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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I'm sure the molasses-spraying drones are being fuelled as we speak https://airqualitynews.com/2019/02/01/50-molasses-spraying-drones-tackle-air-pollution-in-bangkok/
  2. Do NOT smile at a woman, in Asia you get a smile back, in the UK you'll get a smack in the kisser! Ah, and said ladies are of "slightly" larger dimensions, but still English Roses.
  3. Yeah. It certainly works with NiCd and NiMh but I wouldn't risk a Li-ion, too much danger of conflagration.
  4. I get the gold and red Panasonic AA and AAA from Lotus's, I'm pretty confident they will be genuine. They seem to have reasonable life but we only use them in clocks, remotes and mice/keyboards all very low-power devices. And once the mouse stops working the battery will probably run a clock for a few months too.
  5. Yeah, a lithium battery of any flavour is dead dead if it goes below a couple of volts for any appreciable time (even over night) ????
  6. Very possibly, but our land office is so chaotically busy that they would be more interested in getting rid of you ASAP than actually answering questions in a meaningful manner.
  7. I'm pretty sure he can, it's his wall ???? Is the wall fully on his side of the property line? It might be worth having a word with a lawyer well versed in property law, just to get a fix on exactly where you stand on the wall front.
  8. My immediate thought too. Getting caught out is automatically "all a misunderstanding".
  9. That article is from 2013!! Last time we did splashing was in 2019 in Pathum Thani centre, police were in attendance of course directing traffic (and generally being nice guys). Of course I can't find the recent thread saying that "splashing" would be permitted this year.
  10. One giant ice-cube from the local ice-house lasts longer and will chill several refills. ???? Gotta free the nipple!
  11. You might find something in the Ban-Mo area near the Old Siam Plaza, take a photo with you. You will certainly find new ones in one of the Amorn outlets inside the plaza itself.
  12. The government did say that water splashing WOULD be allowed at least in Pattaya, but of course it's a long time until April. We use a large plastic dustbin which normally houses my used beer cans. Put it in the truck before filling it (I know, I know, but ...).
  13. OK so you do have until midnight on the day your WP is cancelled, I just wanted to be sure you weren't selling yourself short. As @BritTim notes, if you have a termination letter you can go to immigration, or you can leave the country (preferably by air) and return if you like on a visa exempt if your country is on the list of course.
  14. Leaving without a re-entry permit will end your permission to stay.
  15. Maybe we should add "off-grid living" to the forum heading? And "teotwawki prepping"?
  16. Do you have a Visa or an extension of stay? This is important.
  17. As far as I'm aware nothing has changed. If you have a Visa (issued at a consulate outside Thailand) then you can stay until your current permission expires. If you have an extension of stay it dies with your WP and you have until midnight to get out of Dodge! I see UbonJoe is online, he will have the definitive answer.
  18. I checked our PEA meter last evening when Madam was showing me where PWA want to dig up part of our driveway to access a leak, she's miffed that they want to move part of her hedge. We are -38kWh since the man came on the 19th of January, oops. He will come again on the 16th of February so we are now in no-export mode. If I have to, I'll kill the solar completely for a couple of days (we use a total of about 30kWh per day). I blame the nice sunny weather and cool night-time temperatures (no A/C in the bedroom).
  19. "Tall walls make good neighbours", build your wall to the limits of what is permitted height wise then he won't be able to lean over it. Isolate yourself as much as possible and forget there's a neighbour on that side. It's always unfortunate when this kind of thing gets toxic, and sadly, Thais can get vindictive! It might be worth asking the village head if he will have a "quiet word" (our village head is a really nice guy who appreciates a bottle of the "good-stuff") but from what you've already said it's likely to fall on deaf ears anyway.
  20. The numbers for January. A somewhat variable month that includes one of our best days with 40.3kWh of generation on the 29th and a pretty crumby 11.8kWh on the 11th.
  21. Nah, I've driven that road probably hundreds of times over the years, but this time Google Streetview was my friend ????
  22. PEA "were" doing a special offer of a second 15/45 with TOU as a specific meter for charging your EV. But I have no specifics of costs etc. etc. Right now, I would advise anyone going solar to get a hybrid inverter that can export and if you have a conventional disc meter that will go backwards just keep it. If PEA then come along with an electronic meter simply go to no-export and add energy-storage as and when you can afford it. Note that the digital meter really CAN do TOU / export / whatever, it's just that our friends either don't know or can't be bothered to re-program and simply say "need a new meter" (collect charge for same). Way back when we got our "permanent" meter to replace our "construction" meter, having paid for a "new" meter they simply read the existing one! We still have the same meter as we got on day-one of construction back in 2011.
  23. As you approach the terminal the road splits, parking is signposted to the right, departures straight. Go right ????
  24. Yeah ^^^, for me too. I just leave the car in the regular parking although anything over 5-6 days makes it cheaper to get a taxi each way.
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