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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yes, you can get busbars like that (and 3-phase ones too). You may need to go to your local specialist or online. Best prices are of course on AliExpress https://th.aliexpress.com/item/1005002336710058.html
  2. The "Default" group of emojis is available which has all the popular ones anyway It just doesn't parse :) or :( etc. So you can have a or a
  3. Have a look at the newer hybrids that offer "grid-assist" modes rather than the on-grid hybrid we have. These don't have a separate "essential power" output as basically, the whole output is "essential". GroWatt are a popular budget brand which lend themselves to DIY. 70m2 of roof is going to house about 30-35 340W panels (or fewer bigger ones) so 10 - 12kW of solar. Our 12x6m car port has 32 panels with space for 6 more. That will generate, on average, about 35kWh per day. How much storage you need will depend upon your usage patterns, luckily storage is easily expanded so start smallish. Your inverter size will depend upon your maximum load, you can estimate this reasonably well from your house design since your major loads are likely to be A/C, cooking and water heating. Plus whatever your man-cave uses of course.
  4. Yeah ^^^, this would be my first thought. This is exactly why many of us keep separate accounts for the visa/extension $$$
  5. I'd give it a bit more room although I doubt you'll ever run anywhere near maximum output. Does your unit specify only 100-120V on the rating plate? Many modern systems have universal "100-240V" power supplies.
  6. For an extension you only need room for the stamps which I believe take up half a page (I'm assuming the same space as a marriage extension). Your validity must be past the end date that your extension would be otherwise you only get until expiry of your passport. If unsure have a word with your local immigration office for word from the horse's mouth. @nikmar Whist your information is, I believe, accurate, it is for a visa obtained from a consulate outside Thailand rather than an extension of stay obtained within Thailand which is what our OP wants.
  7. Very good point, what is the youngster used to now (i.e. what is your current machine)? You are really going to need something equivalent to your PC or she may be disappointed. Why not treat yourself to a new machine? That's how I've always handled upgrades, the older, slower bits trickle down to the more lowly tasks (we have 4 desktops and 2 lappies in the house).
  8. We have a couple of even older machines that are doing their job just fine having been given an SSD. Spend the extra 500 Baht for the one with the SSD. MS Office and web surfing no trouble.
  9. Not content with reliving tourists of departure-tax or whatever it's currently called, they want a pint of blood too. What next, a pound of flesh (maybe an arm)? I was a regular donor in the UK, but nobody wants my boring O+ now coz I lived there during the mad-cow era 😞
  10. Crossy


    Judging by the complaints in the UK regarding the new "plastic-free" poppies they probably all dissolved whilst being shipped 😞
  11. I am not an accident investigator, nor do I play one on AN. I see a couple on a bike buzzing along minding their own business in the left lane, no other traffic around, bike was showing a tail light. Car was in the middle lane at the junction and moved to the left (does the road narrow there?) and shunted the bike up the rear, no brake lights until after the collision. Car was definitely not hanging around (I never was any good at judging speed from video) but was travelling a lot faster than the bike. Only one to blame, car driver. Awaiting the result of an alcohol test. RIP two youngsters who did nothing wrong 😞
  12. Did you manage to fix the issue or will you have to get a new module??
  13. Did mine last week using local income. An even bigger stack of paperwork needed, luckily handled by my employer. Local immigration wants a visit and new TM30 every year 😞
  14. Sorry for any confusion, marriage is still 400k, the child-support visa our OP is asking about is 500k.
  15. I actually knew before! The "New York World" story is one of several circulating about where the series actually got its name. Bard AI says this: -
  16. @scorecard is there an on-line list of hospitals which provide SSF services?
  17. NO! It's not the diesel run on we are discussing. When your power returns, if it almost immediately goes off again (as ours does sometimes) how does your set-up behave?? The "return" delay, keeps everything running on genset until the grid is known stable (ok it's been on for a while anyway).
  18. They are the current ODI champions too, at least until 19th November
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