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Everything posted by dddave

  1. Perhaps not currently true if some of the YT bloggers that track room prices are correct. Many Buakhow hotels are reportedly already fully booked for High Season and asking prices for short term (1 to 3 months) have doubled in the last month. A room I stayed in for a weekend on LK Metro last month for B500/night is now B900.
  2. I have no clue.
  3. The condo I've lived in for nearly 20 years has off-white, anti-slip tiles all around. No problem keeping clean, a weekly string mopping seems to do it. As an old guy, I'm very aware of the damage a slip and fall could cause. With these tiles, the occasional wet spot doesn't send me flying. Never noticed any discomfort walking either with socks on or barefoot. They do make furniture a bit more difficult to move around, especially bookcases and the like that sit on their edge and don't have feet. I put sliders on the bottom of all my chair legs so I don't send loud noises to the condo below.
  4. I've also had excellent service from Medisafe ordering online. Competitive prices and dependable delivery.
  5. I have short legs and that's one of the reasons I loved my Concours so I can understand how it must have felt a bit small for you. Such a great powerband though. I do miss it but wouldn't have been a good fit for Thailand. The Kawasaki Versys line of touring bikes tend to be pretty tall.
  6. Actually a concern. When I was hospitalized in late April for a serious foot infection I was told my potassium levels were low and they gave me a liquid supplement several times but nothing prescribed on discharge. What potassium supplement do you suggest? Would eating a banana or two a day be sufficient?
  7. Thanks, Sheryl. Yes, you are correct about the dosages. As my BP has been staying consistently within acceptable range, I will leave well enough alone and change nothing.
  8. Thanks for your comment regarding the Losartin dosage. After bypass surgery 6 years ago, I was on VALSARTIN 50mg/day along with the 20mg HCTZ. When Valsartin became unavailable in Thailand for a period, I was told to use Losartin but at only half the Valsartin dosage. This was all by email with a physician who had replaced my primary care physician with the VA in the US. I will contact him and discuss the dosage. Perhaps return to Valsartin which is now available again though much more expensive than the Losartin.
  9. I'm curious. I've been taking both Losartin (20mg/day) and HCTZ (20mg/day) for 6 years after bypass surgery. Would they be considered redundant as both are primarily diuretics'? Is this something I should review with my Dr.?
  10. I believe there are a number of reputable furniture reupholsters in Bangkok and other large cities. You say you still like the sofa other than the current suede cover. Why not have some reupholsters give you estimates on redoing it with a leather cover you select?
  11. I once had a sofa custom made after seeing a sample at a Bangkok furniture show. It looked and felt OK when it was delivered but after few months of usage, hidden problems made themselves felt. Several parts of the hidden wood structural framework were too close to the surface and became uncomfortable pressure points, impossible to avoid when sitting or lying down. As time went on and the padding became more compressed it became unusable. All this to say, one must be very careful ordering any custom made product where interior structures are invisible and impossible to inspect. Were I to have a custom sofa made now, I would only choose a builder close-by enough that I could visit at various stages of construction, such as interior framework and check it out while in progress. OP: I checked YouTube and found quite a few videos on how to determine genuine leather, it's grades and types.
  12. dddave


    I've had an OGGI MC2 coffee maker for more than a year now and really like it's versatility. It comes with 3 adaptors allowing it to be used with fresh ground coffee, Nespresso capsules or Dolce Gusto capsules. When I don't mind taking the time, it's nice to be able to use different fresh ground beans. When I'm in a hurry or just lazy, just popping in a capsule makes an excellent cup with no effort. Buying online, I find a good variety of capsule Thai blends, between B12-15 per capsule. I buy beans directly online from individual Thai roasters in Chang Mai and Chang Rai for very reasonable prices. I also use a french press but I don't like the gritty quality. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/oggi-mc2-nespresso-capsule-dolce-gusto-pod-4-i372570299-s944636213.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.3c732e334jlQQ9
  13. I have had Lazada overrule sellers in my favor several times and have received full refunds.
  14. A friend used to get a songtao from N.Pattaya to Bowin regularly but that was at least 5 years ago. She would also get a van to Bowin from outside the BIG-C next to Central Bang Na.
  15. If cost is an issue, I've had good knee consultations with orthopedic Dr. Somchai Kuptniratsaikul at Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom. BCH is generally "walk-in", no appointment necessary. Bring your passport. BCH is an older but excellent hospital, far less expensive that Bumnungrad, BNH, etc.
  16. Don't neglect to clean the fridge door seal along with the frame it contacts Just a small amount of gunk on the seal can cause air leaks. Anybody with an older fridge should consider replacing the door seal. I did that once to a 10 year old fridge and the difference was dramatic.
  17. dddave


    Lots on Lazada. Search: "Mens cotton Tshirt oversize" https://www.lazada.co.th/products/s-7xl-cotton-men-t-shirts-oversized-fashion-original-plus-size-pullover-tees-tshirt-street-sports-t-shirt-oversize-short-sleeve-i3762169255-s14286569768.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i76.188564bbUuVvtp
  18. MELATONIN helps me also. I'm 90kg and only 5 mg seems to work well with no morning fuzzyness. I found the chewable tablets not to be as effective as the normal tablets. Sometimes I'll take a break from Melatonin and use acetaminophen-PM which I buy on i-herb. Works well but makes for vivid dreams, not nightmares but very strong dreams.
  19. If Germany is like the US, NOT a free trip. If the US has to cover a deportation, they will hound the deportee and his relatives until it is paid back...and it's not a discount ticket.
  20. Several times after I got scammed by a Lazada seller outside the system, I received "COD" deliveries which I knew I hadn't ordered. They were mostly for small "COD" amounts, usually under B200. Just out of curiosity, I paid for a B60 COD. It was 5 rolls of the thinnest imaginable plastic garbage bags, totally useless. Curiosity fulfilled, all hence rejected.
  21. Up until 10 years ago, you could buy a 10 pack of 500mg Bayer aspirin at any pharmacy. They suddenly disappeared and word was that Bayer no longer shipped to Thailand. For two or three years, It was difficult to buy aspirin.
  22. I bought a large, 1000 tablet (300mg) bottle of Aspent enteric aspirin at a pharmacy close to Chula hospital this past year.
  23. In the US, I took my BBQ propane bottle to get it filled and the attendant said: "No." He pointed out an expiration date stamped on the bottle collar that I had never noticed before. I think it was something like 12 years. Had to buy a new one.
  24. Also, always do soapy water test at the connection's, including the connection into the stove which rarely, if ever gets checked. Constant heating and cooling over time can cause the connection to loosen. I play it extra cautious and only use gas outside, on my balcony. I would never keep a bottle inside in an enclosed space.
  25. A couple of years ago I was getting a gas bottle filled at a shop in Phra Khanong. The guy who started filling the bottle had a cigarette dangling from his mouth. I couldn't believe it. I got very far away very quickly. Bone deep stupidity. I wonder how many times some guys last words were: "Got a light?"
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