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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. You’re repeating the same thing-just rewording it. Reread my last reply because the answer is the same.
  2. I read from many sources and don’t rely on yahoo to tell me what to read. I know truss, sunak and johnson are not putting together a plan of action. From the OP (which is the bbc by the way) ”Mr Johnson is due to leave office in early September, and No 10 said "by convention it is not for this prime minister to make major fiscal interventions during this period". For shame.
  3. Nope, the fact he refuses to act as his role demands (mostly because he has no workable plans or ideas) shows how unfit he is for purpose. truss and sunak not agreeing to sit down with those who have a workable strategy (the last few weeks show truss does not) and come up with a plan of action they will both adhere to if they win shows they are equally unfit for office.
  4. I want a government that governs, not one that sits in the sun while the country goes down the rabbit hole. If johnson, sunak and truss cannot put aside their differences, sit down and agree on a series of measures designed to help the country, then they are beyond contempt and not fit for purpose.
  5. And while truss and sunak fiddle for the tory base and johnson does nothing, the country continues to suffer https://www.theguardian.com/money/2022/aug/09/uk-energy-bills-forecast-to-hit-4266-from-january?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  6. The opposition are in disarray? LOL. No worries, truss, and increasing so sunak, are doing all the work for them. #votetruss- the opposition’s choice.
  7. Excellent news indeed. Lock him up. PS: if you have the time, read his entire statement-in the link in the OP- it’s very funny.
  8. Just keeps getting better for the sunak camp…the opposition must be praying many of the tory base have already voted. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/08/liz-truss-plans-could-cost-50bn-a-year-and-will-fail-to-help-poorest-cope?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other “But Dominic Raab, the deputy prime minister and a prominent Sunak supporter, told the Times that her economic prescription added up to “electoral suicide”. “If we go to the country in September with an emergency budget that fails to measure up to the task in hand, voters will not forgive us as they see their living standards eroded and the financial security they cherish disappear before their eyes,” he wrote.” #votetruss-the choice of the opposition
  9. Gaol him. Throw away the key. Scum.
  10. but not to worry because they (in Downing Street) and their chums are doing just fine.
  11. From the OP link: ”You have two choices, to be lead or to be led," the company's website read on Monday.“ That’s one choice. Two options but one choice. Seems ignorance was company policy as well as its product. maga personified.
  12. Meanwhile as truss and sunak fiddle while dancing the u-turn fox trot, the country suffers from inaction, a lack of leadership and indifference from the top. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/08/boris-johnson-rules-out-emergency-measures-to-tackle-cost-of-living?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  13. Looking more and more like hate crimes https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/08/biden-muslim-killings-albuquerque?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  14. Uh oh, the knives are coming out again https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/08/sunak-says-trusss-cost-of-living-plan-is-big-bung-to-wealthy-and-large-firms?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  15. Sunak’s latest assessment of truss’ “plans” “Families are facing a long, hard winter with rising bills. Yet Liz’s plan to deal with that is to give a big bung to large businesses and the well-off, leaving those who most need help out in the cold. Worse still, she has said she will not provide direct support payments to those who are feeling the pinch most. Scrapping the health and social care levy will give the average worker around £170. But someone on the national living wage will get less than £60 for the year. Pensioners will not get a penny. And her corporation tax cuts don’t benefit small businesses — they just put money back in the coffers of the biggest companies with the largest profits. These tax cuts simply won’t touch the sides. We need clear-eyed realism, not starry-eyed boosterism.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/aug/08/rishi-sunak-liz-truss-cost-of-living-conservative-tory-leadership-uk-politics-live?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other For those who prefer there is a link to the original sun article in the article linked above…
  16. “Law enforcement officials have said there is a “strong possibility” the victims were targeted because of their race and religion. In the latest attack Nayeem Hossain was shot on Friday afternoon while returning from the burial of the other two victims, Aftab Hussein and Muhammad Afzaal Hussain, who were shot on 26 July and 1 August, respectively.“ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/07/albuquerque-muslim-men-killed-community-fear?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  17. Diplomatic immunity been waved by the German government or does it not cover murder? I mean it shouldn’t but I though it did.
  18. Uh oh…this story is developing…watch out truss supporters- u-turn approaching. “Liz Truss was accused of making a second major U-turn within a week, after her campaign tried to play down suggestions there would be no “handouts” to help millions of struggling people through an already worsening cost of living crisis this winter.” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/07/penny-mordaunt-denies-liz-truss-is-ruling-out-more-help-for-poor-this-winter?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other “a source within Sunak’s team said Truss was “cut and pasting her own U-turns” by announcing something “in black and white”, before claiming it had been misunderstood, and then getting allies to “poop scoop the next day”.
  19. Never had a problem finding clothes that fit.
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