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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. 53 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    Price range is unchanged since I bought the SP model in mid-2016.

    1.198m is 100k more than the previous model SP, no? And I thought the base model was in the high 800k range too. Nonetheless, it's still compares favourably to competitors from Honda and Toyota, especially when you consider that the interior is basically one class higher.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    The fact IS he sold his 'equity company' for $3m and the prosecutor investigated and Biden visited and he got fired. When public prosecutors get fired one should be very concerned. What experience did Daddy's son have in Ukraine?  speaks the language maybe? any other connection, besides his Dad?  don't think so. 

    Not disagreeing. But also stating that I think Trump is dodgy too. Two wrongs don't make a right so to speak. And you'll find people in this forum who take both sides.... the problem as I see it, not enough people in the middle.

  3. 13 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Who do Biden's actions look dirty? He was carrying out US policy? Which agreed with EU policy and most liberal democracies. What's more the prosecutor wasn't even investigating Burisma, the company Hunter Biden worked for. Much less investigating Hunter Biden.

    As I said, depends what you read. To me, Biden's actions, the resulting, firing, and of course the timing of everything, looks very suspicious, regardless of what might end of in the press. At the same time, Trump's actions are dodgy as too. Read the other reply to my comment, that takes the opposite angle to you. There in lies one of the biggest problems in US politics today.

  4. 2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    My understanding of this latest smear and muck-fling against Trump might be limited, but from what I can gather. Biden's son is gifted a plummy job working for a Ukrainian company paying an insanely high salary. The company he works for gets investigated for dodgy activities. Biden sr as US vice President threatens witholding a 1 Billion dollar loan guarantee to the Ukraine until the prosecutor in the case is removed. And now we are somehow bashing Trump for this!?! 


     This is just another spectacular own goal, unless I am really missing something?

    It's interesting, because depending on which websites you go to, you get different interpretations. The right going one way, and the left the other. The left leaning say that the prosecutor had been a target for removal from western nations and within the Ukraine for quite some time. That Biden did nothing wrong. One can't ignore that his son Hunter was involved however, and this certainly looks like a conflict of interest. The truth is that politicians on both sides will be manipulating the 'facts' to serve their agenda. Biden's actions certainly look dirty to me, but at the same time Trump shouldn't have then kind of done the same thing with his phone calls and holding funding. So how would you like your crooked politician, poached or scrambled?

  5. 1 hour ago, marioc said:

    I am very far from defending this supposed "low life scum", but we were not there and we do not know what's happened..... maybe it should be wiser to wait for some sort of investigation, chai mai?

    Completely agree. We have only heard one side of the events. I know of otherwise sane and rational men who have been driven to madness by their Thai g/f's.

    Having said that, my sympathy does out to this girl. It is tragic what happened to her, and I hope she can make some recovery at least in the future.

  6. 9 hours ago, Reigntax said:

    After 30 years it is probably a "spent conviction". No searching, other than by law enforcement would be made available.

    However,if the aus press are now searching, they may have articles relating to the case on file.


    As you say, his version of events is not how the Aus justice system works. 

    Read the Sydney Morning Herald piece. It's extremely detailed, with quotes from Police files and conversations, both recorded as part of the sting, and face to face with authorities. There is no question as to what happened. This an was convicted of a drug trafficking related offence and spent 4 years in jail for it.

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  7. Earlier this year a friend and I did a 1.5 day walking tour of London, with the explicit aim of avoiding the usual tourist stops, and instead visiting out of the way and quirky places. Other than a few meals and reasonably priced pints of beers, we spent no more than a few pounds on public transport. There really is so much history available to see for free if one wants to.

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