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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. ... and how he can extract as much $$$ as possible.
  2. Going with half-cut panels can also improve your shading performance as can panel optimisers. Of course the best solution is to avoid shading ???? EDIT https://www.staticelectrics.com.au/electricians-blog/how-do-solar-panel-optimisers-work/
  3. I'd definitely ensure you have enough charger for your max storage. EDIT although if you are sure you have enough inverter you can add separate MPPT charge controllers.
  4. With that much storage I think you'll need more charger. So 2 x smaller inverters might be better. Our 50A charger puts around 9kWh into our pack by about 1PM, earlier on a good day. Today's charge profile, a bit dull. .
  5. MPP are a reasonably well-known low-cost brand, not so sure about the Easun. 11.2kW vs 8kW and having two units means that if one fails you still have power. Of course having two units also affects the reliability so there's actually more chance of having a unit fail. If I could get 2 x 5kW MPP units there would be no argument ????
  6. I still recommend that you get sufficient inverter power for your "ultimate" configuration even if you don't have all your panels and storage (the expensive bit) yet. At least then you know that your inverters will indeed run in parallel. There's no guarantee that a future version of the same unit will pair with your existing one.
  7. With all these problems, there's an easy way and a hard way. The easy way is a small tank heater with a 1.5kW element plumbed into the existing cold supply and powered from a regular outlet. All modern tank heaters have the relevant safety devices built in so it's not a complex task. Once it's heated up you have enough hot water to do the washing up. Then it re-heats fairly slowly until you need more hot water. QED
  8. You should keep the string voltage as high as possible without going over the limits. I think what you are suggesting is just fine and you have headroom for a few more panels.
  9. The inverter will limit the input current so if you are a bit over panelled it won't kill anything. It's in input voltage that kills.
  10. 25A for a 6S2P arrangement. Don't forget DC surge arrestors on the panel input and AC arrestors on the mains input (put both close to the inverter).
  11. 10A is assuming all 12 panels in series (12S). Two sets of 6 series in parallel (6S2P) would be 20A ish. At which point you probably want to go the 4mm2 cable. All our panel strings (9S and 10S) are actually wired in 6mm2 (the biggest that fits in my MC-4 connectors) for minimum volt drop. How you arrange the panels depends upon the inverter MPPT parameters. It is imperative that the Voc (open circuit voltage) of your series panels does not exceed the maximum input voltage of the MPPT, ever!
  12. Yeah, I leave it split as Watts and Hours simply to help people understand the units, it's already a terrible over-simplification anyway. ????
  13. Now, about that 30 billion Baht owed to BTSC thus far ...
  14. Yeah @Encid I'm seeing that price too ???? Must be a local offer.
  15. You may have to show both to the check-in staff when you leave (to show you have right of entry to the UK and/or you've not overstayed in Thailand). Do NOT under any circumstances show both passports to immigration officers at either end. Dual citizenship causes their brains to explode!
  16. "Here son, be the front man for this great business". "Ah, sorry, it's all gone horribly wrong, you're now the fall guy!"
  17. Yup, hence the need for investigations. It should (yeah, I know) all be documented somewhere, however the evidence is likely already going through the shredder.
  18. Dear BiB. Your next task is to locate the architect who specified the less than fireproof insulation and the contractor who installed it! It's no excuse but the owner could have been given poor advice in order to keep costs down.
  19. For the MCB rating I'd go around 20% over your maximum expected current. You want it to trip if there's a major issue (short) but not trip under normal operation.
  20. One of many volt drop calculators. https://photovoltaic-software.com/solar-tools/voltage-drop-calculator-dc-ac
  21. We have 10mm2 to connect the suppressors to ground, and 6mm2 on the other side, it's only short lengths so that's big enough.
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