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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. U got a link? Does it actually do "grid boost" rather than just going into bypass mode?
  2. One system it's worth looking at are the off-grid hybrids from Growatt, these will run in a "grid-boost" mode where the solar is topped up from the grid if necessary and they work with or without batteries. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/growatt-spf-5000-es-hybrid-off-grid-5kw-inverter-wi-fi-parallel-max-6-30kw-i3783600307-s15346977294.html One possible negative is that they cannot export, but of course this makes them "just another load" as far as PEA are concerned, no approvals required.
  3. Is your seller within Thailand or overseas?? If inside Thailand I see no issues assuming the stuff is of the legal kind. Overseas, could be an issue with importing.
  4. Luxury while cyclists and buffaloes speed past
  5. Whilst this is undoubtably true most of us don't have the bomb sniffers etc. And our barkers take a LOT more notice of Madam than they do of me ????
  6. Our two Chihuahuas definitely understand Thai and English commands and act upon them when they can be bothered (if there are treats involved). As above, the cat ignores us both (and the dogs, which she teases from the safety of her favourite tree).
  7. If you post your latest bill (redact the personal details) we can help you work it out.
  8. In 1979, or maybe it was 1978, Ralph Jimenez and Linda Graham got tired of lighting their off-the-grid home via candles, Coleman lanterns and kerosene lights, and they decided to take a high-tech plunge. Thirty-nine years later (or maybe 40, but probably 39), the tech doesn’t seem quite so high but the plunge is still paying off. Read more https://www.concordmonitor.com/oldest-solar-panel-NH-power-18318376
  9. You too could join the energy freeloaders ... https://aseannow.com/forum/319-alternativerenewable-energy-forum/ Convert all (OK about 20%) that lovely warm sunshine into lovely cool A/C.
  10. Ours was 141 units 533 Baht, need more panels! (but they are silly money at present)
  11. The FT has gone up a bit but not that much. Could you post a scan of your latest bill with personal stuff redacted?
  12. I get this now with NO VPN (same as I previously got with the VPN) someone has fixed something, maybe.
  13. I've seen sites go geo-lock overnight then magically come back after a day or two ???? IT chaps have a propensity for "improving security" to the point where the system stops working, then someone moans and the unimprove the security I can access the office DMS (document management system) from anywhere in the known universe, except my office desk and nobody knows why. I have to VPN to my home and use my home internet to access. Ruddy daft!
  14. OK I just tried it, no access from Thailand (same message as you), VPN to the US and straight in to the login page (I have no account so can't go any further).
  15. Do you have / have you tried a VPN. Some sites decide to go geo-locked overnight with zero notice to users.
  16. When you say "due" do you mean when it arrives or the final payment date on the bill? Certainly a bill that drops in your box on the 5th will be more than fine paying on the 9th. Going more than a couple of weeks past the final payment date could be risky (and of course you have to go to PEA to pay).
  17. Hmmm, there are others available that are definitely 220V. I have one that's similar to this (my original seller is long gone) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/xshopping-gm86-benetech-micro-power-monitor-i2942909969-s10801623655.html
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