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Everything posted by dddave

  1. OP. You will be better off if you make some advance preparations. Thai hospitals do not seem to be very good at providing aftercare information. Consider purchasing or renting if possible: Raised toilet frame. An aluminum frame with a toilet seat that sits over standard toilet with arm rests that make getting up less stressful on sternum. Possibly, a walker. I only needed mine for four of 5 days. A cane or "trekking" stick (they have a wrist loop that aids in stability, also they fold up into a convenient size. (Lazada) Put extra cushions on your favorite chair to make the sitting position high enough so you can get up from the chair without pushing off. You said you lived on 2nd floor. Test the handrail to make sure it's solid as you will be leaning on it more than usual. If there is no handrail, I strongly suggest you arrange for one to be installed. They may not warn you that some of the post surgical medications they will give you can cause dizziness, especially when you stand-up after sitting for a while. Never stand quickly and just start walking. Stand slowly and just stand stationary for 30 seconds. If you feel at all light-headed, just give it a minute. For the first month or two, always try to sit in the rear seat of any vehicle.
  2. I had open sternum, triple bypass surgery 5 years ago and was out of the hospital in 7 days. There were some restrictions designed not to stress the healing sternum but I was quite comfortable at the time, I was 74. A good friend, now 75 just had triple bypass surgery in Khon Kaen (Srinakarin Hosp) and he was released to home care 6 days after surgery. I just talked with him yesterday. He's been home for a week now. He's very comfortable and able to get about very well. OP: I think you will be surprised how quickly you recover. Modern surgical techniques seem much less invasive and traumatic to the body. Based on my own and my friends experience, I doubt very much you'll need a month of rehab. You will need a care-giver for a week or two but just for light assistance, like help in getting up from a chair.
  3. When doing a small roast in my air fryer, I found I needed to put a small piece of foil (held down by toothpicks) on the top of the roast so it wouldn't get burned and dried out too quickly. I remove it 5 minutes before the roast is finished for a little browning. The most essential tool is an instant read food thermometer. It's impossible to tell the inside degree of done-ness from the outside appearance of the food, especially if cooked from frozen. Some spices, Paprika for instance can burn if on top of food close to the heat source. Some spice blends contain sugar and that will burn quickly. Ground black pepper can also burn.. I actually like the taste but that's just me. The air fryer does not cook by hot air only, the halogen bulb heat source also puts out infrared rays that can cook things surprisingly quickly, not just top but on the bottom and inside. It's very easy to overcook things like chicken breast and fish. I frequently cook such things in 5 to 8 minute increments, checking inside done-ness with the thermometer. I think every air fryer is different so experimentation is necessary. I cook pork chops high, close to the heat source and they come out pretty good. I tried steak a few times but it's difficult to get nice brown on top while not overcooking. When I want a quick meal with little effort, frozen chicken legs go from freezer to table in about 40 minutes. I stopped in a 20 baht store and bought several small, round, metal pans, about 8" diameter that fit inside my air fryer. These make it easy to set different heights for cooking, sometimes using a small bowl set inside for them to sit on. They make clean-up much easier and also makes it easier to use juices and brown bits for gravy and sauces.
  4. "Lucifer's" on Walking Street has always struck me as a death trap waiting to happen. The entire disco area is in the rear, accessed by a single narrow walkway from the front and is entirely over the water. Not a single exit over dry land. The dance floor is a lower level from the entry with steps leading down. Flash fire there on a crowded night and I doubt many would escape. "Insomnia" not much better. Main dance area up a narrow staircase, again: over water.
  5. Not really. Just a few weeks ago, on the "Reddit" Bangkok page, a young fellow described being arbitrarily stopped by the BiB while walking on Sukhumvit between Sois 25 & 27 somewhere around midnight. Thoroughly searched, pockets turned out, shoulder bag as well. They tried to extract money because he didn't have his passport on him though he showed a picture on his phone. He outlasted them and ultimately walked away but I have no doubt there were others who gave in to their demands.
  6. B10,000 to walk away, which I did.
  7. Just don't forget the pill and leave it in your bag as I did years ago. It was just one Valium but that was enough to put a big smile on the face of the Police captain when his crew found it while searching my bag at Ekkamai bus station.
  8. They gave me a lovely name: Aethiem.
  9. In 1949, Walt Disney studios released a cartoon: "Motor Mania" starring Goofy, a take on Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. As true now as it was 70 years ago.
  10. I've used ThaiPost/USPS for a bunch of stuff this past 6 months with no issue.
  11. I bought an electronic device from a Hua Hin based website. Shipped J&T to my Bangkok address. The local J&T office is one block from my Bangkok address. They received it at that Bangkok office and bounced it back to Hua Hin as 'Undeliverable address" FIVE times!!! Took two weeks to finally get it.
  12. It took an act of Congress but the US will finally allow the sale of hearing-aids over the counter by next year. Until now, they could only be purchased through a licensed audiologist at huge prices: $5000 +++. Now, companies like Bose and Apple are already developing consumer hearing devices. I'm 79 and find myself saying "What??" way to often. Conversations anywhere there is a lot of background noise, like a bar or restaurant are difficult. I've noticed that online sellers such as Lazada do list a fairly large selection of hearing devices, anywhere from B200 to B5000. Has anybody on this forum ever tried one of these "over the counter" units? How did it work out?
