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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Like many recipes, there are as many variations and "secret ingredients" as there are chefs, but pretty much that's it.
  2. I'll get madam to order sand-bags against the resulting flooding!
  3. Shellac comes from the "lac bug" Kerria lacca, different animal.
  4. The shellac connection is good, no fish bones. Add stuff like sawdust, charcoal as fillers, maybe some other natural gums / starches.
  5. I know, but I'll let others guess first
  6. Best bet is for your lady to visit your local Land Office and ask, I would stay well out of it if I were you.
  7. This would do better in Medical where those that knows live. Moving there.
  8. My ex or the source of the steak??
  9. Looks like a steak cooked cremated by my ex-wife!
  10. The first year they rolled up in the Beemer the whole village wanted to know why I'd been arrested!! At least some were disappointed that I hadn't been taken away
  11. Yeah, we find Pathum friendly and reasonably quick too, the boys who do the home visit won't even accept a cuppa. They did take away a stack of fruit and some "veggie" that grows up our wall mind.
  12. Task A - Is to identify exactly what is doing the eating, treatment is different between wood-borers and termites.
  13. If you used a registered contractor (and they still exist) and have approved kit then you may be able to get on the export system. It may actually be better to replace your inverter with a hybrid and a suitably sized battery pack to store your daytime production and use it at night.
  14. Assuming termites, they are very difficult to get rid of, the actual nest with the queen is probably underground and the damage is done by the workers collecting food. Once you can see them you are in trouble. The sprays kill the ones you can see, but there are millions that you can't see or get to. I've had success with this stuff https://www.lazada.co.th/products/termi-eco-i4176962274-s16956768777.html? but it's not instant, it needs time for the workers to take it back to the nest. Unfortunately, by the time the nest was eradicated, so was the chicken house.
  15. More likely a loose connection at the meter (fizzing and flickering is a dead giveaway), PEA will have a screwdriver As to why only at night, who really knows, cooler temperatures maybe.
  16. They also require proper sex education and provision of free contraception! No matter how you try you won't stop teens "experimenting", at least teach them and give them the means to prevent any accidents!
  17. Did you forget the "-" there??
  18. and a club!! Bader was a childhood hero (along with Biggles and Raymond Baxter), definitely read "Reach for the Sky" (forget the movies and TV series).
  19. Yup!! After Boston, all Americans are barbarians!
  20. What The Flip is a "two row vehicle" please? 700k for a "conversion", pay a bit more for a new "real" EV!
  21. Yeah, the hardest part is getting past the receptionist (same worldwide). Once in the system you could manage alone.
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