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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Blocking someone in and then not leaving the car in neutral is a crime against humanity, if you don't know how to engage neutral, then don't block in. Simple! Did they leave their note on the windscreen of the blocked-in car(s) or their own? I know exactly how the owner of the boot prints felt, although I wouldn't be using my UK size 11s on the car.
  2. The rule: - The OP doesn't link directly to BP so would actually be fine for an ordinary member to post.
  3. I'm not a climatologist so no argument from me, the two terms get used interchangeably in the media with Climate Change being more prevalent. It's not really that long ago that we were "heading for a mini ice-age" due to "global dimming", I wonder where that went
  4. "Global Warming" is passé, it's now "Climate Change". Same, same! Climate Change is real enough, just how much of it is caused by us is debatable but it's definitely not "none".
  5. Get a Tesla with "summon" and the car will find you ????
  6. Any particular reason you can't convert your current entry to a non-O without leaving Thailand?
  7. I was wondering how well it's coping with being in the boiler room (hardly wine-cellar temperatures even in the UK), maybe a sample to ensure it's OK
  8. The thing you are interested is the thermostatic valve which is part of the shower control unit, the bit in the shower itself. Have you managed to get the chrome knobs off yet?
  9. Do NOT mess with that!!
  10. I've not had a speeding for a while, my nemesis is the white-line cameras ???? The barcode on the tickets is readable by my banking app, easy-peasy.
  11. Yeah ^^^, I've had mostly positive experiences with AliExpress, the payment escrow system works well. I'd still rather order from a local source but a lot of stuff is simply not available here. If your item is large/heavy do discuss alternative delivery options, many sellers will use "Thailand Special Line" where all customs and VAT fees are included for little (if any) extra. @OneMoreFarang if you don't confirm delivery or open a "non-delivery" claim the seller will get the $$ after the (pretty long) delivery time runs out.
  12. You've been a member for 19 years ... Anyway, have you asked your brother how it's supposed to work? I would think that the "nipple" is a release to allow the temperature to be adjusted (press and turn). If it's not doing that then something has seized up ???? Can you get the chrome handle off (Allen key in the hole to the left of the nipple?) to reveal the mechanism? It could just be gummed up and liberal application of WD40 will release.
  13. Out of China ... "Legitimate" OK, welcome on my PC, no way!
  14. What land documentation do you have? You could try this site: - https://landsmaps.dol.go.th/#
  15. Indeed ^^^, let's continue in that thread.
  16. Sounds about right. The panels are rated at IIRC 20C. The output voltage decreases with increased temperature. A fact that has cost a number of charge controllers for those in the "cooler" climes when on a -10C day the output voltage rose enough to kill things dead.
  17. All good stuff above ^^^, a few thoughts. I would try to avoid any valley roofs; they look very nice. But, they always leak, and if the drain is too small or blocked you are in a world of hurt. Is your "rice field view" worth looking at, why not make the living area look out that way? Which way is north on your drawing, you need to consider which walls will be getting the direct sun and heating up (add cavity construction). Are you considering solar power? Where? I'd probably put the car parking at the front and the pool at the rear out of sight of the gawking neighbours. it's worth visiting your local district office, they usually have lots of free house plans available which you can then customise, at least they will give you an idea.
  18. At this point I think it's time to put this thread to sleep.
  19. OK, OK you win. I will not comment further!
  20. Looks like once the pack is full the temperatures drop off.
  21. Wellll, if it's the HT fuse that's popped ... Seriously, microwaves are lethal when they work, when they don't who knows what's been left charged and to what voltage. If you don't know exactly what you are doing, don't do it! (And if you do know, you won't be asking here).
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