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Everything posted by dddave

  1. There was a prolific poster on "Thai-Visa" who moved to Siem Reap maybe 4 years ago. Posted several reports after the move but haven't seen any since. I don't recall his board name.
  2. If passing through Suvarnaphumi Airport, the EX kiosks next to the Airport Rail Link entrance give excellent rates. The upstairs ones do not.
  3. Larger international logistics providers often use couriers, sometimes inhouse, sometimes contractors but usually by private arrangement as was my case. There were some international companies that specialized in "hand-carry's" but I don't know which ones are still operating.
  4. This is really important, especially proper fit. I used to fly regularly as a courier and needed to wear them. Baby powder is useful as they tend to chafe around the tops and the powder helps prevent it. These guys are goofy but their information is excellent:
  5. dddave

    Cialis Bangkok

    "Street" Cialis is usually just sildenafil, same as Viagra/Kamagra/Sidegra molded to look like Cialis. Genuine Cialis is Tadalafil. The genuine package has a hologram and cost B2000++. At one time sold in BOOTS but that was a while ago.
  6. MEDISAFE is a large, dependable online pharmacy with reasonable pricing and dependable delivery. Below is their Facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/Medisafe.Pharmacy.Rama4/
  7. The chef at "Frankie's Inn" Very personable fellow and a sad loss.
  8. I guess that would explain why many Thai girls are nick-named "Aw"
  9. No expert but don't you need some top clearance to remove and clean filters? Minimum 15cm I would guess from my own experience. Possibly closer to the ceiling means more reflected noise from the fans.
  10. "So how did it feel seeing your father stab your mom?" Thai TV news reporter.
  11. ACYCLOVIR is the only tablet medication I'm aware of for herpes. It is available OTC in 400/800 mg tablets. ZEVIN is an OTC acyclovir ointment. Acyclovir does not cure herpes, nothing "cures" herpes but it does alleviate symptoms OP really should see a medical professional asap and get a diagnosis.
  12. There are several large large car auctions around the Bangkok area. If you find their websites, they often have a price list from previous auctions.
  13. Jomtien Immigration is very fussy about proper documentation for the B800K bank deposit. If your passbook does not show every single transaction (most don't) you need to get a one year statement from your bank. The problem you will run into is that if your bank home branch is not in Chonburi, it can take a week to get this statement. As I recall, the statement can not be more than 5 days old so you have a very narrow window to obtain it. They are also strict on having an up to date TM-30. They may even require some form of written document from your friend that you are staying as a guest in liew of a rental/lease contract
  14. Guy in my building did that. 3 guys across the hall from his apartment had a band and practiced all hours, full volume. He had tried complaining but it fell on deaf ears. All apartments in my building have metal security doors which are secured by padlock, with loops both inside and outside the door. He bought an extra-tough, rounded padlock, the kind that's difficult to cut and one night when they were banging away. put it on the outside of their security door. He also super-glued the keyhole. There was a lot of yelling and screaming when they found themselves basically in jail. They couldn't pick or cut the lock so they had to cut the door with a grinder. Building owner finally decided they weren't worth it and tossed them out.
  15. I've used Sukhumvit Hospital a number of times as I live fairly close by. I always got good service there. The facility is modern and very well maintained I would call it's pricing sort of middle of the road. It's owned by a larger hospital group and is a for-profit corporation. I have also had excellent treatment at Bangkok Christian Hospital in Silom, an older facility but well maintained with an excellent staff. Significantly less expensive than Sukhumvit. Most local hospitals offer a variety of packages offering a variety of lab tests for competitive prices. Perhaps you can search and find a plan suitable for your mom.
  16. Proximity to local metro transportation does not seem that major a factor with some big box stores. Ikea plopped it's first Bangkok location way out in Bang Na, 2nd location in Nontabury and while it is on a MRT line. not a very easy one for Bangkokians to use. I don't know how the "Greater Bangkok" area is defined but there is a vast population within a 20km radius of Bangkok owning a huge number of vehicles. Retail developers seem to care more about parking accessibility then public transport access. The huge cost of large tracks of land in Bangkok, especially if close to public transportation may also be a big factor.
  17. Not quite forever. Those of us supporting ourselves with canes will remember that space being occupied by the beloved "Hog's Breath Saloon"
  18. Sometimes there's a situation like a friend had. The owner of his rented condo was in Russia. When transferring funds out of Russia became difficult, they made a deal, my friend would pay the condo fee's and subtract it from the rent.
  19. From my Jomtien balcony, I often see a tiny tugboat towing three barges laden with trash & garbage across the bay towards Sattahip, then returning empty late in the day...all three barge loads dumped at sea. I was watching the sun set at Dongtan Beach last night and noticed two farang/Thai couples carefully cleaning trash off the beach. Local chair vendors seem to keep their specific area raked and cleaned every night but I didn't see any organized clean-up.
  20. In a condo, you usually pay the direct government electric rate, between B4-5. Apartments can and often do mark electricity up, often to 6 to 10 baht a unit which can double AC costs. Also, apartments are more likely to charge marked-up rates for TV, internet and water. Some condo owners may try to pass monthly maintenance fees on to renters but that's pretty rare.
  21. I never really understood how the Chrome bookmark system worked or how to properly organize it. Now I have hundreds of overlapping and duplicate headings, the list so long and unorganized that I find myself creating a new bookmark category to save an item even though I know there is already one it there somewhere. Any suggestions for a simple tutorial on how to get this under control. I tried YT but the few I tried lost me in the first few minutes, most too technical or just poorly presented.
  22. Bottom of display: "ACCOUNT" Then top right: Settings gear icon. Scroll down the menu.
  23. I think they provide a useful service. Not everybody, especially older people, can just sit directly on the beach which can get rather uncomfortable and hot pretty quickly. Most visitors also don't have the means to carry beach chairs and lounges to the beach. I live close to Jomtien Beach and regularly rent one of the larger lounge chairs to just sit and read for a few hours with a nice, cold coconut next to me. I am always quoted the regular B100 price for the larger chair and have never had a vendor quote more. Prior to Covid, in response to several negative incidents involving beach chair vendors, Pattaya officials banned the chairs on certain weekdays. It made going to the beach on those days rather unpleasant as there was no place to sit unless you could carry your own chair or were willing to lay on a beach towel or mat. No apparent advantage to the rule at all.
  24. FWIW, about 5 years ago I sat next to a young woman on a provincial bus, Chonburi to Bangkok. She was Thai but had been an exchange student to Chili in S. America while in her High School years and then went on to University is Spain. She said she worked as a Thai-Spanish translator for a large Spanish ceramics corporation in Chonburi but was travelling to Bangkok to interview with a major bank that was offering her a lot more money. She said there was a lot of demand for translators who could translate corporate and legal documents accurately, not just Thai to Spanish but to most major European languages.
  25. I tested those super cheap Lazada adds. 99% a total scam. First of all, look at the spelling of the brand name. Usually it will be a slightly misspelled version of a major brand: SAMSUGN instead of SAMSUNG, etc. While the big text in the display ad will say stuff like 6 1/2" super display. 512ram, blah, blah, somewhere in the description or in the listing in your cart it will say "phone may differ". What arrived when I bought one for B1000 was a 4 1/2 inch GSM model from at least 10 years ago. Seller refused return but Lazada overruled and I got my money back. The best cheap phones on Lazada are Real Me and Xiaomi. Just be aware, in todays world, a phone with 2gb ram and 32 gb storage is going to be VERY limited.
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