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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Using a HV pack reduces the load / charge currents. 10kW @ 50V (48V pack) is 200A = pretty fat wires. 10kW @ 300V (288V pack) is 33A = much more manageable cable sizes. Also, you can use smaller individual cells, cheaper to manufacture, more mature production process. 10kWh @ 50V = 200Ah so 16 x 200Ah cells. 10kWh @ 300V = 33Ah so 96 x 33Ah cells. Of course, this comes with a more complex BMS, but electronics is cheap and reliable these days. The dangers associated with HV DC supplies really preclude DIYing, the risk of shock and arc-flash is just too great. Stick to 48V in the DIY world although even 48V can get pretty "exciting" if poorly implemented.
  2. I don't think it's a million miles from what I'd expect for a premium, contractor installed system here in Thailand. The Alpha kit is certainly not "budget", it's also not DIYable (HV batteries etc.). https://www.kitjarak.com/product/107/Alpha-ESS-SMILE-T10-10KVA-with-Battery-11.6-KWh The equivalent Sofar (premium DIY) 10kW 3-phase on-grid hybrid inverter is about 65kBaht. Panels, say 5,400 Baht for 450W mono x 25 = 135kBaht Packs, Seplos 10kWh are 2,600USD ex-China so say 6k US for two by the time you've paid shipping etc. - 200kBaht So big ticket items 400k Baht, I'd be expecting to pay materials x 1.5-2 when installed so 600k - 800k ish. @gamb00ler are you set up to export excess to the grid or are you purely grid-assisted like @Bandersnatch? I would agree with @BritManToo on the roof installation, if, that is, you had space for a suitably aligned car-port. Easier maintenance and rather less visible. Let's hope the installation crew live up to the price.
  3. Panels on their mounts would be nice ???? A system diagram maybe (they did give you one didn't they?). If it looks good and pro your installer could get work out of it too ????
  4. Sooooo, you know the first question everyone is going to ask.... Owmuchizzit?? Can we have Some piccies of the panel setup please?
  5. Dunno about True, but with AiS your TV subscription comes via their PlayBox which connects via LAN or WiFi. EDIT It looks like True do the same type of thing https://trueidtv.trueid.net/en If doing a new build, I'd run "data" conduits to wherever you think you will need wired data. You can decide what you put in them later.
  6. Yeah, like those satellite dishes printed to look like brickwork or siding, seemed like a good idea at the time. I've not seen one for years. They must be really good now
  7. As always, there is a solution. https://www.novuslight.com/camouflage-for-solar-panels_N10722.html
  8. @Digitalbanana which country were you trying to connect from?
  9. They call it rubber splicing tape just to confuse, search for "Scotch #23" Also, at any good electrical specialist outlet.
  10. And don't call me Shirley! 43 years ago for flips sake!!
  11. The hinge mechanisms will be happy with a good squirt of an aerosol grease (not WD-40) unless they are actually busted. For the locks, pop one off and start visiting hardware stores, many will know where to go if they don't actually have them. The old girl in our "Magic Shop" knows everyone. Turn up with a thingy-doowaddle and if she hasn't got one hiding out back, a man will arrive shortly on a motorcycle with the relevant article.
  12. There are some really (really) nasty back and yellow chaps here. Your local village office will have the name of the local wasp/snake/crocodile/elephant wrangler who will dispose of them for a nominal fee.
  13. You can gift the $$$ to your wife and she can do with it what she wishes. You may (or may not) be asked to sign a document at the land office stating that you have no interest in the land purchase. I have never been asked but that may have something to do with the fact that Madam didn't take my name when we got hitched (she swapped back to her Thai maiden name). Madam is one smart cookie (she married me of course). When mum died, she sold off the family land and old wooden house, bought a similar sized parcel slightly further from the main road and built a nice steel and concrete family home on it. She still had change for the monks and party!! Love her to bits!
  14. @JAS21 has a pack that definitely works. We are using Seplos BMS's but their packs are not cheap, they do sell kits of a box plus BMS ready for you to install Eve cells from your favourite Chinese seller.
  15. I'm amazed anyone still uses T/Cs in the 21st century, last time I used them was in the mid 90's, have you actually tried to cash them here? Open a local account and get a Visa or MasterCard ATM/debit card. Of course, this assumes you can transfer from your home bank to a Thai bank without having to visit your home branch.
  16. You're only slightly over the max power, provided you are well within the voltage maximum you will be fine as your array will never get to rated power anyway. Do verify that your packs will talk to the Sofar inverter.
  17. I would certainly place an RCD at the feed end of your cable to avoid the danger of death if you run over the cable with the mower. Personally, I would route the cable to avoid the risk of damage. Plug-in ones are available or get one of the low-cost RCBO devices and a small box for it and stick it on the wall next to your outlet. Something like this (cobwebs/spiders not necessary) : -
  18. Yes, a N-E bond in the distribution board / consumer unit is correct. It confuses many but in reality, many other countries do the same. In Aus and the US the links are visible, in the UK the link is in the service head and not accessible. The diagram below came from this PEA document (my translations) Groundwire Mk2 book-Manual.pdf Note the routing of the incoming neutral via the ground bar, this is the Thai implementation of MEN (Multiple earthed Neutral). This connection must be before any RCD/RCBO devices or it will cause them to trip constantly. If you require an electrical inspection this is how the inspector expects it to be done. Have you included RCD or RCBO devices in your revised system? Wikipedia has a good description of the various earthing systems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthing_system Thailand is generally TNC-S with MEN.
  19. Assuming it's a decent micro-inverter then payback would be 6 years ish. You should easily be able to do something similar for half the cost.
  20. Sounds like an excellent reason not to do the washing up ???? I'm not allowed anyway as I don't do it correctly apparently.
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