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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. It's about 1 7/64" give or take a gnat's. I have no idea exactly what that one is for possibly to give clearance of a 1 1/8" OD thread (3/4" BSP would be close).
  2. ^^^ or if you get dobbed-in by an upset neighbour.
  3. I've used a tank-cutter in the past to "re-locate" an errant cable hole, of course it's guaranteed that something will be in the way 😞 These: -
  4. AliExpress has loads of "universal" elements, I'm sure you could find a suitably dimensioned unit. https://vi.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-oven-element-220v.html Shopee also has them but less choice and $$$ 😞 Or contact [email protected] (02 058 7899)
  5. scontent.xx.fbcdn.netvt39.25447-2380907520_305792428724032_6.mp4
  6. The aliens had been on the Thai whisky
  7. RIP Sir Bobby 😞 Sir Geoff Hurst is the only one left now 😞
  8. I don't think so, IIRC I set mine up using the card-reader (it was looong ago mind).
  9. It’s all a big ‘conspiracy theory’ that by 2050 we shall be living in mud and grass huts, eating a meat-free diet and giving up most forms of personal transport. Maybe we might not believe it if global elites stopped writing copious reports detailing all these lifestyle changes, which are said to be needed to move to Net Zero. The latest such report comes from the United Nations, which sets out a collectivist global vision of primary building materials consisting of mud bricks, bamboo and forest “detritus”. According to the UN, the world needs to move to “regenerative material practices” using “ethically produced” low carbon earth and bio-based building materials. Examples include mud bricks, timber, bamboo and agricultural and forest detritus. The report harks back to the middle of the last century when the vast majority of cultures built large buildings and cities out of indigenous earthen, stone and bio-based materials, including timber, cane, thatch and bamboo. Contrasting modern concrete, steel and glass buildings, it observes that “massive mud buildings have been maintained for centuries with their structures intact”. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/11/new-united-nations-report-signals-need-for-mud-and-grass-huts-by-2050/ The actual report (15MB download) Building Materials And The Climate.pdf Build yourself a mud hut earthbag dome. Could be a use for all those used sand-bags after the flooding recedes. https://earthbagbuilding.com/articles/riceland.htm
  10. Ft of .2048 * 79kWh = 16.18 Baht = what is on your bill 🙂 Any indication what the 56.12 Baht discount was for?
  11. Ft should be down to .2048 now, so that helps a bit 🙂
  12. Since swapping it out isn't really a DIY job as it needs specialist kit, the auto A/C chap you're going to use may also have a source of used bits.
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