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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Bard AI Says:- Summer: During the summer, ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise. This creates a downdraft that pushes cooler air down to the floor, where people are most likely to be. The wind chill effect created by the downdraft can make you feel up to 4 degrees Fahrenheit cooler. Winter: During the winter, ceiling fans should rotate clockwise. This creates an updraft that draws cooler air from the floor up towards the ceiling. This helps to distribute the warm air that tends to accumulate near the ceiling more evenly throughout the room. This can help you to feel warmer and reduce your heating costs. Tips: In the summer, run your ceiling fan at a higher speed to create a stronger downdraft. In the winter, run your ceiling fan at a lower speed to create a gentler updraft. If you have a high ceiling, you may want to run your ceiling fan at a higher speed in both the summer and winter to help circulate the air more effectively. Many ceiling fans have a reverse switch that allows you to easily change the direction of rotation. Exceptions: There are a few exceptions to the general rule of thumb for ceiling fan direction. For example, if you have a fireplace, you may want to run your ceiling fan clockwise in the winter to help draw smoke up the chimney. Additionally, if you have a cathedral ceiling, you may want to run your ceiling fan counterclockwise in the summer to help circulate the cooler air that is trapped at the top of the room. Overall, the best way to determine the best direction for your ceiling fan is to experiment and see what works best for you and your home.
  2. Republicans on the House Small Business Committee pressed Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday for answers on proposed energy-efficiency standards for ceiling fans. The proposed standards were first published in the Federal Register in June, and the comment period closed earlier this week. According to the Energy Department, the rule as applied to standard residential ceiling fans would cut fan-related electricity costs by about 40 percent relative to the least efficient fans currently available. https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4171633-ceiling-fan-efficiency-rule-draws-ire-of-house-republicans/
  3. Required reading: - The Adventures of the Floating Pumice Island by Enid Blyton, first published in 1942. It tells the story of a pumice island that has been fitted with engines during World War II and is being used to transport vital supplies to Allied forces around the world. The island is captained by a brave and resourceful young woman named Mary, and together with her crew, she faces many dangers and adventures on their journey. It was read on Jackanory by dame Judi Dench in 1976 which is where I remember it from (my kids watched it).
  4. I'd put the date you will pass through immigration. In reality, they don't care. If you're doing it at Swampy, just pay the processing fee and let them do everything.
  5. If the meter is actually moving so the reading is going up they may do nothing for ages thinking that you are just on vacation or something.
  6. Works just fine for me, on mobile and wi-fi data. Easy to set up IF you have a card-reader. Note, it was a while ago that I set it up so, as always, YMMV.
  7. Surely, if they cut through the isthmus then Malaysia will drift off into the Indian Ocean taking Singapore with it?
  8. And, don't forget the "reverse-illusion". An "illusion" is when you see something that's not there, the "reverse-illusion" is when you know darn-well that something is there, you just can't see it. Like the screwdriver you know for certain that you just placed on the left side of your workbench, but when you go to pick it up it's just not there. It's usually magically teleported back into the toolbox or somewhere equally unlikely. No, it's not "age", I've been having this problem since I was an apprentice!!
  9. According to the PEA site I linked to earlier the official account is PEAThailand. https://www.pea.co.th/ข่าวสารประกาศ/ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์/ArtMID/542/ArticleID/153553/PEA-เตือนประชาชน-อย่าหลงเชื่อมิจฉาชีพ-ปลอมบัญชี-LINE-Official-Account-ของการไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาค-PEA
  10. So, it's you sucking up all the sun's energy and leading to all this dull weather! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-town-rejects-solar-panels-amid-fears-they-suck-up-all-the-energy-from-the-sun-a6771526.html
  11. Damn! Madam earns more than 50k per month as my "personal assistant" ("assistance" is provided in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the shower). Yes, it's a tax "optimisation" thing
  12. I must admit I though this thread would lead to an "enthusiastic discussion", oh well 😞
  13. Yup, 99% sure the lady went through the M-Flow system. I use route-9 on a semi-regular basis and it's "impossible" to miss all the M-Flow warning signs. I also use the Don-Mueang tollway regularly. It doesn't have M-Flow but on a number of occasions I've seen altercations (or at least lots of Italian-style arm waving) between Benz / BMW / other posh brand drivers and the assistant chap when they can't get through the Easy/M-Pass lane. I'm assuming that these are M-Flow customers who thought it was the same thing.
  14. AseanNow exclusive! Photo from the accident scene! @BritManToo hurry up and get fixed, or else!!!
  15. With absolutely no apologies to Paul Young. Wherever I lay my wife, that's my home!!
  16. Another "really couldn't make this today" 😞
  17. With all the millions billions that have been spent on "flood-prevention" one would imagine that Pattaya would be where Noah runs aground!
  18. Since I have to go to immigration tomorrow, might as well make good use of the day out of the office and stock up 🙂
  19. The QR goes to an official-looking Line account "PEA Next". Do NOT go there!!
  20. I only pay anything on officially printed PEA bills. https://www.pea.co.th/ข่าวสารประกาศ/ข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์/ArtMID/542/ArticleID/153553/PEA-เตือนประชาชน-อย่าหลงเชื่อมิจฉาชีพ-ปลอมบัญชี-LINE-Official-Account-ของการไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาค-PEA Use Google Translate.
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