, I would like to Thank everybody for your time to answer my thread.

    Probably too much loss of face already.



  2. It's not just Thai women it happens to there was a news feature on recently in the UK where women all over Europe had fell for similar scams. They meet a guy on a dating site, he says he's from the UK or USA, and they talk on the phone and email each other.

    Eventually after some time he asks for money for whatever reason and tons of these women send him large sums of it only never to hear from him again.

    Turns out he's actually Nigerian and just scamming them.

    Although they are still called Nigerian 419 scams from their origin 30 years ago, the perpetrators now come from all over the world.

    Some women had fallen for the same scam over and over again with different people. Some had sent money multiple times even after sending the first one and the guy not keeping his end of the bargain.

    They talked to some of the women afterwards and they even said "I knew his accent wasn't American and his photos didn't look like he was in the USA" and other stuff that made it really obvious it was a scam yet they still fell for it anyway.

  3. Whist i admit this is the behaviour,of an utter cad,maybe in the past he has been scammed the other way and wanted a measure of revenge ,i do not condone action's of con artist's,but i would suggest it has been done far more by Thai lady's to falang's than the other way around,if i were you Costas my involvement would be to let the website know,and leave it at that,there is no use crying over spilt milk,any the lady has learned a lesson,anyway who on Earth would want to live in Glasgow.

    Possibly at least one Nigerian scammer by the sound of it!

  4. Would an implant improve the road tragedy situation. laugh.png

    No, but it might improve your outlook. That's a forced smile if ever I saw one!

    Thailand has laws like most countries. They're just not enforced sufficiently. That's what needs to change, but a lot of people will be unhappy about it, including foreigners. You can't just pick and choose which rules you like.


    My first thought in your position should be to expose that or those Government official (Sad to say though your tip might not be cash rewarded or a promotion) thats the duty of every honest citizen to stop such fowl business. Well. I hope that the Military would hear or see your report. Good luck and well done!

    Too chicken to report the fowl business since the coop?

  6. I have a few suggestions.

    Drive fast.

    Drive drunk.

    Drive on the wrong side of the road.

    Don't wear a seatbelt.

    All of these will improve tragedy.

    Sent from my LG-D858

    You mean do the same as many Thais? If you can't beat them, join them. Sometimes it will work in your favour but don't bank on it. Everyone has a "not lucky" day.

  7. Afraid ebola will spread as fire both here and in other developing countries considering the hygienic etiquette when it comes to sneezing, couching and something as simple but important as regularly handwash.

    And eating food from the same dish with each person using their own spoon.

    Have you ever drunk beer "Lao-style" with everyone using the same glass? Great fun!

  8. And marketing online goes way beyond sourcing a product, selling, being paid and delivering it - even if it's someone else's product or service (affiliate marketing); that's the easy part. Online 'presence' is the secret. Getting your site or blog listed (or ad posted) on the first page of the search engines (SEO) is the difficult part. And choosing to promote something that a sizable number of people want. Takes a lot of effort and time.

  9. I know of several large academic conferences held in Pattaya. It seemed to be trying to establish itself as a conference venue.

    The conferences I know were very successful, but some of the delegates got a bit of a shock wondering around after dinner!

    Wondering why they chose Pattaya?

    Probably because of the large number of golf courses nearby - and that is why they were successful.

    Most people I know go to conferences to get away from work and have a good time and then claim it as a tax deduction.

    You can play golf at night in Pattaya?

  10. In a few years countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and even China will be far more developed and tourist friendly than they are now. And when that happens the "quality tourist" will collectively spit in the face of the brain dead, racist, arrogant Thais and maybe then these incomprehensibly stupid people will finally learn that the world does not revolve around them and that if they want their tourist revenue back, to rescue their pathetic country from the recession it will be in, then they will have to get on their knees and do you know what. And these morons will learn that not even China will be their friend. Who will they market to next...Africa, North Korea, ISIS? And if there is one country in the world that deserves and will receive no sympathy then it will be Thailand. I find thainess more obscene and disgusting by the day and each and every attempt of theirs to compel me to spend more money in their banana republic country just results in me spending less.

    Wow, that's way over the top. Did she ditch you? Why are you still in TV?

    it can be addictive, even once you've seen the (dimming) light.

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