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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. It's ok, the jets are Choeing (copy Boeing) like the Chonda engine on my genset
  2. Those single-wheel vans can get decidedly "lively" on the back with a load in. I drove a double-wheel Transit in the UK, stable as a rock, then I tried a Hiace in HK, scary with a full load. I'm really not surprised they fall off the road here with monotonous regularity considering the way they are driven ????
  3. Yeah, the sweet-spot for panels was the back-end of 2021. I got 12 x 340W panels from Global House in September 2021 for 2,890 Baht a pop. I should have bought more then; similar panels are around 3,600 Baht now ???? As always, hindsight is 20-20.
  4. Glad the kids are all OK. I'm not an accident investigator, nor do I play one on TV AN. But: - Road looks rather dry, unprovoked skidding seems a remote possibility
  5. The Astro-a-nut-in perhaps? The original appearance of Astronut on Deputy Dawg.
  6. The oil-drum method works rather well ???? OK, the "oil" drum we got from our local drum-shop used to contain pineapple juice but it still did the job ????
  7. I'm boring old O+ and now too old anyway ???? But Thailand needs to follow the Aussie example on the CJD issue. https://theconversation.com/people-who-lived-in-the-uk-in-the-mad-cow-disease-years-may-now-be-able-to-give-blood-the-risk-of-vcjd-is-tiny-183521
  8. We have: - The BMS Fuses at the battery Individual per-battery MCBs in a box with the bus-bars A separate (larger) MCB in the cable feeding the inverter from the bus-bars. If you have multiple inverters use one MCB per inverter (allows you to isolate one unit if it goes faulty).
  9. And of the PEA of course Our only mention of "solar" to PEA was when we first thought about it. The FiT was pitiful at the time (it's not much better now) and the local PEA Boss Man said we could "absolutely not spin the meter backwards". On our way out he also said (very quietly) "don't let the meter reader see it going backwards", so we are doing just that
  10. I find that using a Phillips driver on those dual "slotted+Phillips" heads it cams-out before reaching what I think is decently tight so I have to get the slotted driver on the job too. Your Mileage (and torque) May Vary ????
  11. Hate to admit that I don't have one, a decent one is not a cheap item ???? Tighten to somewhere between "wuss" and "gorilla" and you'll be fine ????
  12. Yeah, that's why I suggested a "better" photo for the snakes group. He would get a lot of flak from the snake-charmers.
  13. There's also "Thai Biodiversity Survey & Species ID" for other creatures that are not snakes (they do snakes too).
  14. Well, bu99er me sideways with a toilet brush! He comes 12 days before the end of the month, why did I never spot that? It is worth noting that muggins here was well into his 20s before it dawned where the inventor Professor Pat.Pending (Whacky Races) got his name My records don't go back far enough to see if he comes on the 17th of February in a leap year. @BritManToo Our man seems to operate on a Sunday too, although last year only had one Sunday billing date (he came).
  15. I'd never associated his visit day with the month length, must check the dates he came last year. Sometimes the obvious flies over at 38,000 feet and climbing
  16. You could try the Snakes of Isaan group on FaceBore, but maybe get a decent photo of him not being crushed.
  17. Definitely, some of the stuff is obviously dicey, but ... Luckily Lazada has a simple and effective return system ????
  18. @3STTW In the dark and distant past the Ft was actually negative (so it really was a discount), but the Ft discount of which we speak was for the last 3 months of 2022 when the Ft was officially increased to 0.98Baht, but there was a discount on that for low users (scaled for those using under 500kWh IIRC). The discount ended at the end of last year so now everyone pays the full whack. I'm interested by your note about having a 28-day billing cycle and getting 13 bills per year. Our man comes on roughly the same day each month (the 18th or 19th, except February when he comes on the 16th) we definitely only get 12 bills each year.
  19. CLEAN underwear like your mother always told you!
  20. Could it have been talking about Yellow Line?
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