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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. They appear to be back.
  2. Last FB post was in December 2022 😞
  3. If she travels on a Hungarian passport, she would be allowed 30 days stay on a visa exemption, no need for a visa at all.
  4. With the important bits built in the UK by Rolls Royce. (insert whistling emoji here)
  5. Being with a local of opposite sex** seems ok, immigration has no way to check you are married to each other. ** Thailand doesn't recognise same-sex marriage, yet.
  6. Our cat in the UK would never even look at powdered milk anyway. It's probably perfectly OK. But, remember this? : - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal Can't you get a refund from Lazada?
  7. I'd be more concerned to find out if it was milk!!
  8. Yeah, local immigration next stop, it should be fixed for free. Standard MO is the check your stamp before leaving the immigration desk at the port of entry, far easier to fix it then.
  9. I doubt you will find many Western electricians who know Fleming's rules. Why would they need to? Realistically, you don't even need Ohm's law when dealing with domestic wiring, it's pretty formulaic. I'm just glad you didn't post this in the electrical forum!! Note: - "Flux" is what you use to make a good soldered joint! Magnetism shmagnetism!
  10. This ^^^ is where even a simple sketch is worth at least a few dozen words.
  11. It just goes past the bladder, the air it replaces goes up the water pipe totally invisible to the user as it's a tiny quantity.
  12. If this has a one-way valve then they can go leaky, not your current problem, but worth checking if you get occasional pump runs when there's no water usage. We had a similar pump and the bladder in the tank went leaky, you could pump it up but after a few days it was short-cycling again. Solution was a new tank.
  13. On the SCB App. After clicking "Done", scroll down and you will see a "Review" button, click that, then a final "Confirm" button to actually complete the transfer. You can't take screenshots at any point, but the transaction receipt will be stored in your gallery. Madam is now wondering why I transferred 100 Baht to her account :)
  14. When you pumped up the pressure tank did you take it off the pump to ensure there was no water inside? Short-cycling as you describe is often a flooded pressure tank.
  15. You can check your external IP here https://whatismyipaddress.com/ Turn off your router, make a coffee, turn back on. When it all wakes up check again. You can also check for blacklists on the same site.
  16. Nasty, our world is becoming increasingly <insert suitable expletive>! 999 wasn't "unanswered" (they knew it was a man) but wasn't adequately responded to :( RIP to all those lost.
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