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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Why not just get a multi re-entry permit on your current visa arrangements, 3,800 Baht? No limit on ins and outs other than the space in your passport. Am I missing something here??
  2. Yeah, "song thaew". My aging brain didn't make the connection, everyone uses the Thai name, didn't the person doing the translation actually realise this These chaps. It would be interesting to see what they come up with, the people at CMU are pretty hot on the tech front, but this story will doubtless fade into the background as usual.
  3. An off-topic attempt to derail the thread has been removed. @jeffandgop this might work better in the actual Chiang Mai forum, let me know by PM if you want to move it there.
  4. Wife gets a call from the funeral director asking her to come in straight away. When she gets there, she is shown her husband's body which has developed a huge erection. The funeral director explains that they can’t get the lid of the coffin on and it’s the funeral tomorrow. “I’m sure he’d like to be buried with it” said the wife, “so just snap it off and stick it up his backside”. So, the funeral direct does as she wants. Wife leans over to look at hubby and sees and small tear coming from the corner of his eye. “Yes, you bastard, it hurts, doesn’t it?” she said.
  5. Yeah, we went through several iterations of thread title before settling on "Minimisation".
  6. Which bank? Look for "mobile top-up" or similar, the myAIS app also has top-up functionality.
  7. Once the validity expires your phone will go to "receive calls only", a little while later you will get calls/texts from the call centre. Eventually your number will stop working but I'm not sure if they can actually kill the balance.
  8. The problem is that some countries lump "avoidance" with "evasion" making both illegal. It's really semantics, but "optimisation" skirts the issue.
  9. It is always worth talking to your local immigration office, they may be able to provide a solution (renew early, or a longer under-consideration period), much depends upon just how friendly your office is.
  10. The problem is when the Apple/Windows/Android/Linux/QNX/Solaris/insert your favourite OS here fanboys get going the slanging starts. You can talk about Apple all you like just don't compare with whatever "Apple is better ..."
  11. If you have an RCD/RCBO/Safe-T-Cut you probably won't die, running with no ground/earth isn't ideal of course but TiT.
  12. I thought so too, but a Google for images of Kynlee Heiman reveals loads of hits, the kid and her six-pack are real enough.
  13. OK, let's nip the Apple Apple discussion right now, shall we? Unless you want to talk about Apple-IIe or Lisa of course.
  14. Add to those the local bike-taxi chaps, they know everyone and everything!
  15. Of course, we in the UK went through a bit of a "phase" too, any other Brits remember Channel-4's "Mini-Pops"? https://nostalgiacentral.com/television/tv-by-decade/tv-shows-1980s/mini-pops/
  16. I thought so too, but a Google for images of Kynlee Heiman reveals loads of hits, the kid and her six-pack are real enough.
  17. Personally, I find the whole child beauty pageant thing a little bit creepy. But each to his own. A seven-year-old beauty queen who works out several times a week and eats a 'healthy' diet has developed a jaw-dropping six-pack. Angel Heiman, from Los Angeles, said she first noticed that her pageant-winning daughter, Kynlee, had abs when she was just three years old. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12955429/7-year-old-pageant-six-pack-workout-gym.html
  18. Incredibly, the early 2010's according to Bard. Of course, we are comparing apples with elephants really, the architecture and I/O requirements are massively different.
  19. My wife used to have a 2km walk to the nearest bridge to get to school. But if she was good, she was allowed (with a couple of friends) to ride across the river standing on the back of the water-buffalo. Send the buffalo home after it delivered the kids safely.
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