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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. See my previous comment. It applies to all countries rather than picking out some based on the ethnicity of the citizens.
  2. Time for world leaders to quit backtracking on promises made at international conferences and actually start to take action.
  3. No it’s not. Nothing like the same thing. For a start there was no election fraud and the civil war was real. Absolutely zero evidence of fraud and nothing to justify treasonous attempts to overturn the electoral process.
  4. Suspending the parts of the constitution during a civil war is not the same as trying to violently prevent the transition of power, after free and completely fair elections, just because your candidate lost.
  5. I’m not as sure as he is. I think you may be right about the defamation laws here.
  6. Ah huh-well I’m sure that’s the case if you say so…
  7. Hmm, if a passed out individual saw his picture on this forum, could they take legal action?
  8. Amazing how a change of government brings about better attitudes and policies.
  9. All they have to do is follow the orange brick road…
  10. Yep The world was a better place for his passing.
  11. Just keeps on getting better and better as each of these loons faces the courts. Hopefully they will get to the orange loon eventually.
  12. Nah... I just wait for next taxi, no worries.
  13. From linked OP ''Ms Peltola ran against two Republicans in the state's first ranked-choice election, a system that was criticised by Ms Palin during the race as confusing and unfair.'' There were 2 republican candidates?
  14. She was the elected leader of the party and he undermined her. Would not be surprised if he does the same to truss or sunak [LOL] once ensconced, though as I say truss will probably be capable of undermining herself given her unfitness for the role.
  15. Neither. They are both untrustworthy, they act without thinking through consequences and are unable to grasp the minutiae of their own policies.
  16. No, he won't, but he could well disrupt the party enough to make truss' life a misery as he did with may, though truss' own ineptitude will possibly be more than enough to do this.
  17. Those would be people who weren't in the situation where loved ones died during covid and were unable to be with them in those final hours or attend funerals because of the restrictions would they? Those would be people who didn't feel that the rules should apply to all would they? Those would be people unable to see that johnson's inability to follow rules he himself set wasn't the reason he was removed from power? Hmm...now on that that line of thought, what is the sexual predator johnson appointed to a senior role within the party, despite knowing he was a sexual predator, doing these days? Oh...this thread has nothing to do with johnson's rule breaking...so do get back on topic.
  18. Watch your back truss ( or if hell freezes over sunak)…snake in the grass awaiting. “Boris Johnson has not denied setting his sights on a political come back” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/30/boris-johnson-ducks-questions-over-possible-comeback-legacy-prime-minister?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  19. But the seeds will still grow and flower, yes?
  20. Excellent news. And given how so many of his enterprises fail, hardly surprising.
  21. truss bottled it again, running scared from a bbc interview that in all likelihood would have further exposed her inability to grasp the minutia of her policies and how they will solve the cost of living crisis. Still, saves the clarification team from having to put in overtime and come up with reasons for her lack of understanding of her own policies. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/29/liz-truss-pulls-out-of-primetime-interview-with-bbcs-nick-robinson?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #votetruss-the opposition’s choice.
  22. Yep, her tax cut blah blah blah is utter bs and won’t work. She will have to u turn again I think. However in doing so it will expose the fact that she is not to be trusted on anything she says. Her promises are worthless. The opposition will have a field day with her.
  23. And here's something on topic truss getting called out on her economic illiteracy again... ''Liz Truss’s plans to tackle the cost of living crisis by slashing VAT across the board will do little to help those struggling to pay food bills and benefit richer households substantially more, Rishi Sunak’s team has claimed. The frontrunner in the Conservative leadership race was accused of considering a “regressive” and “flawed” move that could cost the exchequer up to £38bn a year, while the government faces calls to offer more support with rising energy costs.'' https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/28/liz-truss-vat-cut-rishi-sunak-cost-of-living
  24. Yahoo algorithm...quelle surprise. What has any of that got to do with the post you quoted?
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