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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I saw a post recently with a very similar looking issue, of course I can't find it now 😞
  2. True enough, but you really can't take it with you, the vultures will get it eventually 😞
  3. So long as it's Death himself and not some underling called Mort! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_(Discworld)
  4. Wheeeee!!! BritMan's thread is here: -
  5. OK, that's a standard "dumb" (despite it being made by Smart TTC) 3-phase meter. I'll put money on it going backwards on export (if you do try it make sure the numbers count down too). Of course, this is not permitted, so don't get caught! I bet the local PEA just ran out of electronic meters. I'm pretty sure there's no extra charge for an electronic meter although they might charge you for one programmed for export metering.
  6. Ah yes. The proverbial "five-minute job". Been there, got the t-shirt (ok, many t-shirts) And, never, ever tidy your workshop before a job.
  7. Can you post a photo of your meter? Export meters don't have to be electronic. We have members who have been waiting years for their export meters, so maybe you don't have one yet!! Try removing the no-export setting and seeing if the meter goes backwards (but don't let a PEA employee see it!!)
  8. Daniel P. Mannix's autobiography "Memoirs of a Sword Swallower" recounts him swallowing a neon tube which was then lit whilst down his throat. Apparently made for a good show with the house lights off. He did fire-eating as well, starting after the house fire-eater "blew up" Do not try this at home!!
  9. Yup ^^^, beat me to it, Invade would be my first stop.
  10. My parent's (long departed) moggie Flash would share a bowl of Mackeson stout with their Corgi, Judy. Flash thought he was a dog! He would play fetch and enjoyed getting wet, he'd play in the garden watering spray and wouldn't come inside if it was raining.
  11. Yup, still broadcasting and online of course. https://www.radiocaroline.co.uk/#home.html All 100% legal now.
  12. Sort of related. Two freedom fighters, the Lancaster bomber, all Brits will should know. The ship is the Ross' Revenge home of Radio Caroline!!!
  13. I'm going to scweam and scweam until I'm sick!!!
  14. Of my two bike accidents the one I actually remember was seeing the road going past my nose just outside my full-face Nolan Guardsman and thinking (afterwards) that it could have been my face in contact!! EDIT That Guardsman was a great lid, inexpensive, white and I had a Hesketh Teddy sticker on the back!
  15. Darn it guys, we did NOT get an Ft refund (billing date was 19th), did get the reduced Ft mind 😞 Maybe next month 🙂
  16. I reckon your head being cut off is the most worrying injury
  17. The phone bill was exceptionally high. The man called a family meeting to discuss. Dad: "This is unacceptable. I don’t use the home phone, I use my work phone." Mum: "Me too. I hardly use the home phone. I use my office phone." Puzzled, they shifted their gaze to their son. Son: "Hey, don't look at me, I use my office mobile only." The three of them now look at the maid who’s patiently listening to them. Maid: “What? So, we all use our work phones. What’s the big deal??"
  18. So, your next major task is to get well and be quick about it! Like Marines, AN members are not permitted to croak without permission!
  19. Sh1t mate!!! You take mucho care. Status of the bike? Or currently unknown? Car driver ran? B'stard!
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