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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. And, AC rated, hence my saying a motor capacitor.
  2. 6.3uF will be just fine, these devices are not tight tolerance anyway. Any AC rated (i.e. motor) capacitor will do the job, take the old one to your local electrical emporium or hunt out something similar on Lazada.
  3. With that length of guttering you will need a lot more downpipes than you think. Similarly, with your "pots". A decent downpour will drop a surprising amount of water on the roof which will all end up in the guttering. We have stainless-steel gutter, pretty slim and unobtrusive but with a surprising capacity. We got a man in, they have the kit and the knowhow, it's definitely not a solo task! Sadly, I don't recall how much it actually cost, but it wasn't cheap.
  4. Last evening in BKK you would have had no problem!
  5. It can be more entertaining that Thai TV It's when you see an unknown red sock pass the window that panic sets in!!
  6. Both the liquid and powder for front-loaders have a picture of a front-loader on the packaging. The wrong stuff foams too much and won't rinse properly. Like this: - Not this: - Even I can get the right stuff (we have both types of machine so failure isn't a disaster).
  7. Yeah, even on a big image it just won't go away. My brain is damaged forever!! Interestingly, my wife, who is blind as a bat without her specs, saw it straight away (although she didn't know who it was).
  8. In the civilised world that would be "attempted murder". Here? Take care and look after yourself! Or else!!
  9. Save the file and look at the thumbnail from a distance, it's much more obvious. It's one of those things that, once you see it, it's impossible to un-see.
  10. This is Liverpool Lime Street Station. Now squint a bit and look again
  11. Remember last year we were joking about AI moderation? EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! Ah, sorry about that, software glitch!! Rest assured that all our moderation staff are mostly human.
  12. Hover over it and it tells you that you are a Gold Member. It's another of those "enhancements" that software engineers make when they can't fix the actual bugs
  13. "Green Gas" is a mix of propane and butane, conveniently similar to "cooking gas". Video link for information only. Do Not Try This At Home
  14. Now, now children, play nicely and share the ball ... I hope you lot haven't scared off our OP.
  15. Our two Chihuahuas serve mainly to alert the REAL security. Geese!!!
  16. as a Mod I'm not allowed to comment
  17. Yeah, that's our experience too, the land office already have numbers in mind.
  18. Many of those who served feel the same, truly a bad joke
  19. Guys, take the POTY posts elsewhere please. @Doni90 POTY = Poster Of The Year
  20. You need to do the funds transfer whilst in the land office. Hand over the cash or cheque in front of the officer or show the officer the transfer screen (get agreements from the seller and land office on how to do the funds swap beforehand). For your electrical, you might get a licenced sparks to look over it, I've not seen an actual electrical inspector other than the PEA chap whose "inspection" was cursory to say the least.
  21. Regarding payment - Madam uses a cashier's cheque, (actually last time she used a QR bank transfer) to pay the land price, cash for the taxes at the land office.
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