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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Crossy


    Produce is a very good way to pay a bonus! Last Friday our local immigration chaps visited on their annual visa-extension call, spotted some "food plants" (looks like something I would spray) and spent a happy 10 minutes collecting large bunches which went in the boot of the "smart" BMW Last year they took a load of papaya 🙂
  2. Are you a licenced Thai sparks? (yes, there is such an animal) Just to clarify, PEA will put the meter on their pole, what happens afterwards is your problem. Make sure you install to the Thai regulations (not BS7671), if you want an English language equivalent get a copy of AS/NZ 3000 which is close enough.
  3. PEA will bring their supply to their chosen pole. What you do after that is your problem, your sparking contactor should be able to do underground. If you do trench then include a pipe for your fibre internet.
  4. I would still recommend a ground or car-port mount, particularly if you are DIYing it. Our 12x6m car port (space for 4 cars) has 10.6kWP on it with room for another 2kW or so. Panels should be good for >20years and still have >80% of their rated output. LiFePO4 batteries, if not abused, should be good for >5,000 cycles and still have >80% of capacity. Generally, the 5kW hybrid inverters are best bang for your buck at the moment, so two running in parallel would be ideal. @Pink has a system very close to what you are looking at.
  5. I stand to be corrected but I thought the financials were the same as a marriage extension, 400,000 in the bank for 1 month or a demonstrated income of 40,000 per month. I'm sure those-that-knows will be along shortly. @BritTim is your man I believe. EDIT Update, 500,000 is the correct value as confirmed in later posts.
  6. Crossy


    Madam pays the village ladies to help her in the garden (we have a man that comes on Sunday who cuts the grass etc.), she pays 300 Baht for about half a day. Nothing regular, Madam needs help she calls a lady and she comes round and helps.
  7. It's the voltage difference between the packs (effectively state of charge) that drives any current between them. But slight differences in pack/BMS internal resistance will affect just how much of the total charge current ends up in each pack. At the end of the day both packs will have the same voltage and state of charge, how they get there is outside our control, "You cannae change the laws of physics Jim".
  8. Your BMS can't regulate current, it's a purely on-off device, "charge" or "not charge" only. I admit that I'd never thought about the inverter actually controlling the BMS, I've always assumed it was a purely one-way (BMS to inverter) message. Are your batteries completely separate on the DC side? I'd assumed your packs were in parallel which I understand is the normal connection even with multiple inverters.
  9. Thanks for the report. I was at our local immigration (Pathum Thani) on Thursday to do our marriage extension in and out in 3 hours most of which was awaiting the arrival if the Super / Deputy-Super who eventually rolled up (the seating area is right next to their parking spaces). That sign was in a prominent location, I may try it next year, by then the bugs may have been ironed out or it may just have faded into history.
  10. A good place to start your solar journey would be an energy audit. Have a look here for a useful tool. https://diysolarforum.com/resources/system-energy-audit-and-sizing-spread-sheet.12/ There's a lot of very useful information on that forum too, but do note that it's US-centric so much of the mains/grid/regulatory information doesn't apply in sunny Thailand. That forum's owner Will Prowse does some excellent YouTube videos, we have linked to several specific ones in the past. Start watching here 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/@WillProwse
  11. PUBLIC NOTICE We all know the various arguments for / against solar, EVs, hydrogen, wind power etc. etc. This thread is NOT the place for these discussions. If you want to argue the pros/cons (and there are both) please start a separate thread. A good place would be in the Green Forum https://aseannow.com/forum/422-the-green-forum/ Let's keep this thread purely for advice on how to go about implementing a domestic solar generation system. Further off-topic posts will be removed.
  12. So this guy walks into a bar and says to the bartender "Give me two single whiskies" "Sure" the bartender replies, "do you want them both now or one at a time?" "Oh, both now" replies the guy, "one's for me and one's for my little friend here" and with that the guy pulls a three inch tall man out of his shirt pocket. The Bartender looked at the little man in amazement and asked, "Can he drink?" "Sure" replied the guy and with that the three inch tall man supped back his whiskey. "That's amazing" replied the bartender, "what else can he do? Can he walk?" With that the guy flips a quarter down to the other end of the bar and asks the little fella to get it. Sure enough, he runs down the bar and retrieves the coin, picks it up and jogs back to the guy. "That really is amazing" replied the bartender, "Can he talk?" "Of course" says the guy, "Hey Jim, tell him about that time we were in Africa and you called that witch-doctor a w-nker!!..
  13. Beautiful snake, shame about the rabbit 😞 You may want to clear out any potential hiding places, next time it might not be a python 😞
  14. Crossy


    Do you need an actual gardener or just labour to do as you/your lady says, a "green side up" type person? Do you have tools, mower, strimmer etc. etc?
  15. Are your cables approximately equal length?? You can expect some variation as the packs charge / discharge even if everything is "identical".
  16. People. This thread dates from 2012, much has happened since then. To avoid confusion, I'm going to lock this, there's another grounding thread running.
  17. The numbers for October. A somewhat "variable" month reflecting the weather at this time of year. Best day was 39.7kWh, worst a miserable 13.9kWh. It still equates to 4,012Baht we haven't paid to PEA.
  18. Welcome to the world of the TLA - Three Letter Acronym 🙂 ESS - Energy Storage System - ok batteries. LFP - LiFePO4 - Lithium, Iron, Phosphate - The safest of the currently available lithium battery chemistries. Much less likelihood of these going whoosh compared with the NMC (Nickel, Manganese, Cobalt) chemistry that has been widely used in electric vehicles (most EV manufacturers are moving to LiFePO4 now). DOD - Depth of Discharge - how much of the ESS total capacity you actually use. Maybe we need a pinned topic with the common TLAs used in solar.
  19. Important Note: - There is mildly "grown-up" language in this video. If you choose to watch any of their other stuff ... Well, you have been warned!!
  20. Both HK and Singapore are OK to transit through. I've not flown CX this century so can't comment on them. Going via Singapore is a good 1,100km shorter flight wise. Singapore Air are really second to none even in cattle-class. Check flight times, layover times and cost of course. How about Qantas or Jetstar via Syd?
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