  13. I'll give it another shot without filling in the ID# box and see what happens.
  14. "Grey" market devices of any nature are always a big risk. Devices are imported into individual countries by distribution companies with exclusive rights to market the devices. It is also their responsibility to maintain warranty and service centers. They are definitely not inclined to fix any device illegally imported so indeed a risk to buy from a seller pushing grey market goods. The official Samsung store on Lazada seems to have pretty competitive prices. Is the risk of no warranty service worth the initial savings?
  15. There are two Tawan Daeng in Bangkok. German Tawan Daeng on Rama-3, a huge place. They brew their own beer, serve excellent food and have big stage shows. Isan Tawan Daeng on Pattanahkan Rd in Klong Tan focuses on traditional Mor Lam and other Isan country music. I'm not sure if they are connected or just share the name. There used to be a Pattaya Tawan Daeng on 3rd. Rd but closed 7 or 8 years ago. As to the OP's original question. A friend who rented a house in Prachuap K.K. for a couple of seasons did find some local ladies on Thai Friendly but they were not interested in anything other than a serious relationship.
  16. Probably not for coffee purists, but I've had an OGGI coffee machine (Lazada) for two years now and really like it. It's big advantage and what sets it apart from others is it has various adaptors for different coffee brewing methods. It comes with three: one for "Nespresso" type capsul;es, one for "Dolce Gusto" capsules and one for fresh ground. There is also an insert for the fresh ground adaptor to use round coffee pads. Most times, I just brew-up from fresh beans I've ground myself (simple electric blade grinder) and I get a very good brew each time. The machine provides 19 bars pressure and has espresso and full cup settings. When I want something different, I like that I can have on hand many different varieties of capsule coffee without worrying about it going stale. There are a lot of interesting selections available online. I like sampling various Thai coffees from small growers. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/oggi-mc2-nespresso-starbucks-1-capsule-nespresso-dolce-gusto-pod-i2341427118-s7911557241.html?clickTrackInfo=query%3Acoffee%2Bmachine%2Boggi%3Bnid%3A2341427118%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A1564295a6f5e7233678400e7bbde6832%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A2341427118_TH%3Bprice%3A2920.00%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A1000224135%3Basc_category_id%3A11781%3Bitem_id%3A2341427118%3Bsku_id%3A7911557241%3Bshop_id%3A452474&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.b3d77965rzwWjc
  17. I do not know if still true, but when I tried to get a consumer level Lenovo laptop still under warranty repaired 7 years ago, there were separate repair services for the "Pro-line, Think-Pad" computers and the "consumer level "Idea Pad" units. The official Lenovo Service Center would not service an Idea Pad. I had to take it to an Independent repair shop at Pantip Plaza that contracted to Lenovo for consumer level warranty repairs. My mainboard was blown with one month warranty remaining. The shop managed to "loose" my laptop for 2 months, then found and returned to me un-repaired. They then had the audacity to say it was now out of warranty and could not be fixed. Took six months of letters, emails and threats to finally get it repaired and only because I had a friend who had an inside connection to Lenovo and provided the names of who to contact.
  18. Surf the web to me equals in earlier times, going to the library and wandering the stacks, looking for something interesting. Googling more like going directly to the reference section.
  19. Yes. Opposite side of Sukhumvit, a bit south of Big-C.
  20. I believe medical schools will accept cadavers. I don't know if one can make prior arrangements.
  21. This exact scenario occurred with a friends sudden passing in the apartment in which he lived alone. Body not discovered until the odor made it obvious. Police called, doors left open, property totally looted of anything of value and a lot of worthless stuff as well. Autopsy was required, body held until a lone daughter was located by embassy. She was totally useless and became a huge hinderance to getting anything else done. Storage charges mounted and it became a financial burden to his friends. Took two months to finally have him cremated and ashes dispersed. Once the daughter found out there was nothing left for her, she accused us all of looting his accounts and lodged a complaint with his embassy. There were no funded accounts, just the one in which he received his pension which didn't come close to covering anything. The embassy actually handled her pretty well.
  22. Sorry for tardy response. My friend is stabilized and apparently on a waiting list for Queen Sirikit Heart Center at Srinagarind. It seems they are having staffing difficulties at this time and he has yet to get a firm date. The revised price quote is between B300-400K, baring complications.
  23. Boots sells or at least did sell genuine CIALIS: look for the hologram packaging. Very expensive, basically B2000/4 tablets 5 years ago. I was not asked for a prescription but the licensed pharmacist must be there which is frequently not the case. I've long suspected the "Cialis" sold by street vendors is actually just sildenafil formed to look like cialis (tadalafil) There are some Indian brands sold online that claim to be tadalafil.
  24. Not quite. When I tried to pay with good old cash money for my Subway sandwich on Silom, I was told "Solly Mister: Only bank transfer or payment ap." I removed myself to KFC. Twenty years from now, cash money will be on those Facebook lists of things that have totally disappeared, like phone directories are now.
  25. Like the OP, I used Lotus online grocery shopping thru the worst of the Pandemic and all in all, it was excellent, delivered always on time to my 10th floor condo door. I've now officially given up even trying to register, ID b.s and impossibility of entering a permanent address has me stymied. I suspect some totally unqualified relative of a local "Lotus's" sen yai has been given the IT department to run. He probably used to play a lot of games so he must know what he's doing. One certainty, no subordinate will ever tell him (or her) how messed up everything is so no improvement to be expected.
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