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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. @bluejets you do realise this thread is from 2021? It's been bumped by a spammer, I'll lock.
  2. A $4 billion Panasonic electric vehicle battery factory in De Soto, Kansas, will help satisfy the Biden administration’s efforts to get everyone into an EV. It also will help extend the life of a coal-fired power plant. Resource Adequacy Panasonic broke ground on the facility last year. The Japanese company was slated to receive $6.8 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act, which has been pouring billions into electric vehicles and battery factories as part of its effort to transition America away from fossil fuels. Read more ... https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/09/22/ev-battery-factory-will-require-so-much-energy-it-needs-a-coal-plant-to-power-it/
  3. @BenStark Do you want your LED on constantly, or to blink in an "alarm set" manner??
  4. You probably won't be able to light a red LED on a straight 1.5V battery, and a naked LED needs some form of current limiter (a resistor) anyway. 20mA will give you a very bright LED! There are numerous DIY circuits that will flash a LED on a 1.5V cell and will potentially run for a number of years!! These circuits are often referred to as a "Joule thief" because they will keep on flashing when the cell would normally be considered dead. You can probably find a ready built 1.5V LED flasher on AliExpress or Lazada. EDIT Something like this https://bluecharmsolutions.com/product/1-5v-led-flasher-circuit-board-assembly-with-red-led-astable-multivibrator-blinking-led/
  5. Have you actually set up PromptPay for your bank account? You should be able to check if it's enabled via your online banking app.
  6. Immigration will only issue an extension as far as the expiry date of your passport, so you need to have at least 12 months validity when you do your next extension.
  7. Another vote for the Makro Farm Frites Finest (the big 10mm+ ones)
  8. And just for Cringe-Factor 8 ... Please don't kill me when the ear-worm just won't go away
  9. Ah, understand. Before going down the emulator route (Bluestacks works pretty well) do check the camera manufacturer's website, our cameras have a PC application
  10. Ditto. We've popped quite a few of the braided ones but over 20 odd years here never had a machine hose spring a leak. @OneMoreFarang could you possibly fashion an extender to allow operation of the tap? Or move the tap to an accessible location?
  11. An Amish lady is trotting down the road in her horse and buggy when she is pulled over by a cop. "Ma'am, I'm not going to ticket you, but I do have to issue you a warning. You have a broken reflector on your buggy." "Oh, I'll let my husband, Jacob, know as soon as I get home." "That's fine. Another thing, ma'am. I don't like the way that one rein loops across the horse's back and around one of his balls. I consider that animal abuse. That's cruelty to animals. Have your husband take care of that right away!" Later that day, the lady is home telling her husband about her encounter with the cop. "Well, dear, what exactly did he say?" asked the husband. "He said the reflector is broken." replied the Amish lady. "I can fix that in two minutes. What else?" asked the husband. The wife replied, "I'm not sure, Jacob . . . Something about the emergency brake."
  12. You do NOT need WiFi on the PC provided everything is talking through the same router. 99.99999% of domestic routers use the same subnet for WiFi and wired networks by default (unless you set it up not to), it "should" just work.
  13. He won. Let's continue in the News thread https://aseannow.com/topic/1317180-trump-wins-iowa-caucuses-cementing-frontrunner-status-in-2024-race/
  14. The Australian authorities launched an investigation after an inverter burst into flames at the 30 MW Mannum Stage 2 solar farm, which is being developed near the town of Mannum, South Australia. A worker is now being treated in the hospital for burns. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/01/15/worker-injured-in-fire-at-south-australian-solar-farm/
  15. If at all possible, avoid actually cutting the existing ground wire, strip the insulation off a section then wrap your new ground from the fridge around it making a good connection. If you can, solder that joint. Either way apply decent self-amalgamating tape to keep the wet out and you're good.
  16. If you mean the "Arrival Card" it was called "TM6" and was done away with for airport arrivals a while back. Maybe edit the thread title, TM30 is something very different.
  17. From our OP's photos we know he has no RCBO (RCD, GFI or whatever we are calling it) so making his fridge a "TT island" isn't going to do much. IF the fridge is an inverter type (so has a mains filter) there could be issues with running it un-earthed and getting tingles off the casework (like one does with desktop computers run without grounding).
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