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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Fortune Town (Rama-9 MRT station) is easy to get to. Panthip died some years back, no idea if it ever really recovered. If you in northern BKK, Zeer Rangsit is still worth a look although that too is a shadow of its former self.
  2. This ^^^, it's the airline that will do the enforcing so you may not even be allowed to board. "Ticket rental" sites are cheap insurance against being denied boarding.
  3. Assuming a Windows lappie with a legal OS, not really a lot to get rid of, Office 365 demo needs to go otherwise it's going to be stuff you install yourself. To get rid of the "not really necessary" apps on a phone usually involves a "root" or "jailbreak" which will render you phone unusable for most banking and other apps where security is paramount. I never bother, too much hassle for too little gain.
  4. Yes, have you? It's certainly bigger than some on your list. You asked if anyone thought you had missed any, I made a suggestion, ok if it doesn't fit your criteria. No harm, no foul. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. I'm surprised Ayutthaya doesn't make the list.
  6. Have you tried re-booting your router to get a new external IP address? I sometimes have similar issues and upon checking at https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check find some of ToT's IPs have a lot of blacklist entries. Get a new IP and all is good.
  7. Never had a random visit, but our office wants a home visit every year for a marriage extension. They've never come into the actual living area and even declined to visit our lounge when invited (they asked where one of our photos was taken). Biggest hassle is them turning up in their (very) marked BMW and the whole village wanting to know why I've been arrested!
  8. The fact that Siam Relocation will no longer import vehicles gives a clue as to the "ease" of doing it.
  9. A beautiful girl walks into a bar and sits at a table. A bloke at the bar says to the barman “Cor, she’s a bit of all right”. The barman answers “I wouldn’t waste your time, she’s a lesbian”. Ignoring this advice, the bloke wanders over to the lady’s table, sits down and says “So love, which part of Lesbia are you from?”. Fetching my coat!
  10. But it does often get you a discount. Safari World for example, got a pink card, get in for Thai price.
  11. MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Former President Donald Trump easily won New Hampshire's primary on Tuesday, seizing command of the race for the Republican nomination and making a November rematch against President Joe Biden feel all the more inevitable. The result was a setback for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who finished second despite investing significant time and financial resources in a state famous for its independent streak. She's the last major challenger after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ended his presidential bid over the weekend, allowing her to campaign as the sole alternative to Trump. https://www.cp24.com/news/trump-wins-new-hampshire-primary-as-rematch-with-biden-appears-increasingly-likely-1.6739435
  12. Yeah, I'd always assumed (possibly incorrectly) that it was part of the card blank and a carry-over from those issued to stateless persons / migrant workers. Maybe I should ask our ampur office if they can issue one without the restriction. That should be a fun exercise.
  13. @ThailandRyan Yup, that's missing the third section which goes on about not leaving your home district etc. This is mine: -
  14. Indeed, but our OP was specifically referencing immigration/visa status. Why complicate matters with irrelevancies?
  15. Any actual visa will do. Only the visa-exemption entry needs an onward flight.
  16. Yeah ^^^, the banks all have requirements to open an account not to retain one.
  17. Maybe different spelloing. Using the "c" seems to be very British.
  18. No issues. Keep schtum, why invite potential problems? If you already have the financials in place, you may be able to swap to a retirement extension without leaving the country.
  19. Snouts at the ready for Chinese New Year envelopes suitcases. At the current rate the net-cost of the submarine will be zero!!
  20. The ladies in our office split into two groups:- The pretty ones, nice hair, sensible makeup, nice clothes, heels or at least stylish flats. They tend to be the administrative staff. The there are the lady engineers. Ponytail (with a scrunchie not a ribbon), minimal makeup, jeans, T or polo, trainers. Then it's time for a company dinner. Group 1, Look pretty much the same. Maybe nicer clothes and more makeup. Group 2, Hair down, makeup, nice top, maybe even a skirt / dress. Corrrrr! And clever to!
  21. Add on the bunny slippers in the office and the teddy ears on their crash helmets and ...
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