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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I don't see any used or re-manufactured units, but plenty of new ones on Lazada.
  2. Since it's an old article and we don't even have the same government now I think we can close this. If anyone has any useful (updated) information please feel free to PM myself or any online mod and we will consider re-opening.
  3. As others have noted, the link in the OP is dated July 2022.
  4. @Bunny Silverhand if you think a new forum is a good idea the first thing to do is start a poll to see just how much support there is. Make the poll a new thread, don't add it to this one. Make sure there are enough options including "I really don't give a ..." and "No way José". In your description include the subjects that you think should be covered. Let's see what comes up, Admin are always open to ideas that will generate lovely traffic!
  5. Payment to my Lloyds International account No. ..... 🙂 Note: - Depending upon the form in use, use "Isle of Man" as the county.
  6. Just use the IOM address with "UK" (or United Kingdom) as the country. IOM has the UK postcode IM** ***
  7. Yeah ^^^, I installed on a new phone (same number) with no issues whatever, do ensure you have the latest version of the App. I think I used my online banking details.
  8. I'm sure it will ride-up with wear 🙂 I do have some Haco outlets that are very stiff, but they don't get hot or fizz. OK, can close.
  9. I would often agree with you on this. Many times, company IT chaps have "improved security" to the point where nothing works or is so slow as to make one's job impossible. In our case here the update was desperately needed to improve security against cyber-attacks. It's unfortunate that a number of useful features have fallen by the wayside 😞
  10. It's not "undo" it's add, the home arrow is a plug-in, it's coming soon, honest!
  11. I'm not sure I can spot Vegas in this photo (and it's from 2013)
  12. If anyone else mentions the Home arrow, there may well be an "up-thingy", but it won't have anything to do with pages I've gone on bended-knee with the techies to install that plug-in urgently.
  13. Yeah, that really is an astonishing waste of energy, not sure how much of Vegas' electricity is from renewables / nuclear.
  14. I had to hunt for the "Home" key on my lappie, but that does work 🙂
  15. Since the plug-ins have to be installed manually, we thought members would rather have the forum back without some of the twiddly bits working. But I do agree (as a current engineer) 🙂
  16. Stockholm Syndrome is something else https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome Could be classed as Bystander Effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect
  17. Yeah, the arrow will be returning from vacation soon.
  18. That is going to need a fair number of solar panels, plenty of space available mind 🙂 EDIT If I've done my sums right and got the decimals in the right place it's only about 300,000 panels.
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