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Everything posted by dddave

  1. Reminds me of a situation that occurred in my home town. A man with a sizeable McMansion discovered his neighbor was seeking permission to build a 2nd story addition onto his garage. He went to the zoning hearing and vigorously opposed the addition, arguing it would give the neighbors a clear view of his swimming pool. "What pool?" Asked the zoning commissioner. Turned out, it had been built without a permit and was not built within local regulations, including being too close to the property boundary. The pool was eventually ordered to be removed. Opening his mouth, cost him dearly.
  2. There have been multiple court cases of condo owners trying to block construction of a newer condo that will obstruct their view. They are rarely successful unless they can find some irregularity in the property deed or a violation local density regulations. Pretty tough to stop a person from building whatever they want on their property as long as it's within local codes.
  3. Before you get your hair cut in any shop, watch for a bit and see if they change or even wipe down tools between customers. Many do not, especially among the B100-150 Soi Buakhao shops. There are some nasty things one can catch from uncleaned equipment, including lice.
  4. The sad truth is, most countries charge tourist more than locals. If you travel in the USA, even if a citizen, cross a state line and visit a state park, you will pay higher entrance and usage fees than locals will. Go to any public beach and locals will have parking stickers allowing them to park for far less. Go to almost any museum or public attraction in the US or Europe, locals pay less than outsiders. Even US National Parks charge Non-citizens higher fees.
  5. Not mentioned in the local news at all but of much greater potential impact on Jomtien is that serious groundwork has begun on the Jomtien Monorail project slated to be finished and in operation in 5 years time. You can see a lot of land clearing, digging and rebar now set for pillars if you go to the area where the "Bungee Jump" park is, extending down the now closed Soi next to RIMHAD Condo on Jomtien 2nd Road, then across 2nd road to what will be a terminal on Beach Rd . between Soi's 9 & 10. https://futuresoutheastasia.com/pattaya-monorail/
  6. If your "home branch", the bank where you opened your account is outside of Chonburi, then the letter can take a week or more . It takes some planning because there is a limit on how many days old the letter can be. I think 15 days but I may be wrong. Maybe somebody else can verify
  7. Not as extensive a food selection as other night markets but the quality seems pretty good; more selections aimed at Thais rather than tourists. The fried chicken from the vendor in the 7/11 parking lot is consistently good. Lots of seating and a decent parking area. Prices are not as marked-up as Jomtien Night Market.
  8. I guess it depends on whether you call it "Begging" or "Busking". Busking is entertainment in exchange for money.
  9. Such pointless and cruel speculation. This being Thailand it could just as easily been somebody angry because he looked at him the wrong way or some incident on the roadway. A guy once chased me down and threatened me with a knife because I got in his way somehow.
  10. He has not died yet but there is no hope. He has developed further complications and is not expected to live much longer.
  11. I think that's the one I was remembering. Thank you.
  12. Thanks. Not the one I was looking for but some helpful information buried within some ridiculous rancour.
  13. There was a well written topic here several years ago explaining all the funeral local options when a foreigner dies in Thailand. Does anybody have a link to that accessible? I've tried to find it but the search function is not very helpful. I thought it may have been pinned somewhere. I'm helping the family of a friend. I do have the US Embassy page so please no links to that.
  14. Finally opened 15 up, did they? Thanks.
  15. Is the motorbike parking at Villa easily accessible now? Last time I tried to go there a few months ago, there was construction all around and I couldn't see how to get in.
  16. CR is quickly heading in the same direction...new bridges to China via Laos will bring the hoards. Loei is still a beautiful refuge but probably not for much longer.
  17. EU to UK: Nope.
  18. No need to get the Re-entry permit in advance. As long as you have a boarding pass, you can obtain it at passport control when you depart, open 24/7 Same price, B1000 single. If you don't have a visa photo, they can take it there. Usually less than 20 minutes to complete. It can take much longer at Immigration offices
  19. The problem with many "Boots" is that they seem to share a single pharmacist among a group of stores. More often than not, when I go into a Boots, the pharmacist is out and a curtain is drawn over the pharmaceuticals. often, only a 2 hour window per day. Even then, at one Boots in Pattaya, the sign said the pharmacist would be there at 2 PM, She showed up at 3:15.
  20. Look for large "Mr. D.I.Y.", Ratanakorn is market behind.
  21. I buy veggies at Rampo every week. No, definitely not as cheap as inland markets much further away but hardly a "rip-off". The vendors in Rampo pay higher rents and the veggies I buy there are always clean, high quality and fresh, a cut above what I find at Makro and Lotus's's's's. I don't mind paying a bit more for the convenience of having the market 5 minutes away rather than having a long drive.
  22. I have severe knee pain from arthritis, especially when walking. Tramadol helps more than any other OTC medication. I did do research. Most medical sites recommend no more than 100mg/day for regular usage. I buy ULTRACET OTC. The capsules are each 37.5 mg tramadol and 325mg paracetamol. I get moderate relief from one tablet and that is what I usually take if I am going out and will be walking short distances. I will sometimes take 2 capsules, 1 hour apart if I will be walking a lot, like shopping at a Makro. I never take 2 capsules 2 days in a row and try to not take it at all 2 or 3 days of the week. I have never had any adverse reaction I'm aware of there has been no noticeable diminishment of effectiveness over time. I remember when the Thai government banned the most effective antihistamine in sinus medications because kids were abusing it. Corrupt hospital officials were buying huge quantities and selling it to drug dealers. I hope they don't do the same with tramadol.
  23. You didn't ask for Sciatica advice so I apologize in advance but I suffered from sciatica last year and know how debilitating and painful it can be. These 2 guys are goofy but they really know their stuff. I followed their exercises and it really helped. Especially helpful was laying on the bed on my stomach with 2 pillows under my shoulder/upper chest area but with my chin overhanging. I seemed to relive the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Simple exercises, like from this position, head down: lifting the head slowly so looking straight ahead 6 times. Pushing your self up with arms only, very slowly, letting the back bend and finally, slowly lifting first one leg; down, then the other about 6 inches, Repeat 6 times. After one week of doing this routine several times a day, my sciatica passed. I later engaged a physical therapist who worked with me developing simple stretching and strengthening exercises. No recurrence of the sciatica since.
  24. There are services in the US easily located on Google that can usually find a person if you provide full name and date of birth.
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