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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. <rant> People. If you run out of time to deliver on the appointed day, just say so. Marking my shipment as "Recipient Reschedule" when you've not even picked up the phone to call just isn't on. WE did not reschedule, YOU did. </rant> It just irks when they place the blame on us for their missed target!!
  2. On to the "other" issue. In the light of the further information provided. Is there a building near the meter which could be used as the supply termination (put a breaker in there)? Once on your property PEA shouldn't really care how long your runs are. PEA may allow you to sign a disclaimer that you won't complain about volt drop Would your over the road neighbour entertain splitting the cost? Any other owners who might be interested (the value of their land would increase)? If you can get 2 or 3 more potential users PEA may be able to do a deal! Remember TiT, pretty well anything is possible!!
  3. You are likely fine for now but I would be checking that cable size.
  4. You can check yourself; the cable should be marked. Constant reduced voltage can affect the life of appliances with induction motors, pumps, A/C, fridges/freezers (inverter types are rather more immune). Nothing is going to melt. Your load doesn't seem massive, if we assume 20A maximum than, as I noted earlier, you are looking at 95mm2 aluminium cable. That would be for a UK recommended volt drop of 5% As with all things, rules were made to be broken!
  5. If you're looking for the motor/gearbox only (with or without adaptors to drive blinds) I suspect AliBaba or AliExpress is going to be your best bet.
  6. @Encid it's definitely time to talk about "alternative solutions" with PEA, the current route across the fields is really unworkable. Even for a 20A supply you are looking at 95mm2 aluminium cable, probably do-able but no real point if PEA won't entertain changing your meter. Also, is that route actually officially permitted (easements from the land owners) It's pretty evident that PEA want you to pay for new HV poles and a transformer so that they don't have to. They will retain ownership after you paid for it all and will use "your" infrastructure when new users come on-line along the route. Or retain your existing temporary supply and spend some $$$ on solar, just keep the expensive grid supply for backup. What's your approximate daily consumption? (kWh)
  7. Take 5 British guys in suits and bow-ties, add a couple of girls in evening wear. Give them all tiny guitars and get them to make music. The result is just awesome!
  8. Yeah, Madam gets Sara from the local pharmacy, they seem to work just the same as branded Tylenol.
  9. A couple of off-topic attempts to de-rail the thread have gone walkabout.
  10. @Encid maybe some, er, lubrication, is required? 40m is not very far, so that "rule" does seem somewhat arbitrary, we must be pretty close to that "limit".
  11. Saw this on the TV last evening, they had circled images of the (lack of) re-bar tie-in between the balcony slab and the main building. The video showed the whole lot, with people on board, just dropping like a lift!! Luckily it wasn't higher up ... EDIT Re-bar? We don't need no silly re-bar!!
  12. Yup, no aluminium underground (for domestic and light-industrial). PEA / MEA can, of course, use what they like underground
  13. The problem is that many of our members would like to see the actual message placed in your passport. They are an untrusting lot.
  14. Please post a photo of this note, they don't always (ok, rarely) say what the officer tells you they do, obviously remove any identifying data.
  15. Whenever Rabbi Lieberman was going to marry two people, it was his custom to invite them into his study right before the wedding to give some last-minute spiritual advice. The young couple, Sam and Sadie, enter his study: Rabbi: I always like to give a young couple some advice. But you two look so happy that instead, I’m going to ask each of you why you’re so happy, so maybe I can pass the knowledge along. First, so that Sam can be honest, Sadie, please step out of the room. She does. Rabbi: So, Sam, tell me. Why are you so happy? Sam: Well, Rabbi, I’m a little embarrassed to tell you, but . . . well . . last night, I got the greatest blow job of my life, and now I’m marrying her! How can I not be ecstatic? Rabbi: This I understand. So please ask Sadie to come in alone. He does so, and she enters. Rabbi: So, Sadie, why are you so happy? Sadie: Well Rabbi, how can I not be happy? Yesterday night I gave the last blowjob I’ll have to give for the rest of my life!
  16. Somewhat simplistically. The W (Watts) of the motor are effectively horsepower (1hp = 750W). More watts = more oomph (but greater battery consumption). The A (really Ah or Amp-hours) is the capacity of the battery. You really need to consider it as watt-hours, you get watt-hours by multiplying Ah by the battery voltage. Very simply, dividing watt-hours by motor power gives you operating time. So, say a 60V 20Ah pack (about 1,200Wh) would run a 600W motor for about 2 hours. There are masses of variables that will affect actual operating time / range. But generally, more watts are more performance, more Ah is more range.
  17. I'm a Brit, so these are UK interpretations "Rabid" is an animal with rabies (foaming at the mouth, hydrophobia, erratic behaviour). "Commie" - communist, anyone whose politics is to the left of the US (pretty much the whole known universe).
  18. Why does a chap called Don O' Treply keep emailing me? He seems to work for a lot of different companies. Example: -
  19. Just up the road in Pathum-Thani they want a new one each year. No hassle, just do the form when we do our marriage extension. They also want a home visit each year too.
  20. Mum will need to do a TM30 (correct designation?) saying you live at that address just like a landlord would. Madam has to do one each year for our local immigration office.
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