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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Cinema today, much like music, are little more than recycled distractions for the masses. Superficial escapism from the meaninglessness of most peoples lives. If you dig a little deeper, you'll find there are actually plenty of original movies being made, you just might not find them in your local mall cineplex..... just like you won't find the good music in the top 40 charts.

  2. This is actually a huge story, and yet it seems up until now to have been ignored by the Gov. Ignoring a problem until it goes away is the go-to strategy, and often it works. If it doesn't, how can they play it? That he was one troubled individual? That means it's not problem with the system, and so after assuring the public he will get the support he needs, it's business as usual.

    Or they could acknowledge that certain problems do exist, and then pay lip service to fixing them. This also is a favourite strategy employed by those in power. They know more often than not, this will be enough to soothe the initial outrage on social media.

    Finally, and least likely.... as in it's just not going to happen, the Gov not only acknowledges that a serious problem exists, but they overall the system that enables it to thrive, and then puts in last checks and balances to ensure it doesn't creep back in. I just put this last part in for so we can all have a good chuckle.

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